[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Reconstruction takes place on anniversary of boy’s death

manusreconstruction.jpg One Derry family has renewed hopes for justice following a re-enactment of the murder of Irish schoolboy Manus Deery by the British Army. It follows a directive from the Six County Attorney General, John Larkin, that a fresh inquest into the killing of Manus Deery should take place.

Published May 21, 2016

Stormont resumes with UUP as ‘Official Opposition’

uupbig.jpg The leader of the unionist DUP, Arlene Foster, and Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness have been formally returned as the Six County First Minister and Deputy First Minister respectively ahead of formulating a ‘Programme for Government’ for the Stormont Executive.

Published May 14, 2016

Protestors arrested as water charges regime falls apart

wicklow2.jpg Following a decision by the new coalition government that water charges are to be suspended for at least nine months, it has now been announced that penalties for non-payment of water charges are also to be suspended.

Published May 14, 2016

New investigation into death of internee shot in the back

hughconeybig.jpg Six County Attorney General John Larkin has ordered a fresh inquest into the death of a County Tyrone man shot dead while trying to escape from Long Kesh internment camp more than 40 years ago.

Published May 14, 2016

Republican targeted by PSNI using his own academic work

anthonymcintyre2.jpg Attempts by the PSNI police to gain access to a former IRA Volunteer’s interviews for an American university project are just a “fishing expedition”, a court has heard.

Published May 14, 2016

Departure of Burton sets up Labour leadership contest

joanburtonbig.jpg The long-awaited announcement by Joan Burton of her resignation as leader of the Labour Party has triggered a power battle within the party.

Published May 14, 2016

Executed Rising rebels honoured

connollymemorial.jpg Commemoration events have been taking place to mark 100 years since the executions of the leaders of the Easter Rising. The state events took place in the Stonebreakers’ Yard in Kilmainham Gaol, on the spot where most of the men died.

Published May 14, 2016

Protest vote ‘cannot be ignored’

mccannelected.jpg The final results of the Stormont election show a small drop in support for Sinn Fein and the rival nationalist SDLP, and no change at all for the unionists, with the Green Party and socialist People before Profit making small gains.

Published May 7, 2016

New government faces old problems

coalition2016.jpg Scepticism remains high over the future stability of the new Dublin government as the new Cabinet held its first meeting at Áras an Uachtaráin, the President’s official residence.

Published May 7, 2016

Informer protected in cover-up of republican’s death, court hears

johnbradybig2.jpg A lawyer acting for the family of a former republican prisoner who died in a PSNI police barracks branded a potential witness a Crown informer in the coroner’s court yesterday.

Published May 7, 2016

Victims’ anger as inquest plan is spiked by Stormont

eileenmckeown.jpg Amnesty International has accused the Stormont Executive of denying justice by blocking funds for a series of inquests into conflict-related killings.

Published May 7, 2016

PSNI move against republican funeral

barrfuneral.jpg Levels of Crown force harassment have jumped in the Derry City and Strabane area following the arrest of fifteen people at the funeral of former republican prisoner Mickey Barr in Strabane on Thursday.

Published May 7, 2016

Sinn Fein struggles to explain after N-word nightmare

adamsdjango.jpg Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams has been forced to issue a number of apologies for the use of a racial slur word in a late night Tweet on Sunday.

Published May 7, 2016

Socialist breakthrough only crack in Stormont edifice

gerrycarrollelected.jpg The left-wing People Before Profit Alliance (PBP) have made an electoral breakthrough in the Six Counties as the established Stormont parties saw their support drop following Thursday’s Assembly election.

Published May 6, 2016

Enda Kenny re-elected as Taoiseach after ‘tawdry deals’

kennyreelected.jpg Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has received the seal of office of Taoiseach from the President after being re-elected this afternoon with the help of nine independents and the tacit support of Fianna Fail, who abstained as part of an historic agreement with their traditional foes.

Published May 6, 2016

First steps to ‘Fianna Gael’ coalition deal

fiannagael.jpg Two months after the general election, the two largest parties in the 26 Counties have reached a potentially historic agreement to form a minority government.

Published April 30, 2016

Rising commemorations mark centenary date

peoplesparade2.jpg A large 1916 Rising commemoration parade took place through Belfast city centre without major incident on Sunday despite efforts by loyalists to disrupt the event.

Published April 30, 2016

Stormont politicians seek endorsement

eastwoodmcguinness.jpg Nationalist politicians in the north of Ireland have expressed concern over voter apathy ahead of next week’s election to the Belfast Assembly.

Published April 30, 2016

Internees demand answers

mccaffertytaylor.jpg British authorities being sued by a prominent republican are trying to hide behind private court hearings in a bid to prevent evidence being revealed.

Published April 30, 2016

Death of hunger-strike author David Beresford

davidberesford.jpg An award-winning journalist credited with writing the definitive account of the 1981 Hunger Strike has died in South Africa.

Published April 30, 2016


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