[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Anger at failure to broadcast historic GAA win

gaafinal.jpg The BBC in the north of Ireland has been condemned over its refusal to accord coverage to Gaelic sports after Tyrone won the All-Ireland senior football final.

Published September 18, 2021

Relatives settle legal action against British govt

marianbrown2.jpg Relatives of a teenage girl shot dead when British soldiers opened fire in west Belfast nearly 50 years ago have settled legal actions taken against Britain’s Ministry of Defence.

Published September 18, 2021

DUP’s Brexit blackmail

donaldsonthreat.jpg The DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has set an agenda for political turmoil in the north of Ireland with a threat to pull out of the North’s political institutions if his demands on the Irish protocol are not met.

Published September 11, 2021

Fine Gael leaders stick the finger up

coveneyzapponevaradkar.jpg The scandalous actions of senior Fine Gael Ministers, and the lack of any action against them, are provoking anger among the government’s own supporters.

Published September 11, 2021

IRSP HQ raided

irsphqraid.jpg Heavily armed PSNI members raided the headquarters of the Irish Republican Socialist Party (IRSP) in West Belfast this week using a chainsaw to remove the front door.

Published September 11, 2021

Call for return of prison visits

irpwascotland2.jpg An anti-internment parade in support of republican prisoners last weekend heard a call for the full resumption of prison visits.

Published September 11, 2021

British secrecy bid compared to South American dictatorship

johnsonpinochet.jpg British government plans for a blanket cover-up on conflict-related prosecutions are more sweeping than the amnesty introduced in Chile by the country’s former dictator General Augusto Pinochet, a new report has found.

Published September 11, 2021

Ombudsman delays in line with Tory agenda

ombudsmanprotest2.jpg Victims and their families have held a protest outside the Police Ombudsman’s Office in Belfast City Centre calling for the immediate publication of legacy reports, some of which have now been completed for over three years.

Published September 11, 2021

Scotland’s shame

faminesongrangers.jpg Anti-racism charities in Scotland have condemned the police there for not intervening while a group of over 100 soccer fans marched through Glasgow city centre singing the anti-Irish tune ‘The Famine Is Over, Why Don’t You Go Home’.

Published September 4, 2021

PSNI to adjust stance in South Armagh

crownforces.jpg A heavily fortified PSNI base in south Armagh could be shut down and lands returned to a Gaelic sports club as the force makes a new bid to win support in the strongly republican area.

Published September 4, 2021

All-party opposition to British legacy plan

noamnesty.jpg Representatives from all the major parties in Ireland, north and south, have signed a document outlining their rejection of proposals by the London government to draw a veil over legacy killings.

Published September 4, 2021

Children determined to get justice for father

bellchildren.jpg Prosecutors have been accused of ‘dragging their feet’ on the prosecution of five British soldiers who shot a young man six times in the back.

Published September 4, 2021

Call for removal of UVF mural at football grounds

uvfmuralcrusaders.jpg Disturbing new hoarding featuring masked UVF gunmen has appeared next to the home ground of Crusaders Football Club.

Published September 4, 2021

Compensation scheme for victims opens

vpb.jpg A long-delayed compensation scheme is set to bring official recognition for many of those who suffered permanent disablement in the conflict. After years of political and legal disputes, the scheme opened for applications this week.

Published September 4, 2021

Loyalist gangs targeting EU citizens

moygashelmob.jpg A loyalist paramilitary group in the Dungannon area has posted an image of a masked gang alongside a caption threatening “foreign nationals” who they said were “from the nationalist end of the town”.

Published August 27, 2021

PSNI silent on death threats

fennell600.jpg The PSNI has received loyalist death threats against more than 30 prominent nationalists and republicans but failed to pass them on, it has emerged.

Published August 27, 2021

Protocol protest fizzles

enniskillenprotocol.jpg Unionist protests against the Irish protocol of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement appear to be petering out after less than fifty people gathered for a high profile rally in Enniskillen, County Fermanagh on Wednesday, 25 August.

Published August 27, 2021

Fresh inquest opens into plastic bullet killing

stephengeddis.jpg A new inquest into the death of a 10-year-old boy in Belfast in 1975 has heard his injuries were “consistent” with being shot at by British soldiers firing plastic bullets.

Published August 27, 2021

Anger at GAA all-Ireland advertisement for PSNI

psniad.jpg The GAA has been condemned after it published advertising for the Crown Forces in a match programme for the All-Ireland hurling final at Croke Park in Dublin last weekend.

Published August 27, 2021

Gun salute at hunger strike commemoration

inladevinemural.jpg Members of the family of Mickey Devine took part in an unveiling for his 40th anniversary last weekend. Irish National Liberation Army Volunteers fired a volley of ten shots in salute to their comrade and the other nine hunger strikers who died in 1981.

Published August 27, 2021


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