MI5’s evil tactics exposed
MI5’s evil tactics exposed


A Lurgan mother-of-three has spoken out after an intimidating encounter with MI5 left her feeling “stalked” by British military agents.

She captured video and images of agents approaching her with her five-month-old son after visiting her grandfather in a care home. Turning her camera on them, the agents raised their hoods and drove off in a waiting car.

In a Facebook post, Aimee Duffy said she had been “harassed” and “stalked” by MI5 for nearly 10 months.

“I have received letters through my door when I’m not home on three separate occasions,” she said.

“When I purchased a camera to deter this, the money started going into my bank account which the bank then ‘couldn’t’ trace.”

Having asked the bank for answers as to where the money had come from, they only answered that “the money was legitimate”.

The same tactic was again used on two separate occasions, but the bank were again unable to verify where the money came from.

“The whole thing has made me bad with my nerves. Imagine feeling like you’re being stalked, but there’s nothing you can do and nobody to report it too?”

Ms Duffy, who is a partner to a republican prisoner and is a daughter of prominent County Armagh republican Colin Duffy, but is not herself political, said MI5 had been “hell bent” on coming for her.

She said cards containing cash and Amazon vouchers have been put through her letter box of her home in recent months.

On May 27th 2021, the young mother returned home having been out all day only to find an envelope with £250 and another handwritten note saying “happy belated birthday, hope this helps from Vicky”.

She said she had spoken out to the highlight the case “because people don’t believe you when you tell them”.

“Perhaps [they] thought I’d be a weak link because I’m on my own with three children and been through a lot the last few years, but they have another thought coming if that’s the case,” she wrote.

None of the North’s main political parties spoke out to condemn the harassment. Ms Duffy questioned the failure of politicians to “show concern on how I’m literally being made to feel petrified and unsafe in my own home and my own community.

“I’ll not hold my breath waiting on them, that’s for sure.”

Saoradh urged anyone affected by this type of activity to contact a lawyer. They said the approaches and attempts to recruit spies within working-class and republican communities “will continue to fail”.

“We encourage anyone who faces this type of harassment and intimidation at the hands of British Military Intelligence to contact your local Saoradh representative and a solicitor immediately,” they said.

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