[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Britain’s chopper propaganda

choppercrossmaglen.jpg A newly-released British military file has finally admitted that a British Army helicopter, said to have crashed in a 1978 air accident, came down trying to avoid IRA gunfire.

Published January 24, 2015

Robinson, McGuinness shut out of TV debate

bbctvdebate.jpg Both the DUP and Sinn Fein have been refused permission to take part in a televised debate of British party leaders ahead of the Westminster general election.

Published January 24, 2015

Inquest frustrated by mystery witnesses

harrythornton.jpg The failure of the British Ministry of Defence to track down three soldiers holding vital information about the killing of Crossmaglen man Harry Thornton is another example of its determination to deny families of state violence truth and justice, Sinn Fein has said.

Published January 24, 2015

More sectarian attacks as tensions resurface

conorlynch.jpg A County Tyrone man who was stabbed while walking past a loyalist part of south Belfast believes he may have been deliberately targeted for wearing a Gaelic sports top.

Published January 24, 2015

Adams sees left-wing coalition, backs debt conference

adamselectionpress.jpg Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams has said he can’t see his party sharing power with either of the two main right-wing parties, Fine Gael or Fianna Fail, after the next 26-County general election -- but that Sinn Fein wants to be in government.

Published January 24, 2015

Former PoWs battle discrimination, resentment

expowsreport.jpg A ground-breaking study has painted a bleak picture of the situation former political prisoners find themselves in.

Published January 24, 2015

Billions written off

michaelnoonangrumpy.jpg The coalition government has indicated it has abandoned efforts to recover 30 billion euro pumped into Ireland’s banking system following its collapse in 2008.

Published January 17, 2015

Cover-up investigation will not hear from RUC boss

michaeltighe.jpg An investigation into the destruction of evidence in a Crown force murder ambush has been announced just weeks after the reported death of the deputy head of the police Special Branch who was central to its destruction.

Published January 17, 2015

Sectarian attack in Derry

gemmahasson.jpg A teenage Catholic girl was knocked unconscious following an apparent sectarian assault on New Year’s Eve in Claudy, County Derry.

Published January 17, 2015

Inquest in jeopardy

seanbrown.jpg An inquest into the murder of prominent Gaelic sports official, Sean Brown, may have to be abandoned because of the failure of the PSNI police to hand over documents relevant to the case.

Published January 17, 2015

Death of ‘legendary republican’

paddyjoerice.jpg IRA veteran Paddy Joe Rice has died aged 64. The high-profile republican passed away at his home in west Belfast on Thursday following a long illness.

Published January 17, 2015

The death of an internee

jamesmoyne.jpg Derry man and IRA volunteer, Jim Moyne, was 29 years-old when he died whilst being interned in the early hours of January 13, 1975. Jim’s family will mark his 40th anniversary with a commemoration next week.

Published January 17, 2015

A state of denial

emigrant.jpg The Dublin government issued a number of statements to claim the successes of its economic policy this week, even as thousands of recent emigrants bade tearful farewell to their loved ones following a Christmas break in Ireland.

Published January 10, 2015

Brutal killing blamed on UDA faction

brianmcilhagga.jpg Elements of the unionist paramilitary UDA have been blamed for the murder of a father-of-five in Ballymoney in County Antrim.

Published January 10, 2015

McLaughlin to take Stormont chair

mitchelmclaughlinbig.jpg Sinn Fein’s Mitchel McLaughlin is expected to become Speaker of the Six-County Assembly as an outcome of the recent talks that resulted in the Stormont House Agreement

Published January 10, 2015

Hopes raised for Bloody Sunday prosecutions

bloodysundaypriest.jpg A murder investigation into the Bloody Sunday massacre will restart ahead of the 43rd anniversary of the killings in Derry, it has been announced.

Published January 10, 2015

Delight for Donnelly as appeal is successful

donnellyappeal.jpg An independent republican councillor in Derry this week won his appeal against a term of imprisonment that would have cost him his seat on the new super council of Derry/Strabane.

Published January 10, 2015

Row over treatment of ‘Continuity Sinn Fein’ group

continuitysinnfein.jpg The detention of a group of men linked to a small factional organisation has caused a controversy over their political status.

Published January 10, 2015

FitzGerald fuelled Thatcher’s intransigence

fitzgeraldthatcher2.jpg Declassified papers have revealed Margaret Thatcher’s infamous “out, out, out” speech on nationalist aspirations in Ireland may have been motivated by a summit in which the Dublin government admitted it was working towards a “lowering of expectations” rather than Irish reunification.

Published January 3, 2015

Minister’s four-letter insult for Sinn Fein

charlieflanagan.jpg The 26-County Foreign Affairs Minister Charlie Flanagan has been urged to apologise for internet comments in which he referred to Sinn Fein as ‘c*nt politics’.

Published January 3, 2015


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