[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Break the electronic border

electronicborder.jpg A British government plan for ‘electronic visas’ could be one of the most significant attempts to enforce its control on the north of Ireland since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.

Published December 11, 2021

Judge moves to allow bail for MI5 sting victim

issam.jpg A Palestinian doctor caught up in an MI5 bid to intern senior members of Irish republican political group Saoradh is expected to be granted bail after a judge accepted that his life is in danger at Maghaberry prison.

Published December 11, 2021

Figures show scale of PSNI oppression

psniraid3.jpg Close to double the number of Catholics as Protestants were arrested and charged by the police over a five-year period in the Six Counties, according to new statistics.

Published December 11, 2021

Appeal to UN after Irish language speakers betrayed again

unflags.jpg The United Nations should publicly support the “immediate implementation” of an Irish language act for the north of Ireland, a language rights body has told an international forum.

Published December 11, 2021

Key document may never be released

morton.jpg A British information tribunal has ruled that a review of ‘dirty war’ tactics in the north of Ireland compiled by British intelligence at the height of the conflict nearly 50 years ago should stay secret.

Published December 11, 2021

Fresh insult for Ormeau massacre victim

sykesarrested.jpg A man injured in a massacre by a unionist death squad has been dismayed by a decision that two members of the Crown Forces who falsely arrested him while commemorating victims of the massacre will not be prosecuted.

Published December 11, 2021

US tariffs for pariah British state

uksteelexports.jpg The US government is to use tariffs on British steel as part of an international push to force the British government to honour its treaty obligations towards Ireland, it has been reported.

Published December 3, 2021

Glenanne families call for all-Ireland collusion inquiry

glenannefarm600.jpg Survivors and families of the victims of the Glenanne Gang have called for justice for the victims of British collusion and have denounced a proposed amnesty for British state crimes in the north of Ireland.

Published December 3, 2021

New plan counters bid to redevelop ‘Ireland’s Alamo’

moorestreet1916.jpg A grandson of 1916 hero Michael Joseph O’Rahilly has warned that Dublin’s coalition government is standing by while private developers prepare to tear up the Moore Street area where he died fighting for Ireland.

Published December 3, 2021

Family to sue British state, Crown Forces

gavinmcshane2.jpg The family of a County Armagh teenager shot dead by loyalists almost 30 years ago are to sue the PSNI, the British Ministry for Defence and the British Direct Ruler Brandon Lewis.

Published December 3, 2021

New website as McGurk’s Bar campaign turns 50

mcgurks.jpg For the 50th anniversary of the McGurk’s Bar massacre, victims’ families have launched a new website which commemorates those who died, the survivors and their families, and will be the platform to their fight for the truth.

Published December 3, 2021

British royals ousted from Barbados

barbadosceremony.jpg There were international celebrations as the Caribbean island of Barbados ended the reign there of Britain’s monarchy on Monday after 364 years.

Published December 3, 2021

Demanding truth for Noah

noahdonohoeprotest.jpg Hundreds gathered in North Belfast this week to mark to call on the PSNI to come clean about Noah Donohoe’s death on what would have been his 16th birthday.

Published November 26, 2021

Loyalist violence and intimidation

workersshot.jpg Dozens of workers have been forced to abandon a construction site in the loyalist Rathcoole estate in Newtownabbey after sectarian death threats against them were sprayed on nearby hoardings.

Published November 26, 2021

DUP power play obstructs rights expert, boosts loyalist

harveycampbell.jpg The DUP has been condemned for blocking a committee tasked with delivering on a key aspect of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, a Bill of Rights for the north of Ireland.

Published November 26, 2021

PSNI brutality captured on video

psnipunch.jpg No action has yet been taken against a member of the PSNI who was filmed plainly punching a man in the face in the predominately nationalist town of Moy, County Tyrone, it has emerged.

Published November 26, 2021

Suspicious activity in Cavan, Tyrone

gardasdu.jpg Republican Sinn Féin has condemned Garda police in the 26 Counties for “vicious” actions on Tuesday and Wednesday, when approximately 30 members of the Special Detective Unit and other militarised police carried out searches and the destruction of farmland in West Cavan.

Published November 26, 2021

Angela D’Arcy remembered

angeladarcy.jpg This week marks the 40th anniversary of the death of a young Fermanagh woman shot and killed by an off-duty British soldier.

Published November 26, 2021

Fresh border protests against British threats

bcabposter.jpg The group Border Communities Against Brexit will protest at five locations on the border on Saturday, November 20, in support of the Irish Protocol and to stop the London government from moving to collapse the Brexit accords.

Published November 20, 2021

Frustration grows in absence of movement on Irish language

languageprotest.jpg There are fears Irish politicians have again been tricked by false British promises on the Irish language, fifteen years after Irish speakers in the North first received a commitment of action to protect their rights.

Published November 20, 2021


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