[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Housing Executive pays out over sectarian harassment

hugoelliott.jpg A man who was forced to endure colleagues calling Catholics ‘Fenians’, wishing him ‘Happy King Billy’s Day’ and draping a a Union Jack over his work van has settled a case against the North’s Housing Executive.

Published December 4, 2020

Singer regrets not doing more for Irish cause

shanemcgowan.jpg Shane MacGowan, the former lead singer of the Pogues, says he felt guilty for “not having the guts” to join the I.R.A. in a new documentary.

Published December 4, 2020

British govt rejects Supreme Court call for Finucane inquiry

The British government has again refused to establish a public inquiry into the murder of Pat Finucane, the 39-year-old defence lawyer shot dead in front of his family in Belfast in 1989 by paramilitaries acting on the direction of the British Armed Forces.

Published November 30, 2020

Decision day for Finucane inquiry

finucanejohngeraldine.jpg Monday has become a day of reckoning as the date a court was told Britain will finally make a decision known on a public inquiry into the assassination of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane.

Published November 27, 2020

Pressure on Johnson as Brexit deadline approaches

bidenjohnson.jpg US President-elect Joe Biden has again spoken out against the prospect of a remilitarised border through Ireland and Britain’s moves to violate the Good Friday Agreement and international law.

Published November 27, 2020

Duplicity of coalition condemned on centenary of key massacre

bloodysunday100.jpg The two leaders of the 26 County government have been condemned for hypocrisy for piously marking the centenary of the 1920 Bloody Sunday massacre in Croke Park despite previously commemorating those who carried out the atrocity.

Published November 27, 2020

Payout setback for PSNI’s ‘dark forces’

journoshappy.jpg In a settlement which could set a marker for other claims against the Crown Forces, huge damages have been paid to journalists falsely arrested by the PSNI in 2018.

Published November 27, 2020

UDA upsurge continues

pipebombdervock.jpg The UDA shot a man in Coleraine, planted three pipe bombs in a nearby village and threatened to kill a journalist this week amid an ongoing crime spree by the unionist paramilitary organisation and its drug-dealing gangs.

Published November 27, 2020

Intimidation fears over north Belfast graffiti

graffitinb.jpg Racist and sectarian graffiti has appeared on walls in a loyalist area of north Belfast, not far from where 14-year-old Noah Donohoe disappeared in June.

Published November 27, 2020

Jingo Johnson bangs the drum

johnsonarmy.jpg British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced the biggest expansion of the British military since the Cold War, calling for Britain to go on the offensive and end an “era of retreat” in the aftermath of Brexit.

Published November 20, 2020

Loyalist paramilitaries clash over cash

udabelfast.jpg Leaders of two loyalist paramilitary groups are said to be at the point of feuding over drug dealing on Belfast’s Shankill Road.

Published November 20, 2020

Legal fightback over anti-republican measures

judemccrory.jpg Republicans are taking to the courts to fight attempts by British forces to abuse the law in order to oppress and marginalise normal political activity.

Published November 20, 2020

Anger as GAA-linked firm backs British Army

oneillspoppy.jpg Protests have been organised over an apparent collaboration between the British Army and Irish sportswear firm O’Neills, the primary manufacturer of Gaelic sports jerseys and school sports kits in Ireland.

Published November 20, 2020

Council bias ‘must be addressed’

tricolourcarnlough.jpg The discriminatory treatment of cultural symbols in rural areas of the north of Ireland continues as loyalist flags and emblems go untouched, while visible signs of Irish republicanism are often threatened and removed.

Published November 20, 2020

MI5’s sinister tools: money and intimidation

gabrielmeehan.jpg Envelopes of cash have been sent to a County Fermanagh home in an effort to recruit a member of Republican Sinn Féin, one of several attempts to infiltrate the party.

Published November 20, 2020

Madness of DUP’s veto on public health

dupvetocovid.jpg Sinn Féin president Mary Lou McDonald has accused the DUP of exploiting Covid-19 as an ‘orange versus green’ issue in a week she described as ‘shameful and depressing’.

Published November 14, 2020

Cummings quits as Tories face Brexit realities

cummingsout.jpg A power struggle at Downing Street that ended on Friday with Boris Johnson’s top advisor Dominic Cummings walking out of Number 10 may mark the beginning of the end for a no-deal Brexit and a hard border through Ireland.

Published November 14, 2020

Fine Gael shaken by mounting nepotism allegations

woulfevaradkar.jpg Fine Gael launched its most bitter attack on Sinn Féin in years this week in a desperate response to a cronyism scandal which has now expanded to include the position of shamed Supreme Court judge Seamus Woulfe.

Published November 14, 2020

Unionist’s bigotry draws international attention

kamalataylor.jpg John Taylor, the former Deputy Leader of the Ulster Unionist Party has made headlines around the world after describing US vice president-elect Kamala Harris as “the Indian”.

Published November 14, 2020

Anger as UVF ‘honoured’ at Belfast City Hall

uvfcenotaph.jpg Sinn Féin has called for a review after a Poppy Day wreath for the unionist paramilitary UVF was laid at Belfast City Council’s cenotaph in the Garden of Remembrance at City Hall.

Published November 14, 2020


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