[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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No restriction on armed PSNI crossing border

drewharriscar.jpg An extraordinary incident involving Garda Commissioner Drew Harris has forced the Dublin government to confirm that heavily armed members of the British Crown Forces are routinely making incursions into all areas of the 26 Counties without any checks or controls.

Published April 13, 2019

‘I was told to plant bullets on Paras’ victims’

ballymurphyvictims600.jpg A former British military medical assistant has told the inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre that a senior figure in the British Army asked him to plant bullets on two innocent civilians he had treated. It is thought to be one of the first incidents of British Crown Forces in Ireland attempting to falsely portray civilians as combatants.

Published April 13, 2019

Condemnation of Bradley deepens after referendum comments

alderdice600.jpg One of the pillars of the British establishment in Ireland, former Alliance Party leader John Alderdice, has joined growing criticism of British Direct Ruler Karen Bradley.

Published April 13, 2019

DUP boasts support of drug-dealing gangster

dupofficer.jpg The DUP in north Belfast has won the competition for the most outrageous pre-election news story after it emerged that their candidates’ nomination papers have been signed by a convicted cocaine dealer, as well as another infamous loyalist convicted of driving at speed into a crowd of nationalists.

Published April 13, 2019

Still no red card for soccer fat-cats

johndelaney600.jpg Corruption in the world of Irish sport is in the spotlight after the former CEO of the Football Association of Ireland (FAI), John Delaney, refused to answer questions about the organisation’s finances or a mystery six figure payment he made to the soccer body, for what he said were legal reasons.

Published April 13, 2019

Report finds a billion euro blown on hospital ‘fiasco’

childrenshospital.jpg A devastating report has been published on the national children’s hospital that identified “significant failings” in planning and budgeting which is set to lead to a one billion euro cost overrun.

Published April 13, 2019

Brexit deadline pushed out to October 31

brexiteuleaders.jpg European Union leaders have agreed to a request by British Prime Minister Theresa May for an extension to the Brexit date. They have agreed to a ‘flexible’ extension to October 31, subject to certain conditions, including one which calls for elections to the European Parliament to take place in Britain and the north of Ireland next month.

Published April 11, 2019

Irish are ‘second class citizens’ in new GFA breach


The British government has provoked anger after it said Irish citizens born in the north of Ireland cannot vote in a unity border poll or any other referendum under British law, and cannot have the same rights as other EU citizens.

Published April 6, 2019

Britain will honour Brexit pact on border - Varadkar

varadkartv.jpg With just days to go before the April 12 deadline for Britain’s departure from the European Union, the island of Ireland is bracing for the reinforcement of a land frontier through the island between EU and British jurisdictions.

Published April 6, 2019

Amnesty on the way for British soldiers - report

parascorbyn.jpg Plans to give former British soldiers immunity from historic prosecution have been described as “an affront to justice and an insult to grieving families”.

Published April 6, 2019

British military testify at Ballymurphy inquest

howlett.jpg A former British soldier has told the Ballymurphy inquest he saw paratroopers shooting and killing civilians.

Published April 6, 2019

Inquest ordered into first shoot-to-kill victim

patsyduffy600.jpg The North’s Attorney General has ordered a new inquest into the British state killing of Patsy Duffy, widely regarded to be the first example of a shoot-to-kill operation by the British Army in the North.

Published April 6, 2019

Tensions over PSNI’s public relations efforts

psnimedia.jpg Sinn Féin and Saoradh have clashed over the cancellation of a police ‘youth engagement’ event in Derry following criticism by the hardline republican political party.

Published April 6, 2019

Standing up to the Fascists

bcab1903.jpg The people of the border communities in Ireland are today demonstrating against the demands of the unionist far right as Britain moves closer to a crash exit from the European Union and a remilitarisation of the border area across Ireland from April 12.

Published March 30, 2019

Para rally plan faces strong opposition

parasfightback.jpg A “mass rally” in support of the British Army’s Parachute Regiment in Belfast next month is set to be opposed by republicans.

Published March 30, 2019

UVF under pressure after victim’s daughter speaks out

justiceeastbelfast.jpg The PSNI has been stung into action against the unionist paramilitary UVF following a public demonstration led by the daughter of UVF murder victim Ian Ogle.

Published March 30, 2019

Teenagers attacked with iron bars

romancatholics.jpg Two separate sectarian attacks by loyalists last weekend saw a 15-year-old boy beaten with metal bars in north Belfast while another boy of the same age was clubbed, kicked and punched as he walked home in a separate attack in the same area.

Published March 30, 2019

Harassment of republicans directed at political activity

bug1903.jpg A member of Republican Network for Unity discovered a sophisticated GPS tracking and recording device hidden within his car earlier this week. The discovery triggered a violent early morning raid on his home by armed Garda police.

Published March 30, 2019

Ten people a day being made homeless

homelessirl.jpg The 26 County Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy is again being urged to resign after his own manipulated statistics show that there are now more than 10,000 people in Ireland officially living in emergency accommodation.

Published March 30, 2019

One million attend anti-Brexit march in London

brexitrallylondon.jpg A huge protest against Brexit in London today is thought to be one of the biggest in British history.

Published March 23, 2019


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