[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Prisoners face tough conditions this Christmas

prisonersxmastree.jpg A republican prisoner has obtained legal permission to challenge prison authorities for subjecting him to strip searches around every court attendance.

Published December 8, 2022

‘Neither confirm, nor deny’ - cover-up retools

confidential.jpg Those seeking truth and justice in the north of Ireland are facing a wall of silence by state officials hiding state crimes behind data protection legislation.

Published December 8, 2022

Collusion bomb attack which advanced repression

sackvillestreet.jpg The 50th anniversary of a deadly bomb attack thought to have been the earliest act of British/loyalist collusion south of the border has been marked in Dublin.

Published December 8, 2022

Opposition to amnesty bill boosted by conviction

mcanespiehappy.jpg The response of the London government to the conviction of a British soldier for the death of a young Tyrone man has beeen described as “shocking”.

Published December 1, 2022

Attacks claimed by armed groups

strabaneied.jpg The New IRA has claimed responsibility for a mortar attack on a PSNI patrol in Strabane, County Tyrone on November 17.

Published December 1, 2022

Republican communities punished by raids, evacuations

proteststrabane.jpg A protest has taken place in Strabane, County Tyrone following a week of intense Crown Force activity which has seen front doors smashed and families forced out of their homes by late-night raids and bogus ‘security’ alerts.

Published December 1, 2022

Intense MI5 efforts to recruit informers

mi5texts.jpg Family members of republicans are being increasingly harassed and coerced to provide information and collaborate with the Crown Forces.

Published December 1, 2022

DUP bid to ‘cherry pick’ protocol

pootsdonaldson1200.jpg The DUP have been accused of talking “from both sides of their mouth” on the Brexit protocol after it was revealed former party leader Edwin Poots lobbied to retain elements which benefit the largely unionist farming community.

Published December 1, 2022

Changing unionism on show at the Ulster Hall

futureulsterhall.jpg Up to a thousand people attended the Ulster Hall in Belfast on Wednesday night for a meeting supporting Irish unity in a venue long associated with unionism.

Published December 1, 2022

British soldier found guilty of manslaughter

holdenmcanespie.jpg A guilty verdict in a case against the British soldier who killed Tyrone man Aidan McAnespie in 1988 is of “exceptional poignancy” for his family, according to justice campaigners.

Published November 25, 2022

Scotland denied freedom vote

sturgeon1200.jpg A judgement by the Supreme Court in London that a Scottish independence referendum cannot be held without the backing of the Westminster parliament has made clear that the ‘United Kingdom’ is a union that exists by force, not by democracy.

Published November 24, 2022

Armed action challenges narrative

strabanepsni.jpg British forces may have believed their own propaganda in regard to the status of IRA breakaway groups to judge by their shocked response to an attack on a PSNI patrol in Tyrone last Thursday night, November 17.

Published November 24, 2022

Collusion fears following arms finds

collusionmural2.jpg Two former British soldiers are among a group of loyalists who have appeared in court on weapons charges linked to the unionist paramilitary UVF.

Published November 24, 2022

Loyalists mount Belfast ‘culture war’

tg4ad.jpg An advertising hoarding for Irish language channel TG4 has been defaced with sectarian death threats in north Belfast.

Published November 24, 2022

Protests over ‘callous’ legacy legislation

derrylegacyprotest.jpg ‘Bin the Legacy Bill’ protests have been taking place in Derry, Belfast and London as a bid to end conflict-related prosecutions and investigations takes place at the Westminster parliament.

Published November 24, 2022

US political leaders maintain support for Ireland

schumer.jpg US political leaders continue to show strong support for the Irish cause despite a change in the balance of power following mid-term elections there.

Published November 24, 2022

Britain’s dirtiest secret

lurganmartyrs.jpg The son of an IRA Volunteer shot dead in the first of a series of planned British ambushes forty years ago has said he will never give up his fight for the truth.

Published November 16, 2022

Strip searches rise as authorities fail to use scanners

stripsearch.jpg More than one hundred forced strip searches have been carried out against Republican prisoners in the past two weeks, despite new scanners that make the infamous procedure redundant.

Published November 16, 2022

‘Big Brother’ bid to control movements across border

biometricsborder.jpg Many crossing the border from the south into the north of Ireland may soon be required to submit biometric facial and fingerprint data to the British government.

Published November 16, 2022

Poppy Day parade held by UDA killer unit

udaparade.jpg An event organised by a sectarian and criminal murder gang to mark Remembrance Sunday has been condemned by its victims.

Published November 16, 2022


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