[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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PSNI failed to act over sectarian intimidation

sectarianalliance.jpg A Catholic mother-of-four has been driven out of her home in north Belfast following a campaign of terror which culminated in her windows getting smashed in.

Published March 6, 2020

Ballymurphy inquest ends public hearings

ballymurphyinquest2003.jpg The final oral evidence has been heard in a fresh inquest into the fatal shootings of 10 people in west Belfast almost 50 years ago.

Published March 6, 2020

Delays and denials over legacy cases

simonbyrne2.jpg The PSNI chief has said he is in the dark about plans for a new police unit to deal with investigations into unresolved cases from the past conflict, despite a looming deadline for its formation.

Published March 6, 2020

Protest held against royal visit

protestwilliamkate.jpg A protest at an official visit to Ireland by British royals William and Kate Windsor (‘Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’) was organised by republicans this week despite harassment from uniformed Garda and Special Branch police.

Published March 6, 2020

Sinn Féin events hit by coronavirus

mcdonaldvirus.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has revealed her children attend a school in Dublin where the second case of the coronavirus in Ireland was confirmed yesterday.

Published March 2, 2020

A State in limbo as political elite panic

nazisfrally.jpg Efforts by the establishment in Dublin to demonise Sinn Féin have reached unprecedented levels in the aftermath of their performance in the 26 County general election, with politicians going so far as to compare a series of Sinn Féin public meetings to the Nuremburg rallies of Nazi Germany.

Published February 28, 2020

Coronavirus fears as Irish officials adopt low-key approach

harrisvirus.jpg The shambolic attitude of the Dublin government to the Coronavirus epidemic has been exposed after the first case of the disease presented itself in Ireland.

Published February 28, 2020

Harassment victim wins appeal over PSNI stop-and-search

stopandsearch2.jpg A Derry republican is set to sue the PSNI for compensation after the Court of Appeal agreed that his human rights had been breached by four years of harassment directed against him.

Published February 28, 2020

Lengthy sentence for 1997 IRA attack as legacy issues stalled

paulcampbell.jpg A County Tyrone man has been jailed over a Provisional IRA action more than two decades ago. Paul Campbell from Coalisland was sentenced on Tuesday to seven and a half years in connection with an attack in the town in 1997.

Published February 28, 2020

Criticism of archbishop’s endorsement of the PSNI

eamonmartin.jpg The daughter of a man killed by the Glenanne Gang has criticised the leader of the Catholic church in Ireland after he encouraged young people to consider a career in the PSNI police.

Published February 28, 2020

Maghaberry prisoner targeted by murder plot

lukeoneill.jpg A powerful loyalist ordered a hit on a republican prisoner currently serving a sentence in Maghaberry Prison, it has been revealed.

Published February 28, 2020

Smears fly as reaction carnival continues

drewharrishat.jpg Efforts by the right in Ireland to counter and undermine Sinn Féin’s advance in the recent 26 County general election have reached extraordinary levels of desperation following an intervention by the Garda police Commissioner, Drew Harris.

Published February 21, 2020

Opponents riled after McDonald makes history in vote for Taoiseach

triodail.jpg Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald received the most votes in the Dublin parliament to become Taoiseach on Thursday, the first time a TD not supported by either of the two main parties has done so in the history of the 26 County state.

Published February 21, 2020

‘Dirty tricks’ creating confusion and fear

martinfinuwindow.jpg Attempts are being made to engineer further division among republicans after bogus claims emerged that the New IRA is planning to attack members of Sinn Féin.

Published February 21, 2020

Gardaí consider plan to honour RUC

glasnevinwallcovered.jpg The police in the 26 Counties considered including the murderous Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) in the force’s museum as part of a commemoration for the centenary of Ireland’s War of Independence.

Published February 21, 2020

Britain looking for Irish exit, claims report

economist.jpg A magazine described as one of the English language’s most influential publications has dedicated its latest issue to the debate around Irish unity.

Published February 21, 2020

Anti-Catholic sectarianism ‘alive and well’

churchlarne.jpg A new report has found Catholics in the north of Ireland are still experiencing sectarianism.

Published February 21, 2020

Garda Commissioner intervenes in government formation

harrisflanagan.jpg Garda police Commissioner Drew Harris has accused Sinn Fein of being directed by an IRA ‘Army Council’ which he claims continues to exist, despite the organisation having disbanded its structures 15 years ago.

Published February 21, 2020

Establishment circles the wagon

electionmap102.jpg A sense of crisis has gripped the Irish ruling classes after Sinn Féin nearly tripled its vote in last weekend’s election to Leinster House and took the first steps in the formation of a new government in Dublin.

Published February 14, 2020

A historic advance for republicanism

elected2020.jpg Republicans have been celebrating a history-making election which saw forty TDs from the tradition sign into Leinster House this week, erasing the concept of the two-party state in the process.

Published February 14, 2020


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