Éirígí amends name ahead of elections
Éirígí amends name ahead of elections


Éirígí activists have voted to append ‘For A New Republic’ to the party name at the party’s recent annual conference. The amended name has been approved by the Office of the Registrar of Political Parties at the Dublin parliament, meaning that “Éirigí For A New Republic” will appear on ballot papers in the 26 County local elections in May.

The decision to change the name received unanimous support at the Éirígí Ard Fheis, with all those present voting in favour of the proposal.

Party chairperson Brian Leeson said the alteration would allow people to “instantly understand both our analysis and our objective”.

Local elections are due to take place in the 26 Counties on May 24, and on May 2 in the Six Counties. So far, Éirígí has selected Ciaran Heaphey to contest the Whitehall/Artane Local Electoral Area to Dublin City Council.

Mr Leeson said that the partition of Ireland had become weakened by long-term economic, demographic, social and political shifts within the Six Counties.

“The political re-unification of Ireland is becoming increasingly likely,” he said.

“In the 26 Counties too, the state is structurally incapable of delivering liberty, equality, community, democracy, justice or any other core republican value.

“Even the establishment political parties are coming to the realisation that we are now potentially moving into the end game for both partition and the two existing states.

“Against this backdrop the addition of ‘For A New Republic’ to our party name was a logical step.”

Last year, Éirígí produced a manifesto entitled a ‘Democratic Programme for the New Republic’, outlining its vision for an all-Ireland socialist republic.

Mr Leeson said the name would mark out the political territory of ‘A New Republic” for “genuine republicans, pushing back against establishment pretenders who are attempting to make that territory their own.”

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