[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Call to set unity vote as support for union fades

grapholda.jpg The political dynamic in the north of Ireland has changed significantly after nationalism vaulted ahead of unionism in Thursday’s council elections.

Published May 25, 2023

Vote Irish Republican

pollingstationbelfast1200.jpg After a low key campaign, today’s council elections in the north of Ireland could turn the dial against unionist misrule and boost efforts to tackle inequality and discrimination at council level.

Published May 18, 2023

Calls for change at Coronation protests

coronation.jpg A hostile reaction to Sinn Féin’s attendance at the coronation of King Charles last weekend could change the political landscape ahead of local council elections in the North.

Published May 11, 2023

PSNI facilitate sectarian expulsion

lurgandoor.jpg A shocking attempt by loyalist thugs to force out a Catholic family in Lurgan, County Armagh has raised tensions ahead of local elections in the north of Ireland.

Published May 4, 2023

Sinn Féin to attend Coronation

oneillcharles.jpg Sinn Féin is struggling to convince republicans that it has not broken away from its roots after it agreed to send First Minister-elect, Michelle O’Neill, to attend the Coronation of Charles as King.

Published April 27, 2023

Loyalists threaten election candidates and workers

aontuira.jpg Three political parties have been targeted by loyalists ahead of local elections next month.

Published April 20, 2023

PSNI ‘plant bombs’ after trashing cemetery

derrycemetery.jpg Britain’s ‘dirty tricks’ department has been accused of planting bogus devices at Derry city cemetery in order to attract international condemnation for the New IRA.

Published April 13, 2023

DUP boycott undermines peace deal anniversary

varadkarbidendonaldson.jpg Confirmation that US President Joe Biden is to visit Ireland next week to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Good Friday Agreement will bring international attention to the unionist boycott of the political institutions set up under the peace deal.

Published April 6, 2023

British Army saturates republican areas


Anger is mounting after several days of aggressive British military operations in which masked and armed soldiers conducted searches and raids in Derry and Tyrone.

Published March 30, 2023

DUP still says no

donaldsondc.jpg The DUP continue to defy the EU, the US government, their own government in London and their own voters, as overwhelming support for a renegotiated Irish Protocol of Brexit left them with no excuse for not ending their boycott of powersharing in Belfast.

Published March 23, 2023

Documents reveal plastic bullets cover-up

plasticbulletsguns.jpg The British Crown Forces hid their role in the deaths of children killed by rubber and plastic bullets during the conflict, it has emerged.

Published March 16, 2023

Warning over British ‘Dirty Tricks’

keadytrash.jpg PSNI claims that the New IRA collaborated with loyalists in a gun attack against one of its senior figures has been widely ridiculed and rejected by the armed group itself.

Published March 9, 2023

DUP isolated as Tories hail Brexit deal

charlesvdl.jpg The DUP is under intense pressure to end their boycott of the power-sharing institutions in the North of Ireland after British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak admitted he was a “over the moon” at a deal agreed with the EU to end seven years of tensions over the implementation of Brexit.

Published March 2, 2023

Tory psychodrama boosts DUP wreckers

rmjwa.jpg Proposals for a deal to finally end the dispute over the implementation of Brexit in the north of Ireland have been derailed by the intransigence of Tory and unionist extremists.

Published February 23, 2023

Unionism’s heart of stone

daithistone.jpg Hardline unionists succeeded in winning approval for a provocative monument to partition at Stormont on the day their boycott of the Assembly blocked over a hundred organ transplants.

Published February 16, 2023

DUP running out of excuses

dupsupremecourt.jpg Unionists have failed in their legal attempts to force a renegotiation of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement after the Supreme Court in London unanimously dismissed a challenge to its new trading procedures.

Published February 9, 2023

Schoolchildren targeted by anti-Irish hate

irishout.jpg Widespread disgust has greeted a sectarian sign which was placed by loyalists outside a school for young children in Clough, County Down.

Published February 2, 2023

Report on arrest of journalists suppressed

birneymccaffreystuff.jpg An official report on an infamous arrest operation against two journalists investigating collusion in 2018 has been withheld, with only a small summary released into the public domain.

Published January 26, 2023

Tribal trophies of the SAS

sasuniform.jpg Reports that close-up images of the bodies of eight IRA Volunteers postered the wall of a British Army training camp, and the tooth of one of the victims extracted as a ghoulish souvenir, have been described as “disgusting”.

Published January 19, 2023

Second-class citizenship

cleverlytalks.jpg The British government has created a huge obstacle in efforts to restore powersharing in the north of Ireland after it dramatically excluded Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald from multi-party talks on Wednesday.

Published January 12, 2023


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