[Irish Republican News]

July 25, 2024

[Irish Republican News]

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Hurling spectacle boosts GAA stadium plan


A campaign for the redevelopment of a disused Gaelic sports venue in Belfast as a major multi-purpose sports stadium has received a boost after a captivating all-Ireland hurling final was broadcast on BBC and around the world last weekend.

Published July 25, 2024

Death threat follows right-wing agitation

coolockmcdonald.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has described a threat on her life as “very shocking and very disturbing”.

Published July 18, 2024

New British govt urged to ‘get head out of the sand’

sflabour.jpg Celebrations across Ireland at the demise of the Tories in the Westminster general election have given way to concern at the incoming British government under Keir Starmer, the leader of the party he refers to as ‘Changed Labour’.

Published July 11, 2024

Election brings long-awaited political pivot

chhdonaldson.jpg A historic Westminster election has the potential to kill off the hated Conservative Party while confirming the decline of unionism in the north of Ireland.

Published July 4, 2024

Ugly scenes as loyalists march

minitwelfthflags.jpg The PSNI looked on as loyalists tore down Irish tricolours and Palestinian flags during a sectarian parade in a predominately nationalist area north of Belfast on Tuesday evening.

Published June 27, 2024

UVF lines up against unity bid

uvfvaradkar.jpg The PSNI effectively headed up a giant ‘show of strength’ by loyalist paramilitaries in an act of intimidation as a conference on a united Ireland was being held just a mile away.

Published June 20, 2024

Small gains, big questions

boylandaly.jpg A score of additional local councillors and the return of a European parliament seat for Dublin have offered comfort to Sinn Féin after a bruising election which has forced it to rethink its approach to the next 26 County general election.

Published June 13, 2024

Draw a line in the sand

votingstation.jpg Voters in the 26 Counties are being urged to back republican/left candidates in Friday’s elections to send a message to the coalition government and limit the damage from opportunistic anti-immigrant campaigners.

Published June 6, 2024

Britain’s role in Gaza horror

britscargo.jpg Britain’s air force are taking part in genocidal war crimes directed against the civilian population of Gaza, it has emerged.

Published May 30, 2024

Ireland backs freedom and statehood for Palestine

palestinerecognised.jpg Ireland is leading the cause of peace in Palestine by becoming one of the first European nations to recognise the state in the face of the Israeli genocide.

Published May 23, 2024

Tyrone man feared he would be shot over IRA claim

armedpoliceengland.jpg A Saoradh member from Tyrone working in England has described how the taxi he was travelling in was rammed by masked British police and he was then forcibly dragged from the vehicle at gunpoint before being bundled into a van.

Published May 16, 2024

‘Troublemaker’ journalists subjected to routine surveillance

journosipt.jpg The PSNI police carries out ‘industrial scale’ spying on journalists in the North of Ireland by trawling their phone data to see who they are in contact with, it has emerged.

Published May 9, 2024

A legacy of collusion and cover-up

justiceprotest0524.jpg New British legislation has been described as an “obscenity” as investigations and inquests into war crimes in the north of Ireland were cruelly terminated at midnight on Tuesday.

Published May 2, 2024

Bittersweet vindication for Stardust families

stardustinquest.jpg The 26 County state has finally acknowledged a multi-generational trauma it inflicted on a community following a verdict of “unlawful killing” for all those who died in the Stardust Ballroom fire.

Published April 25, 2024

Waffling Harris urges people to ‘get to know each other’

simonharris1200c.jpg Sinn Féin vice president Michelle O’Neill has warned the new 26 County Taoiseach Simon Harris that he cannot ‘hide his head’ in the sand on Irish unification.

Published April 18, 2024

New Taoiseach goes AWOL

harriswave.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has hit out at the new 26 County Taoiseach Simon Harris for failing to attend parliament following his election to the premiership of the state.

Published April 11, 2024

Uneasy peace as New IRA message delivered

derryeaster24.jpg The New IRA has vowed to continue its armed campaign in an Easter message.

Published April 4, 2024

A system of injustice exposed again

colinduffy1200.jpg A ten-year, ten million pound effort to lock up three prominent republicans has ended in failure with Colin Duffy and Henry Fitzsimons both found not guilty.

Published March 28, 2024

Resignation betrays crisis at heart of coalition

varadkarout.jpg The Dublin government is reeling from the sudden announcement of Leo Varadkar’s departure as Taoiseach and is under immense pressure to allow the voters of the 26 Counties to choose his successor.

Published March 21, 2024

Kenova – a £40m whitewash for a dirty war

kenova.jpg A seven-year police investigation into the role of the British state’s deadliest spy within the Provisional IRA has uncovered little new information, defended his handlers and failed to deliver a single prosecution against those who operated the serial-killing double-agent.

Published March 14, 2024

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