[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Harassment and arrest for peaceful protest

irspstop.jpg Republican activists have been subjected to harassment on issues varying from Palestine to poverty.

Published February 22, 2024

Sectarian objections to Dublin’s cash offer

newcasement.jpg Unionists have been protesting an announcement by the Dublin government of funding for projects in the north of Ireland, with DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson insisting money for infrastructure plans should come from the London government.

Published February 22, 2024

Aggressive recruitment tactics reported

malluskapproach.jpg Both MI5 and the PSNI have approached several republicans in recent weeks in an attempt to boost their tally of informers. Several people have been approached across the north and abroad, according to reports.

Published February 22, 2024

RTE fat cats accused of milking the State

bakhurst.jpg There have been calls for a proper forensic audit of the Irish state broadcaster after it was alleged that millions of euro have been drained from RTE in a free-for-all by those leaving the organisation following recent scandals.

Published February 22, 2024

One of Kitson’s killer unit to face prosecution

mrfmcveigh.jpg A former British soldier is to be prosecuted for one of the first ‘shoot-to-kill’ targeted murders to be carried out by the British Army in the North.

Published February 15, 2024

Former Minister says London ‘running down the clock’ on justice

peterhain1200.jpg Former British Direct Ruler Peter Hain has confirmed that inquests into suspected British war crimes are being “deliberately delayed” until new cover-up legislation kicks in.

Published February 15, 2024

Tory move to silence nationalist rap band

kneecap2.jpg The London government is being challenged over an overtly political decision to withhold music industry funding for Belfast rappers Kneecap.

Published February 15, 2024

Leading Saoradh figure interned

alanlundy1200.jpg Alan Lundy, a member of the Saoradh national executive, has been interned, according to the party. Despite a lack of evidence against him, a court in Belfast ordered him to be detained indefinitely.

Published February 15, 2024

O’Neill in display of support for PSNI

oneillboutcher.jpg Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill has been criticised by republicans after attending a PSNI police graduation ceremony – despite the force’s ongoing involvement in collusion cover-ups and military-style raids in nationalist communities.

Published February 15, 2024

Sinn Féin defends Palestine rally after protest

gazaprotestsf.jpg A number of Palestinian activists were removed from a Sinn Féin ‘Solidarity Rally for Palestine’ event in Belfast over the party’s decision to attend a White House event on St Patrick’s Day.

Published February 15, 2024

No more second-class citizenship

oneillstormont.jpg History was made on Saturday when Michelle O’Neill became the first nationalist First Minister for the Six Counties and banished forever the concept of Stormont being ‘a Protestant parliament for a Protestant people’.

Published February 8, 2024

Pressure for unity as new order seen at Stormont

oneillinterview24.jpg The historic confirmation of Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill as the First Minister in the north of Ireland has pushed a referendum on Irish reunification up the political agenda, and increased speculation that a ‘border poll’ is now only a matter of time.

Published February 8, 2024

Stakeknife’s handlers to avoid prosecution

scappaticcicrowd.jpg The police investigation into the operation of British military agent ‘Stakeknife’ looks set to be a whitewash after it was announced that two British Army handlers of the spy will not face prosecution for their role in his killings.

Published February 8, 2024

Inquest halted by cover-up legislation

patsyduffy1200.jpg The daughter of a Derry man killed by the British Army in 1978 has said she is “sickened to the core” that delays by the British government mean the inquest into his death cannot continue.

Published February 8, 2024

Volley of shots for well-known Volunteer

shotsmckinley.jpg A gunfire salute has taken place in tribute to a former IRA Volunteer and a well known member of the west Belfast community who passed away suddenly last month.

Published February 8, 2024

First Minister’s address at Stormont

oneillspeech.jpg The remarks by First Minister Michelle O’Neill in her inaugural address to the Stormont Assembly on 3rd February 2024.

Published February 8, 2024

History made as Michelle O’Neill installed as Six County First Minister


More than twenty months after her election, Sinn Féin’s Michelle O’Neill has finally been confirmed as the new First Minister in the north of Ireland, to the joy of her party and others around the world who believe it is a step-change on a pathway to Irish reunification.

Published February 3, 2024

Brexit deal clears the way

donaldsonchh.jpg The DUP has secured significant concessions on Brexit and “safeguards” for the Union in return for agreeing to a return of the Stormont Assembly and Executive.

Published February 1, 2024

A ‘historic turning of the wheel’

mcdonaldoneillbrexit.jpg Sinn Féin has denied suggestions that it sought to provoke unionists with a claim by Mary Lou McDonald that a united Ireland is “within touching distance”.

Published February 1, 2024

Bloody Sunday march for Gaza

bloodysundaymarch2024.jpg Thousands of people took part in the annual Bloody Sunday March for Justice, which this year was dedicated to the people of Palestine.

Published February 1, 2024


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