[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Budget 2017 ‘a failure of leadership’

budget17.jpg The 26 County budget announced this week for the 2017 fiscal year was marked by derisively meagre and delayed increases for those in deprivation, while generous measures were implemented to benefit bankers, developers, and landlords.

Published October 15, 2016

The mask slips again for North’s political justice system

davidjordan.jpg A court has thrown out politically-motivated charges against a prominent County Tyrone republican after British prosecutors abandoned the case.

Published October 15, 2016

Fennell open to dialogue over parade protest

fennelldonegan.jpg Prominent north Belfast republican Dee Fennell has said he is prepared to meet the Catholic priest he confronted over his support for a provocative Orange Order parade through Ardoyne and neighbouring areas.

Published October 15, 2016

Attacks on Catholics continue

arsonkat.jpg An arson attack on a flat in north Belfast was a sectarian bid by loyalists to burn out Catholics living in the area.

Published October 15, 2016

Sellafield safety fears renewed after TV expose

sellafieldbig.jpg The Dublin government has been urged to demand the complete closure of the Sellafield nuclear site on the west coast of Britain after a BBC programme raised concerns about safety at the facility.

Published October 15, 2016

Budget 2017 - main points

noonandonohue.jpg The main changes in 26 County taxation and spending for the 2017 fiscal year, as announced in their budget speeches by Minister for Finance Michael Noonan and Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe this afternoon.

Published October 11, 2016

Tories lurch towards the extreme

maythatcher.jpg British Prime Minister Theresa May has drawn comparisons to Margaret Thatcher after she outright rejected Irish and Scottish concerns over Brexit and moved to quash the right of Irish and other EU citizens to live and work in Britain and the north of Ireland.

Published October 8, 2016

Drumcree Orangeman seek Ardoyne-style ‘deal’

drumcreestandoff.jpg An Orange Order parade which was forced through the Ardoyne area of north Belfast last weekend has reopened the north’s biggest parading dispute.

Published October 8, 2016

Censorship bid by British military over new book

charlieone2.jpg The British Ministry of Defence (MoD) has attempted to suppress a book by a former soldier about his involvement in ‘dirty tricks’ operations in the north of Ireland.

Published October 8, 2016

UDA marches towards the millions

mckeagmural.jpg New UDA murals are being erected as millions of pounds of public funds are funnelled by the Stormont administration to a group closely linked to the loyalist paramilitary organisation, it has emerged.

Published October 8, 2016

Senior Gardai sought to “annihilate” reputation of whistleblower

noirinosullivan.jpg The Garda Commissioner Noirin O’Sullivan is under pressure to quit after the former head of the Garda press office admitted that he had taken part in a top level smear campaign against a whistleblower to try to undermine his allegations of corruption.

Published October 8, 2016

Tributes paid to hunger strikers

galballyhscommem.jpg A large crowd turned out in tribute to the H-Block Martyrs of 1981 when the 1916 Societies held their annual National Hungerstrike Commemoration on Sunday last, October 2nd, in Galbally, County Tyrone.

Published October 8, 2016

Orange parade ‘returns’ after 3 years

garcprotest0916.jpg An Orange Order parade was forced through the greater Ardoyne area in north Belfast on Saturday morning, October 1, amid a military-style policing operation and a bitter war of words among nationalists.

Published October 1, 2016

McGuinness facing investigation over use of royal powers

mcguinnessgloomy.jpg The secret use of royal privileges by the Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister is to be investigated by an Assembly committee after it emerged it has been used on three occasions since 2008.

Published October 1, 2016

New republican party may contest elections

saoradhaf.jpg The launch of a new republican party ‘Saoradh’ last weekend could bring disaffected nationalist voters back to the polls in the north of Ireland.

Published October 1, 2016

Killers ‘boasted they would never face trial’

martinohagan2.jpg A former newspaper editor has said the loyalist murderers of fellow journalist Martin O’Hagan have never been brought to justice because they were paid police informers.

Published October 1, 2016

Unionists seek to turn back tide on Irish language

banrionuladh.jpg A row over the name of a fisheries protection boat has highlighted efforts to undermine the Irish language within unionist-controlled departments at Stormont.

Published October 1, 2016

Dublin becomes the capital of homelessness

homelessdublin.jpg The housing crisis in Dublin continues to escalate, with the latest figures by the Dublin Regional Homeless Executive (DRHE) revealing that 998 families are now in emergency accommodation in the capital, an increase of 64pc on last year.

Published October 1, 2016

Soldiers reveals spying, shoot-to-kill bid

charlieone.jpg A former British army soldier has admitted he planted listening devices in the homes of senior politicians in the north of Ireland, years after the 1994 ceasefires and some still thought to be in use today.

Published September 24, 2016

Families walk away from humiliation meetings

ballymurphyfamiliesmeeting.jpg Families of victims of state killings have announced that they will be suing the British government, DUP leader Arlene Foster and Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness as the London and Belfast regimes again stonewalled their demands for legacy inquests.

Published September 24, 2016


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