[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Legal challenge to airport harassment

psniairport.jpg A north Belfast community activist has won High Court permission to challenge a decision by the PSNI to detain and interrogate him at an airport.

Published January 23, 2021

Questions mount over cronyism in Ireland’s health system

covidvaccine.jpg Top health officials in Ireland provided doses of Covid-19 vaccine to their own family members and friends ahead of frontline workers, care home residents and other vulnerable people, according to reports this week.

Published January 23, 2021

Helicopter attacked as armed groups remain active

psnichopper.jpg A high powered gun attack took place against a Crown Forces helicopter on Thursday near Newtownbutler, County Fermanagh. The attack took place in the border area near where the Continuity IRA launched a booby-trap attack in 2019.

Published January 16, 2021

‘For God and Asda’ – ‘onslaught’ threat over bare shelves

seabordergraffiti.jpg Unionists have claimed they been “screwed over” by a new regulatory border in the Irish Sea, with senior MPs hitting out at the Tory government in London over shortages of some items in foodstores, and calling for some Brexit regulations to be scrapped.

Published January 16, 2021

Prosecutors refuse to reveal MI5 role in case

mi5saoradh.jpg A lawyer acting for a group of republican activists held after an MI5 entrapment operation has said that British military intelligence “appears to be ignorant of the rule of law”.

Published January 16, 2021

Wake harassed by PSNI over presence of republicans

wakepsni.jpg Eight PSNI vehicles, including six armoured Land Rovers, swarmed a family home in west Belfast on Thursday night, and harassed mourners attending a wake.

Published January 16, 2021

Report on Mother and Baby homes ‘a cop-out’

motherbabyhome.jpg A Commission of Investigation has established that some 9,000 babies and children died over eight decades in Irish ‘Mother and Baby’ homes, but a limited report and an official State apology have only increased demands for full redress for a history of murderous neglect and misogyny.

Published January 16, 2021

Signage move brings new hope for Irish language in Belfast

brysonst.jpg A major policy change by Belfast City Council will make Irish language street signs easier to erect.

Published January 16, 2021

Brexit advances Irish economic unity

brexitflags.jpg The Dublin government is being urged to help facilitate the increasing reality of Irish unity following the end of the Brexit transition period and the creation of an Irish Sea border.

Published January 9, 2021

Campaign for Noah intensifies

justicenoah.jpg A convoy of over a thousand vehicles took place around Belfast in support of the family of teenager Noah Donohoe on Thursday night as concerns mount over PSNI failings and possible collusion in the stalled investigation into his death.

Published January 9, 2021

Sort out Rockall mess, governments urged

boardedrockall.jpg British authorities have been urged to abandon their claim to the remote rocky outcrop of Rockall after an awkward incident on Monday in which a Scottish patrol boat boarded an Irish fishing vessel.

Published January 9, 2021

DUP mistakenly condemn second ‘republican funeral’

salford.jpg As concern grows over a dangerous new English strain of the coronavirus, the determination of unionists to fit the deepening Covid-19 crisis into a sectarian agenda has reached a new low point.

Published January 9, 2021

Tensions follow BLM-style death in Dublin

nkenchoprotest.jpg Hundreds of people have been taking part in daily protests outside Blanchardstown Garda station in Dublin after a man with mental illness was shot dead in a hail of gunfire this week by Gardai in the garden of his own home.

Published January 9, 2021

Shock in Ireland after US Capitol is seized by mob

capitolinvasion.jpg Political leaders in Ireland universally condemned the invasion of the Capitol Building in Washington DC by extremist supporters of Donald Trump.

Published January 9, 2021

Michael McKevitt passes away

michaelmckevitt600.jpg Former Provisional and Real IRA leader Michael McKevitt has died following a long battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife Bernadette Sands McKevitt, sister of IRA hunger striker Bobby Sands.

Published January 2, 2021

Happy New Year from Irish Republican News

newyear.jpg A short note to wish you all a Happy New Year.

Published January 1, 2021

UDA order mother of murder victim to flee

quinnscarrick.jpg Drug-dealing loyalist paramilitaries have ordered a grandmother and her family out of their homes over Christmas for daring to speak out against them over the murder of her son.

Published December 30, 2020

Christmas Eve terror in Coleraine

uptheuda.jpg Unionist paramilitaries in north Derry have targeted the homes of nationalists in the town of Coleraine with four hoax bombs planted in the town on Christmas Eve.

Published December 30, 2020

History seen moving in direction of unity

govtofireland1920.jpg On the centenary of the enactment of the Government of Ireland Act, which partitioned Ireland under British law, and with Brexit just days away, the former Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has called for the Dublin government to do more to remove the border from the island.

Published December 30, 2020

IRA prisoners’ peace effort noted in declassified papers

hblocks600.jpg Information passed by prison chaplains to the Dublin government in 1990 that the Provisional IRA did not want Sinn Féin directly involved in negotiations with the British government about a ceasefire was misinterpreted in state papers released in Dublin this week.

Published December 30, 2020


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