[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Foster’s block on inquests ‘unlawful’

loughgallpic.jpg A High Court judge has found that the leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, Arlene Foster, illegally blocked funding for inquests into killings in the north of Ireland.

Published March 10, 2018

Tony Taylor now interned for two years

taylorposter.jpg Derry republican Tony Taylor has issued a statement from Maghaberry prison appealing for public support on the second anniversary of his internment.

Published March 10, 2018

O Caolain to stand down as public representative

caoimhghindail.jpg Sinn Fein TD Caoimhghin O Caolain, the party’s longest-serving elected representative in the 26 Counties, has confirmed he will not stand in the next general election.

Published March 10, 2018

Soccer squabble over ‘Catholics’ playing for Ireland

oneills.jpg Sinn Fein has called on the manager of the ‘Northern Ireland’ soccer squad to withdraw comments in which he complained that “Catholic” players from the Six Counties had been convinced to play for the Irish national team.

Published March 10, 2018

EU issues ultimatum to London over Irish border

tusk.jpg The President of the European Council Donald Tusk has said issues relating to Ireland must be resolved before negotiations on Brexit can move ahead in other matters.

Published March 8, 2018

Time for truth

timefortruthmarch.jpg Thousands of people have taken part in a march for victims of the recent conflict in Belfast. They came together last weekend as they made their way to City Hall under the banner ‘Time for Truth’.

Published March 3, 2018

EU trade plan ‘could end the United Kingdom’ - May

maybrexitcommons.jpg The British Prime Minister has claimed an EU proposal for a ‘common regulatory area’ between the EU and the North of Ireland would “threaten the constitutional integrity of the UK”.

Published March 3, 2018

Irish media in receipt of government payola

payola.jpg The Fine Gael government in Dublin has been using public money for a marketing campaign that required Irish newspapers to make government propaganda look like news, it has emerged.

Published March 3, 2018

Judges blast prosecutor over untried murder of Daniel Hegarty

barramcgrory2.jpg A prosecutor’s decision not to try the British soldier who shot dead a 15-year-old child in Derry in 1972 was “irredeemably flawed”, the High Court has ruled. Judges also ruled that the four-year delay by notorious former Crown Prosecutor Barra McGrory was “manifestly excessive, inexplicable, unjustified and unlawful”.

Published March 3, 2018

Secret court process could be used to challenge collusion

fredholroyd.jpg A former military intelligence whistle-blower in the British Army has offered to give evidence in secret court hearings about murders and collusion by the British Army.

Published March 3, 2018

Loyalist paramilitary ‘eviction force’ deployed in Dublin

balbrigganeviction.jpg A bank hired loyalist paramilitaries and ex-British army personnel to evict a family from their County Dublin home, according to anti-eviction activists.

Published March 3, 2018

Ireland endures overnight blizzard

blizzard.jpg Almost 24,000 homes and businesses across Ireland are without power amid one of the worst winter storms the country has experienced for decades. Much of the country heeded warnings to stay indoors amid extreme weather conditions overnight.

Published March 2, 2018

Stormont on hold as EU draft includes North in trade zone

barnierpress.jpg The European Union has published its fallback plan to effectively keep the north of Ireland in the single market and customs union after Brexit, in a 120-page draft withdrawal agreement.

Published February 28, 2018

‘Action needed’ from British as DUP dump process

mcdonaldoneillno10.jpg Details of a draft talks agreement on the restoration of powersharing between Sinn Fein and the DUP have exposed the opposition of powerful unionist hardliners to even the most moderate accommodation with nationalism.

Published February 24, 2018

US urged to defend Good Friday Agreement

coveneytillerson.jpg A concerted attack by British ‘Brexiteers’ to end Ireland’s famous 1998 peace deal may have motivated a US decision to appoint a new envoy to the north of Ireland.

Published February 24, 2018

Spy device found at former home of IRA figure

kellydevice.jpg There have been calls for an independent investigation after an elaborate listening device was found at the former home of a senior republican. The bug was discovered by a relative of Brian Keenan, who died from cancer in 2008.

Published February 24, 2018

Crown Force operations in Armagh, Belfast

psniraidlurgan.jpg Tensions are high in north Armagh following a three-day British Army and PSNI assault against the republican community in the area.

Published February 24, 2018

McAnespie family betrayed by Dublin government

mcanespievigil.jpg On the 30th anniversary of his death, an announcement by the 26 County Minister for Justice that he will not release a report into the killing of a Sinn Fein election worker has hurt the family.

Published February 24, 2018

Anti-Irish racism in focus

midulstersign.jpg The defacement of a bilingual road sign in Fermanagh has symptomised a new wave of anti-Gaelic and anti-Irish hate in the wake of the collapsed Stormont talks.

Published February 24, 2018

DUP can’t tolerate Irish

fostergaelicsign.jpg There is mounting concern that unionists in the north of Ireland are incapable of treating nationalists with respect after the DUP suddenly backed away from a deal which would have legislated for the rights for Irish language speakers.

Published February 17, 2018


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