[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Britain launches ‘Border Force’

customs.jpg A new ‘Border Force’ recruitment drive is being seen as the latest sign that the British government is planning to impose a hard border across Ireland after Brexit, and the manner of its implementation is in line with the extreme right-wing policies of the British government’s Home Office.

Published April 21, 2018

BBC show predicts Catholic majority for North by 2021

catholicdemographics.jpg A claim that Catholics could soon outnumber Protestants in the Six Counties has been highlighted by nationalist parties to convince those with a unionist background to feel “at home” in a new, united Ireland.

Published April 21, 2018

Prison authorities target families

maghaberrysat.jpg Prisoner support groups have accused the Maghaberry administration of again targeting the families of republican political prisoners.

Published April 21, 2018

GFA prisoners still facing discrimination

coisteold.jpg Twenty years after the signing of the Good Friday Agreement, republicans who were jailed for activities related to the conflict have said they are still facing barriers to employment and travel.

Published April 21, 2018

‘McGuinness Principles’ campaign launched

schumer_mcguinnessprinciples.jpg A new set of “principles” to commemorate the late Six County Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness have been advanced by Sinn Fein with the support of a prominent US politician.

Published April 21, 2018

Protests over Syria attacks

syriaprotest.jpg The use of international air bombardments in the war in Syria has provoked anger and protest in Ireland.

Published April 21, 2018

IRSP HQ raided

irspraid.jpg The headquarters of the Irish Republican Socialist Party were raided by the PSNI police on Friday in the latest show of strength by the Crown forces against republicans in Belfast and Derry.

Published April 14, 2018

PSNI arrest leading republican at press conference

saoradhpress.jpg Saoradh has vowed to resist the criminalisation of republicans following a heavy-handed police arrest operation at offices shared by the small political party on Monday.

Published April 14, 2018

SDLP in disarray over tribute to hunger striker

mccreeshpark600.jpg The nationalist SDLP has been condemned after it threatened to discipline its councillors in Newry who failed to support moves to rename a park in the town named for local hunger strike hero Raymond McCreesh.

Published April 14, 2018

Mayor of Dublin infuriates Israel by devious use of Irish

michealmacdonncha.jpg Sinn Fein’s Mayor of Dublin, Micheal Mac Donncha, has caused a furore over his attendance at a conference in Palestine after Israel failed to prevent him from attending and which the Israeli prime minister then denounced as anti-semitic.

Published April 14, 2018

Media tricked by bogus statements

decorators.jpg Major media outlets and prominent politicians have been taken in by a bogus statement and photograph claiming to represent a new Irish republican armed group.

Published April 14, 2018

Foster attends ‘cash-for-ash’ inquiry

fosterrhi.jpg Low-level corruption and incompetence have emerged as the defining characteristics of the Six County Executive’s handling of the notorious RHI scandal as the inquiry into the affair began addressing the issue of political leadership this week.

Published April 14, 2018

PSNI oppression fails to halt Rising commemorations

saoradheasterderry18.jpg A 76-year-old woman injured during a Crown Force operation to disrupt an Easter 1916 commemoration in Lurgan has come to symbolise the defiance of republicans against a new effort to disrupt republican Easter parade colour parties.

Published April 7, 2018

Murder gangs could hit South over Brexit, Trimble warns

trimble18.jpg A former leader of the Ulster Unionist Party has suggested loyalist paramilitaries could mount attacks against the Dublin government over its efforts to prevent a ‘hard border’ through Ireland.

Published April 7, 2018

DUP leader to emigrate if Ireland reunited

fosterbcc2.jpg The leader of the DUP, Arlene Foster, has said she could not tolerate living in Ireland if the island were to be reunited.

Published April 7, 2018

Raid on UDA commander provokes ‘show of strength’

udashowofstrengthbangor.jpg More than 40 members of the North Down UDA mounted a display of paramilitary power in Bangor, County Down following police searches of loyalist Dee Stitt’s home and two other properties.

Published April 7, 2018

Unionists seen leading anti-Islam sentiment

islamleaflet.jpg Senior unionist politicians have been accused of engaging in racist commentary amid a controversy over the distribution of fascistic leaflets against immigrants.

Published April 7, 2018

Derry moves to protect children from Crown Force recruitment

garydonnelly2.jpg There has been a general welcome in Derry after councillors formally backed a call for schools to ban British Armed Forces from accessing children.

Published April 7, 2018

Clashes at Derry parade amid tension at Rising events

psnivehiclepetrolbomb.jpg Confrontations at Easter 1916 events across the North erupted in a mini-riot in Derry today as the annual march by the 1916 Commemoration Committee, supported by Saoradh, gathered in the Creggan estate in the city.

Published April 2, 2018

Easter commemoration attacked by PSNI

commem2.jpg The PSNI have this afternoon attacked an Easter commemoration in Lurgan, County Armagh, injuring a woman and dramatically raising tensions ahead of a weekend of commemorative events.

Published March 31, 2018


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