[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Bomb warnings ‘were ignored’

bloodyfriday.jpg A research charity has discovered that coded IRA warnings were not heeded in a series of attacks in 1972 which became known as ‘Bloody Friday’.

Published July 28, 2022

Irish Unity ‘by 2030’

mcdonaldcanberra.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has predicted a referendum on the reunification of Ireland would take place “in this decade” and that Ireland is “in the end days of partition”.

Published July 21, 2022

PSNI failed to pass on death threat to UDA murder victim

glenquinn1200.jpg The brother of a man found murdered by unionist paramilitaries in 2020 has said the police in the North failed to inform him that his life was under threat.

Published July 21, 2022

Little change seen after Tory process of attrition

sunaktruss.jpg One of two members of the former ‘war cabinet’ of the ousted British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is set to become his successor following an ugly and dubious selection process by the party’s MPs.

Published July 21, 2022

PSNI accused in upsurge of sectarianism

steelepsni.jpg Two members of the PSNI police saluted the funeral procession of loyalist John Steele, who fell to his death while building a loyalist paramilitary bonfire in Larne earlier this month.

Published July 21, 2022

Sinister agency at work at Belfast Airport

belfastairport.jpg Two political parties have condemned separate interrogations of their members by unidentified ‘security’ personnel stationed at Belfast Airport.

Published July 21, 2022

Plastic bullet victims remembered

tobiasmolloyprocession.jpg The family and friends of Tobias Molloy have held a series of events to mark the 50th anniversary of his death at the hands of a British soldier on July 16, 1972.

Published July 21, 2022

Hopes for a ‘reset’ in London

newtories.jpg The edging out of Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister this week has raised hopes that his successor will end the multiple attacks of his government on the Good Friday Agreement.

Published July 14, 2022

Demands for change as sectarian nightmare continues

bonfires2022.jpg The complete failure of the authorities to tackle rampant hate crimes at loyalist ‘Eleventh’ bonfires has brought demands for forceful action and an end to the lip service which greets the scenes every year.

Published July 14, 2022

‘RUC has not gone away’ as shocking defilement revealed

simonbyrne1200.jpg The PSNI has been accused of descending new depths of inhumanity after it emerged members of the force shared perverted images of a suicide victim’s body accompanied by sectarian anti-Catholic comments.

Published July 14, 2022

Families are targeted at Maghaberry

maghaberry1200.jpg Children of republican prisoners attending a jail visit at Maghaberry prison were told to use a “mop bucket” after requesting to use the toilet.

Published July 14, 2022

Johnson departure gives hope to families

billofshameprotest.jpg Campaigners against legislation to give an amnesty to Britain’s war criminals in the north of Ireland have said Boris Johnson’s departure as Prime Minister could “be a window of opportunity”.

Published July 14, 2022

Springhill/Westrock massacre remembered, 50 years on

springhill50.jpg Relatives and friends gathered this week for a memorial march to remember five Catholic people shot dead by the British army 50 years ago.

Published July 14, 2022

Loyalist mayhem and hate now ‘mainstreamed’

eleventh2022.jpg Hundreds of loyalist bonfires have gone ahead tonight across the North despite the death of a bonfire builder who fell to his death from one of the pyres.

Published July 12, 2022

Johnson ‘resigns’ but remains in power; reshuffles Cabinet

johnsonresigns.jpg Controversy continues in London after British Prime Minister delivered a resignation speech in Downing Street but insisted he would stay on as British Prime Minister until a successor is appointed.

Published July 7, 2022

Lewis quits as Johnson seeks to stay until October

johnsonlewis1200.jpg Britain’s Direct Ruler in Ireland Brandon Lewis has resigned from the Cabinet as Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now on the point of yielding to the overwhelming pressure for him to go.

Published July 7, 2022

‘Pray for Johnson to go’

johnsonout.jpg After one of the most bizarre days in British politics, Boris Johnson is still clinging to power in London despite no fewer than 42 resignations from his government, including a record 14 Ministers in one day.

Published July 6, 2022

Collusion alleged as Irvine walks

irvineloyalist.jpg The open involvement of a British minister in the release on bail of a top loyalist paramilitary figure has hiked tensions in the north of Ireland ahead of next week’s ‘Twelfth’ marches.

Published July 6, 2022

Legacy ‘Bill of Shame’ passed by MPs

legacyprotest0622.jpg The British government has been accused of retraumatising victims of the conflict after legislation for a broad amnesty for its war criminals in the north of Ireland was rushed through the House of Commons.

Published July 6, 2022

PSNI working alongside MI5 to recruit informers

psnimi5.jpg The PSNI are increasingly facilitating British military intelligence in their attempts to recruit nationalists as informers.

Published July 6, 2022


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