[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Clashes follow Easter events

Trouble broke out in Derry after a heavy PSNI presence turned out to monitor an Easter commemoration organised by the 32 County Sovereignty Movement.

Published April 15, 2007

Collusion files shredded

The British army and MI5 military intelligence shredded files on collusion returned by the Stevens Inquiry, it has been confirmed.

Published April 15, 2007

Family welcome IRA apology

The Provisional IRA has apologised to the family of a republican killed by its members 17 years ago.

Published April 15, 2007

Free cross-border travel for Irish pensioners

A new cross-border agreement travel scheme has come into effect, giving senior Irish citizens unlimited use of bus and rail services and other transport services throughout Ireland.

Published April 15, 2007

Breandan Mac Cionnaith resigns

Sinn Féin political adviser Breandan Mac Cionnaith has resigned from the party without commenting on the reasons for his departure.

Published April 10, 2007

Hardliners ‘becoming more sophisticated’

A primed mortar rocket was defused in County Armagh and two other bombs were made safe in County Tyrone amid signs of increasing activity by republican militarists.

Published April 10, 2007

McDowell denies Dublin/Monaghan cover-up

The Dublin government has denied that it is trying to cover up the truth about the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings, in which 33 civilians died.

Published April 10, 2007

Driver’s life wrecked by sectarian harassment

A Catholic bus driver who endured half a decade of sectarian harassment and intimidation at work said the ordeal has “ruined his life”.

Published April 10, 2007

US Congressional delegation celebrates peace moves

The deal between Sinn Féin and the DUP marks a significant triumph for US foreign policy, senior congressmen said in Belfast on Sunday.

Published April 10, 2007

IRA Easter statements

The annual Easter statements issued by the main republican groups.

Published April 7, 2007

Bombs investigation ‘buried and forgotten’

Survivors and the bereaved of the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings have vowed to continue their battle for justice after a report by criminal lawyer Patrick MacEntee failed to provide significant new information.

Published April 5, 2007

UDA to remain armed

A leader of the unionist paramilitary UDA has ruled out weapons decommissioning, claiming loyalists still “feel threatened”.

Published April 5, 2007

Prison walls come down

Demolition of the perimeter wall of the infamous H-Blocks has begun, marking a final end to Long Kesh’s function as a prison and the first phase in the construction of a new multi-function development on the site.

Published April 5, 2007

SF lines out Six-County Ministerial team

Sinn Fein has confirmed its team of ministers for the Belfast executive.

Published April 5, 2007

Tributes to plastic bullet campaigner

Emma Groves, a west Belfast woman who became a major factor in the campaign against plastic bullets after being blinded 35 years ago, has died.

Published April 5, 2007

Mixed reaction to power-sharing delay

“Everything we have done over the last 10 years has been a preparation for this moment,” proclaimed British Prime Minister Tony Blair, leading a vocal and mainly positive response by Irish and British political leaders to the successful outcome of the DUP-Sinn Féin negotiations this week.

Published March 30, 2007

Dissent at deal within DUP

The representative of Ian Paisley’s DUP at the European Parliament, Jim Allister MEP, has resigned following the party’s deal to begin sharing power with Sinn Féin in May.

Published March 30, 2007

Legal breakthrough in shoot-to-kill cases

The father of an IRA Volunteer shot dead by the British Army’s SAS in 1990 today won a five-year legal battle over disclosure of confidential British reports about the killing.

Published March 30, 2007

Bombers may escape justice - Ahern

Nobody will be brought to justice as a result of the long-awaited report into the 1974 Dublin and Monaghan bombings, the 26-County Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has said.

Published March 30, 2007

UDA tensions follows grant aid

The unionist paramilitary UDA is still heavily involved in extortion rackets, the PSNI police has said, despite the British government handing the group 1.2 million pounds sterling last week.

Published March 30, 2007


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