[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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New pressure to move beyond Brexit deadlock

stormontclosed.jpg People in the north of Ireland overwhelmingly believe Dublin should have a role in governing the region should unionists continue to block the return of power-sharing, a new poll has shown.

Published November 16, 2022

Further protests over cost of living

costoflivingnov.jpg Protestors at more than twenty regional events have called on the Dublin government to tackle economic injustice and provide more help to people struggling with soaring bills.

Published November 16, 2022

New decade, same old British approach

heatonharris2.jpg The British government has ripped up a requirement for holding an election in the ‘New Decade, New Approach’ Stormont talks deal.

Published November 10, 2022

Anger as children targeted for UVF bonfire ‘education’

actmodel.jpg A ‘charity’ linked to loyalist murder gangs is incredibly attempting to win support for sectarian bonfires in schools in the North of Ireland.

Published November 10, 2022

RAF activity raises tensions

rafplanes.jpg A training mission conducted by Britain’s Royal Air Force has drawn attention to the continuing and unwelcome presence of the British military garrison in Ireland.

Published November 10, 2022

Aggressive raid on home of very elderly woman

psniraidportadown.jpg A heavy-handed raid by the British Crown Forces has taken place on the home of a vulnerable 80-year-old woman in Portadown. The victim, a lifelong Republican, has never previously been arrested or imprisoned, leading to claims that the raid was an act of collective punishment against the local nationalist community.

Published November 10, 2022

Desperate Donaldson can’t stop telling lies

jeffreydonaldson1200.jpg DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has been caught making a series of false claims in an attempt to win support for the party’s position on the Irish Protocol of Brexit.

Published November 10, 2022

Paisley move exposes DUP’s fear of democracy

paisley1200.jpg The DUP has been accused of “having trouble respecting democracy” after north Antrim MP Ian Paisley drafted a Westminster bill to increase the majorities required for referendums on Irish unity and Scottish independence.

Published November 10, 2022

Loyalist bluff must be called

loyalistflag.jpg Despite mixed messages from the British government, nationalists and republicans are clear that new threats of political conflict by unionist paramilitaries cannot be allowed to succeed.

Published November 3, 2022

Britain ‘undecided’ about Stormont election

heatonharris.jpg The British government has been accused of ‘playing for time’ after backing away from a legal requirement to hold an Assembly election in the north of Ireland.

Published November 3, 2022

Professor threatened after research on Irish unity

harveyreport.jpg Belfast academic Colin Harvey continues to receive widespread support as he endures an escalating unionist hate campaign.

Published November 3, 2022

Secrecy over PSNI database breach raises collusion fear

collusionmural1200.jpg Concerns have been raised regarding possible collusion involving a former PSNI member who is facing charges over the use of a police database “to obtain information on a series of individuals”.

Published November 3, 2022

Sailortown attack remembered, 50 years on

paulaclare.jpg The sectarian killing of two young Catholic girls in a loyalist bomb in Belfast on Halloween has been remembered as one of the darkest days of the conflict.

Published November 3, 2022

Noah inquest to take place before a jury

noahinquest.jpg The family of Noah Donohoe have welcomed a Coroner’s decision that the inquest into his disappearance and death should be held before a jury.

Published November 3, 2022

Paramilitary influence pushing DUP towards election

maskeddup.jpg A Six County election appears set to be called on Friday as the DUP, the main unionist party, continues to boycott the power-sharing institutions of the Good Friday Agreement.

Published October 27, 2022

Support for joint rule to end political deadlock

hands.jpg Demands are growing in the North for joint rule from Dublin and London as unionist politicians continue to refuse to operate the power-sharing institutions in Belfast.

Published October 27, 2022

Language legislation passes final stages at Westminster

wilsonlanguage.jpg Irish language activists have hailed another major step towards comprehensive language rights as new legislation passed through its final stages at Westminster.

Published October 27, 2022

Republican released after three years on remand

antiinternment1200.jpg Fermanagh Republican Peter Granaghan has been set free after enduring three years of internment by remand.

Published October 27, 2022

Football authorities condemned over vile anti-Irish abuse

mccleanfamily.jpg Derry-born soccer player James McClean has accused English football authorities of turning a blind eye to what he says is “eight years of sickening abuse” over his nationality.

Published October 27, 2022

Bono makes headlines with false IRA claim

bono.jpg Claims by U2 frontman Bono that he was once targeted by the IRA have been rejected.

Published October 27, 2022


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