[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Concern over anti-Irish sentiment in Scotland, USA

tedcruzfoxnews.jpg A council in Scotland has unanimously voted against flying the Irish flag over a number of its buildings to mark the centenary of the Easter Rising.

Published February 27, 2016

Injunction sought to end MI5 harassment

christophercatney.jpg A west Belfast taxi driver has begun legal moves to stop repeated approaches by MI5 agents.

Published February 27, 2016

Villiers condemned as Brexit referendum is set for June

villiersbrexit.jpg British prime minister David Cameron has named June 23 for a referendum on leaving the European Union after negotiating what he said were special reforms of the EU to protect British interests.

Published February 27, 2016

Exit poll shows Fine Gael/Labour govt has been ousted

kennyburtontea.jpg An exit poll for today’s general election carried out by the Irish Times indicates no possibility of a return to government for the current Fine Gael/Labour coalition.

Published February 26, 2016

Voters crowd polling stations after rancorous campaign

adamsvoting.jpg Turnout in the 26 County general election is being described as high, despite cold and rainy weather in many areas. Voting began at 7am and closes at 10pm in an election that opinion polls indicate could be witnessing a late swing back to the government parties.

Published February 26, 2016

Smears and set-ups by government and media

ferguscrawford.jpg The coalition government has been accused of resorting to a campaign of scare tactics and media manipulation as it faces being ousted when votes are counted next weekend.

Published February 20, 2016

Giant pre-election rally in Dublin

right2change0220.jpg Former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has lent his support to tens of thousands attending a Right2Water / Right2Change protest in Dublin today [Saturday, February 20] ahead of Friday’s general election.

Published February 20, 2016

Colin Duffy released from Maghaberry prison

colinduffybailed.jpg Lurgan republican Colin Duffy, a prominent victim of state injustice in the North, was released on bail on Thursday after a period of internment lasting two years and three months. Two other senior republicans, Alex McCrory and Harry Fitzsimons, were also freed last Thursday and Saturday respectively.

Published February 20, 2016

Sanders backed Irish cause as Vermont mayor

berniesanders1981.jpg Bernie Sanders wrote to Margaret Thatcher in 1981 in a bid to put a stop to the “abuse, humiliation and degrading treatment” of Irish republican political prisoners who were on hunger strike, documents show.

Published February 20, 2016

Noonan accused of abandoning abuse victims

michaelnoonangrumpy.jpg Finance Minister Michael Noonan “did a runner” from families of sex abuse victims who tried to speak to him about abuse allegations when he was minister for health.

Published February 20, 2016

Orange link to cancellation of housing plans

nelsonmccauslandbig.jpg Former Housing Minister Nelson McCausland opposed houses being built in a nationalist part of his constituency in spite of the area being plagued by a lengthy housing waiting list.

Published February 20, 2016

Drugs gangs run amok

crimsregency.jpg Serious questions have been raised about the handling of policing by Fine Gael’s Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald following two shocking gang-related killings in Dublin..

Published February 13, 2016

Villiers makes brazen defence of Crown Forces’ murder campaign

villiers2.jpg British Direct Ruler Theresa Villiers has been condemned by the families of victims of the conflict after she accused them of a “pernicious narrative” in alleging Crown force collusion and state killings.

Published February 13, 2016

British secrecy efforts multiply

arlenearkinson.jpg A British government minister has approved the withholding of files from the inquest of a schoolgirl abducted in County Donegal in 1994 over ‘national security’ concerns.

Published February 13, 2016

Gardai attack anti-fascist protestors

gardariot.jpg Gardai chaotically clubbed anti-fascist protestors as well as members of the media when a racist event in Dublin city centre last weekend was opposed by left-wing and republican groups.

Published February 13, 2016

Voters to get their say on juryless courts

scc.jpg The Irish Council for Civil Liberties has backed Sinn Fein’s position on abolishing the non-jury Special Criminal Court, and condemned the manipulation of the issue for short-term electoral gain.

Published February 13, 2016

Racism and bigotry from unionists

frazerwells.jpg Loyalist campaigner Willie Frazer has claimed that “Fenian-looking” people are “snaking about” the Markethill area of County Armagh and watching his house.

Published February 13, 2016

Inquiry demanded as alleged informer flees

murrays.jpg A former commander of the Provisional IRA in Ardoyne has said he has been forced to flee his home after receiving death threats over allegations he was a state agent, which he denies.

Published February 6, 2016

‘Stakeknife’ repercussions become public

hodginsmorrison.jpg A row has broken out among republicans in Belfast over the impact of infiltration by informers in the aftermath of the apparent exposure of another highly-placed double agent within the Provisional IRA.

Published February 6, 2016

Fine Gael flounders as election campaign gets underway

noonankenny.jpg The 26 County general election campaign has begun with a major embarrassment for the coalition parties after their annual spending plans were found to have overestimated available state funds by several billion euro.

Published February 6, 2016


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