[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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British tricks to avoid accountability for killings

patfinucanebig600.jpg The British Direct Ruler Brandon Lewis is attempting to “run down the clock” in a legal challenge over collusion in the assassination of Belfast defence lawyer Pat Finucane, the High Court has heard.

Published October 9, 2021

Alliance, Greens blamed for slowing progress on sectarianism

kilcooleparade.jpg A provocative ‘centenary parade’ by the anti-Catholic Orange Order was stopped from marching through a leafy suburban area of Belfast last weekend in a sign of growing opposition to loyalist parades across the North.

Published October 9, 2021

End of hunger strike commemorated

hunger40.jpg Republicans marked the 40th anniversary of the end of the 1981 hunger strike last weekend at events across the North and elsewhere.

Published October 9, 2021

Govt under pressure to end corporate tax dodges

google.jpg The operation of the 26 County state as a haven for greedy tech multinationals and the super rich is being strongly challenged by the international efforts of whistleblowers and tax justice campaigners.

Published October 9, 2021

A wrecker’s charter?

unionistleaders.jpg A unionist election deal could be forming around a plan to pull down Stormont if the Brexit Protocol is not scrapped, or if Sinn Féin becomes the largest party after the next Assembly election.

Published October 1, 2021

Police Ombudsman backing a ‘dirty war’ agenda

martinohagan2.jpg Pressure is growing over conflict killings in which informers are implicated after the Office of the Police Ombudsman was accused of consistently protecting those involved.

Published October 1, 2021

Saoradh says party under intense attack

britconvoy.jpg More than a dozen Saoradh members have now been rounded up and charged with a variety of offences in what the party believes is new initiative by Britain to increase its grip in the north of Ireland.

Published October 1, 2021

North insulated from Brexit chaos by Protocol

petrolrage.jpg While there is anger in Britain over empty shelves, staff shortages and a fuel crisis, the north of Ireland is avoiding almost all the negative effects of Brexit thanks to the special status afforded by the Irish Protocol.

Published October 1, 2021

Tribute to Diarmuid O’Neill on 25th anniversary

ferrisoneill.jpg The last Provisional IRA Volunteer killed during the conflict “continues to inspire us”, former Sinn Féin TD Martin Ferris has said.

Published October 1, 2021

UDA display in Derry

derryuda.jpg Nationalists in Derry’s Waterside have condemned a loyalist parade which featured the emblems of the unionist paramilitary UDA last weekend, Saturday 25 September.

Published October 1, 2021

Johnson gets the message

johnsondc.jpg London’s refusal to honour its treaty obligations towards Ireland have been called out by Joe Biden in a major setback for British Prime Minister Boris Johnson during his first meeting with the new US President.

Published September 25, 2021

Sinister agenda behind Facebook action

facebookcensorship.jpg Irish republican groups are being forced to fight for the right to free speech this week after scores of social media accounts were shut down and removed by Facebook in a one-sided act of repression.

Published September 25, 2021

Justice a big step closer for veteran collusion campaigner

reaveys.jpg Eugene Reavey, who has campaigned for justice since his three brothers were shot by members of a notorious pro-British death squad in January 1976, has hailed the news that a member of the British Crown Forces is expected to face prosecution for the killings.

Published September 25, 2021

Grand cover-up plan under pressure

timefortruthdemo.jpg A British plan to impose a statute of limitations on all war crimes committed in the north of Ireland could be in breach of international law, a European human rights commissioner has said.

Published September 25, 2021

Council of State shamed by Bruton outburst

johnbruton600.jpg The former 26 County Taoiseach John Bruton is under pressure to withdraw his comments and step down from the body that advises Irish Presidents following a torrent of false and demeaning criticism against the President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins.

Published September 25, 2021

Parades Commission call for Scotland

callitoutprotest.jpg There have been appeals for a Parades Commission to be set up in Scotland following a weekend of provocative sectarian displays by Orange Order marchers at the weekend.

Published September 25, 2021

President rises above unionist attacks

presidentmichaeldhiggins.jpg The President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, has hit out at those who have insisted he attend an event to publicly celebrate the partition of Ireland.

Published September 18, 2021

DUP dial up trouble

protestdonaldson.jpg DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson has issued a veiled threat to the stability of the north of Ireland if his demands on the Brexit protocol are not met.

Published September 18, 2021

New horror for Ballymurphy families

ballymurphyinquest2003.jpg The Ballymurphy Massacre Families have spoken of their pain following revelations that the retained organs and other body tissue parts of five of the deceased were retained from their original postmortems in 1971.

Published September 18, 2021

Lives of Catholic family threatened by UVF

eastbelfastuvf.jpg A Belfast family has been forced out of their home after receiving sectarian threats from unionist paramilitaries.

Published September 18, 2021


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