[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Sinn Féin to support juryless courts

mcdonaldaf.jpg A motion before Sinn Féin’s annual conference to rescind the party’s opposition to the Special Criminal Court could be key to unlocking its access to government in Dublin.

Published October 30, 2021

End partition now

toriespartition.jpg A large security operation failed to prevent republicans protesting against a provocative commemoration of the partition of Ireland which took place in Armagh on Thursday.

Published October 23, 2021

Jingo Johnson paints up a storm

johnsonpaints2.jpg There is a growing belief that the Tory government in London is manipulating Brexit tensions for electoral purposes, regardless of the mounting political crisis in the north of Ireland.

Published October 16, 2021

Snub to Higgins as Govt figures to attend Partition event

coveneychambers.jpg Fine Gael’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney and Fianna Fáil’s Chief Whip Jack Chambers are to represent the Dublin government in an event to mark the centenary of the partition of Ireland and the creation of a unionist-dominated statelet in the North.

Published October 9, 2021

A wrecker’s charter?

unionistleaders.jpg A unionist election deal could be forming around a plan to pull down Stormont if the Brexit Protocol is not scrapped, or if Sinn Féin becomes the largest party after the next Assembly election.

Published October 1, 2021

Johnson gets the message

johnsondc.jpg London’s refusal to honour its treaty obligations towards Ireland have been called out by Joe Biden in a major setback for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his first meeting with the new US President.

Published September 25, 2021

President rises above unionist attacks

presidentmichaeldhiggins.jpg The President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, has hit out at those who have insisted he attend an event to publicly celebrate the partition of Ireland.

Published September 18, 2021

DUP’s Brexit blackmail

donaldsonthreat.jpg The DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has set an agenda for political turmoil in the north of Ireland with a threat to pull out of the North’s political institutions if his demands on the Irish protocol are not met.

Published September 11, 2021

Scotland’s shame

faminesongrangers.jpg Anti-racism charities in Scotland have condemned the police there for not intervening while a group of over 100 soccer fans marched through Glasgow city centre singing the anti-Irish tune ‘The Famine Is Over, Why Don’t You Go Home’.

Published September 4, 2021

Loyalist gangs targeting EU citizens

moygashelmob.jpg A loyalist paramilitary group in the Dungannon area has posted an image of a masked gang alongside a caption threatening “foreign nationals” who they said were “from the nationalist end of the town”.

Published August 27, 2021

‘Uncomfortable’ truth behind informers challenged


The daughter of a member of the RUC (now PSNI) police killed in a Provisional IRA action in 1990 is to take an unprecedented lawsuit over allegations the killing took place as part of a British ‘psy-ops’ intelligence agenda.

Published August 21, 2021

The British and Unionist Broadcasting Corporation

bbcbuilding.jpg Allegations of institutional sectarianism at the BBC have resurfaced after it aired a clip during its primetime Newsline TV news programme which included the obscene sectarian slogan ‘F*ck the Pope’.

Published August 14, 2021

‘Makey-up’ government changes law to suit itself

varadkarrte.jpg The disdain for Covid-19 rules by Irish political figures has brought about a loosening in the regulations to combat the disease as the Dublin coalition struggles to quell public anger over a rule-breaking party linked to a crony appointment.

Published August 7, 2021

Irish school forced out of east Belfast

naiscoilnaseolta.jpg There has been a shocked reaction across Ireland and abroad to news that an Irish language nursery school due to open in East Belfast has been forced to relocate as a result of loyalist pressure.

Published July 31, 2021

Judge demands inquiry into Omagh bomb

omaghbomb600.jpg The British government has said it will “take time” to consider its options after a judge called for an inquiry into state actions in connection with a bomb which was allowed to detonate on a street in Omagh, County Tyrone in August 1998, killing 29 people.

Published July 24, 2021

The mother of all cover-ups

murfewis.jpg The British government’s move to block official investigations into its history of war crimes in the north of Ireland has unleashed unprecedented anger at a historic act of British bad faith.

Published July 17, 2021

PSNI defy ministers over bonfire

bonfiredonaldson.jpg The PSNI police have won a judge’s backing for their decision to ignore Stormont Ministers in relation to a violent loyalist bonfire gang.

Published July 10, 2021

‘We will fight on’

michaelmckinney.jpg The families of victims of killer British soldiers will continue to fight for justice after Crown prosecutors announced they are discontinuing proceedings against the only soldier to face charges for the 1972 Bloody Sunday massacre, as well as those soldiers involved in the murder of 15-year-old Daniel Hegarty.

Published July 3, 2021

MI5’s evil tactics exposed

vickyduffy.jpg A Lurgan mother-of-three has spoken out after an intimidating encounter with MI5 left her feeling “stalked” by British military agents.

Published June 26, 2021

Unionism in turmoil as basic rights asserted

pootscamera.jpg A second collapse of the leadership of the largest unionist party, in the face of Irish language speakers receiving a commitment that their rights will be protected, marks a further loosening of the grip on northern politics by the DUP’s extremists.

Published June 19, 2021


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