[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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‘Hard Brexit’ fears for Ireland

maybrexit.jpg A landmark speech on Britain’s departure from the European Union has failed to allay fears of “hard border” controls and economic chaos across the island of Ireland.

Published January 20, 2017

Martin McGuinness retires

mcguinnessretires.jpg Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness has effectively retired from politics after announcing he will not be standing for re-election in the 2 March poll to the Belfast Assembly.

Published January 19, 2017

Election set for March 2 amid rancorous Stormont debate

brokenshirenio.jpg The British government has announced that elections to the Stormont Assembly wil take place on Thursday, March 2nd after the Sinn Fein/DUP power-sharing Executive formally collapsed this afternoon.

Published January 16, 2017

Crisis talks fail, election due

sftalksrhi.jpg The north of Ireland is inexorably heading for an election following the resignation of Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness and the failure of last-minute talks efforts by the two governments.

Published January 13, 2017

McGuinness asks for privacy over illness

mcguinnessquits2.jpg Martin McGuinness has called for his privacy to be respected by the media after a newspaper published details of a serious illness for which he is said to be receiving treatment.

Published January 13, 2017

Irish language rights campaign presses on after DUP u-turn

dearglefearg.jpg A DUP decision to re-instate an Irish language bursary scheme has been described by Sinn Fein as “too little, too late”.

Published January 13, 2017

Derry hit by PSNI raids, searches

psniraid.jpg Protests are being organised following a series of heavy-handed police raids on the home of republican activists over the Christmas and New Year period.

Published January 13, 2017

Woman flees home after state-funded body delivers threat

millarfamily.jpg A woman forced from her home in a sectarian attack in Belfast has said she was told of a loyalist death threat by representatives of a so-called loyalist ‘community group’ which is funded by the Stormont administration.

Published January 13, 2017

Apollo House vacated as campaign declares success

apollocloses.jpg A group of homeless people vacated a state-owned office building in Dublin on Thursday, ending a month-long squat that brought international attention to the housing crisis in Ireland.

Published January 13, 2017

Election expected as SF insists ‘no return to status quo’

maryloumcdonalddail.jpg Sinn Fein has expressed a much tougher line against the intransigence and bigotry of the DUP following yesterday's resignation by Martin McGuinness from the party's post of Deputy First Minister. An election to the Stormont Assembly in Belfast appears certain to be called next Monday and is due to take place within weeks.

Published January 10, 2017



Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has resigned in protest at unionist arrogance and intransigence, collapsing the Stormont Executive and throwing a question mark over power-sharing and the political process in the north of Ireland.

Published January 9, 2017

Stormont in the balance as DUP defy corruption scandal

fosterarrogant.jpg Sinn Fein has issued repeated warnings that the Six County institutions are now at a “defining point” after the unionist First Minister Arlene Foster again refused to step down over allegations that she and her Democratic Unionist Party orchestrated the enrichment of insiders, supporters and party donors through a bogus ‘green energy’ scheme.

Published January 6, 2017

Cable calls for united Ireland as Brexit border solution

vincecable.jpg A former leader of Britain’s Liberal Democrats has called for a “united Ireland in Europe” as a means of dealing with the fallout over Britain’s Brexit decision to quit the EU.

Published January 6, 2017

How Thatcher and Fitzgerald plotted to defeat IRA

fitzgeraldthatcher600.jpg State papers have shown the degree to which former 26 County Taoiseach Garret Fitzgerald accepted the Tory line in exchanges with British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher 30 years ago.

Published January 6, 2017

‘Sectarian’ UDR aimed weapons at 26 County soldiers

thatcherudr.jpg British soldiers of the Ulster Defence Regiment tried to intimidate a 26-County army checkpoint in County Donegal following unionist protests against the 1985 Anglo-Irish Agreement.

Published January 6, 2017

Campaigners call for leap forward in housing crisis

finglasnama.jpg Housing activists in the 26 Counties have handed an open letter to Finance Minister Michael Noonan, calling on him to order the use of vacant, state-controlled properties to house the homeless.

Published January 6, 2017

Lives at risk as more than 600 lie on trolleys

trolleys600.jpg The number of patients stuck on trolleys awaiting beds in hospitals in the 26 County state has broken new records, forcing Minister for Health Simon Harris to apologise for his failure to deal with the crisis.

Published January 6, 2017

Making hope and hunger rhyme

foodparcels.jpg The centenary year of the 1916 Rising ends with new optimism over a campaign of direct action against inequality headed by a motley group of musicians, actors and writers. However, the sight of thousands of people braving the cold to receive food handouts in Dublin and Limerick has highlighted the scale of the challenge.

Published December 24, 2016

Stormont in disarray as Foster clings to power

fosternoconf.jpg The futures of both DUP First Minister Arlene Foster and Sinn Fein Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness are in the balance after a farcical power-play at Stormont this week.

Published December 24, 2016

DUP ‘Communities’ Minister accused of hating Irish

dupflute.jpg News that a DUP Minister at Stormont has axed a bursary scheme for children from deprived communities to study Irish has drawn a bitterly hostile reaction from Irish language and equality campaigners.

Published December 24, 2016


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