Aggressive recruitment tactics reported
Aggressive recruitment tactics reported


Both MI5 and the PSNI have approached several republicans in recent weeks in an attempt to boost their tally of informers. Several people have been approached across the north and abroad, according to reports.

Saoradh said there had been a “barrage” of coercive approaches. One man recently contacted via text message in Derry was subsequently arrested and held for two hours before being released.

In a message, an ‘intelligence’ officer wrote, “I am your new point of contact in 5″, presumably a reference to MI5.

“My objective is to catch you, or for you to walk away - either works for me and one or the other of these is going to happen, it’s just a matter of time - you decide?” the MI5 man added.

People linked to the party have also been approached overseas, including a senior party officer who was detained twice by Spanish police during a recent visit to the Basque Country. The party’s national chairperson, Stephen Murney said he was surrounded and led away at Bilbao airport earlier this month on two occasions and questioned by Spanish authorities and two MI5 agents.

His passport, phone and belongings were seized before he was taken into an interview room for interrogation, where he was accused of being ‘in the IRA’ before he was threatened with imprisonment.

They said: “If you don’t walk away you’ll be locked up like your friend Alan”. This was a reference to Saoradh National Executive member, Alan Lundy, who was recently interned by remand.

A south Armagh based member was also recently approached at his home by two plain-clothed men who identified themselves as PSNI members. They left a phone and told the man to give “Miriam” a phone call.

The activist was caring for his elderly mother at his home at the time. They made references to the his movements stating that they seen him taking his mother to Mass on Sunday. They also stated that it would be beneficial if he worked for them, otherwise he would end up in jail.

In another incident, the party said a third member was targeted by suspected MI5 agents after being stopped by the PSNI as he attended a vehicle test centre at Mallusk, on the outskirts of north Belfast (pictured).

Saoradh spokesman Paddy Gallagher said the party “won’t be fazed by such unwanted attention”.

“There is no shame in being approached like this, the only shame is in working for them,” he said.

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