[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Judge demands political statement from internee

internmentprotests.jpg One of ten republican activists interned by remand following a large-scale arrest operation in 2020 has been told by a judge he must make a statement supporting a ‘shared island’ in order to be considered for bail.

Published August 11, 2022

Britain accused of condoning Noah’s murder

noahprotest.jpg A wave of outrage has followed the decision by the new British Direct Ruler to sign a secrecy order covering files on the death in 2020 of 14-year-old Catholic boy Noah Donohoe.

Published August 4, 2022

Majority in North now back immediate reunification

pollvote.jpg The latest poll results in the Six Counties point to a sharp decline in support for unionism and the emergence of a clear majority in favour of Irish reunification.

Published July 28, 2022

Irish Unity ‘by 2030’

mcdonaldcanberra.jpg Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald has predicted a referendum on the reunification of Ireland would take place “in this decade” and that Ireland is “in the end days of partition”.

Published July 21, 2022

Hopes for a ‘reset’ in London

newtories.jpg The edging out of Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister this week has raised hopes that his successor will end the multiple attacks of his government on the Good Friday Agreement.

Published July 14, 2022

‘Pray for Johnson to go’

johnsonout.jpg After one of the most bizarre days in British politics, Boris Johnson is still clinging to power in London despite no fewer than 42 resignations from his government, including a record 14 Ministers in one day.

Published July 6, 2022

McGurk’s Bar report quashed after seven year fight

mcgurks1200.jpg A deceptive police report into the McGurk’s Bar bomb atrocity is to be quashed in its entirety, concluding a titanic legal battle between victims of the atrocity and the PSNI.

Published June 30, 2022

Peace under sustained attack

johnsontruss.jpg With plans well advanced in London for a hard border through Ireland and a blanket amnesty for British war crimes, there is a consensus among nationalists that the 1998 Good Friday Agreement is under unprecedented attack.

Published June 23, 2022

Irvine arrest highlights new collusion fears

irvinetwaddell.jpg A notorious UVF paramilitary figure was on a peace scholarship backed by the Dublin government when it is alleged he was involved in a dramatic hoax car bomb attack on its Foreign Affairs Minister, Simon Coveney.

Published June 16, 2022

‘Ban the Orange Order’

dundonald.jpg A wave of revulsion at chanting about the murder of a young Catholic bride on her honeymoon has brought pressure for the Orange Order to be treated alongside other racist and supremacist groups.

Published June 9, 2022

Unionists object to reminder of colonial past

plantationmap.jpg Unionist indignation at the public use of the word ‘planter’ by visiting US politician Richard Neal has highlighted their denial of the history of settler colonisation in the north of Ireland.

Published June 1, 2022

Red letter day for the Irish language

ladearg.jpg A new sense of empowerment was evident in the largest ever demonstration for Irish language rights in Belfast last weekend, as up to 20,000 people demanded overdue legislation to protect the rights of Irish speakers under British rule.

Published May 26, 2022

Britain lurches from ‘law, law’ to ‘war, war’

johnsonthales.jpg Fears of a trade war and renewed conflict in the north of Ireland have increased dramatically after the British government this week tore up the Irish Protocol of Brexit in a flagrant breach of international law.

Published May 19, 2022

Old order fails to grasp seismic change

donaldsonjohnson.jpg Rejectionist unionism continues to be indulged by the British government, despite Sinn Féin winning the Stormont Assembly election and nationalist parties outpolling unionist parties in a Six County election for the first time.

Published May 12, 2022

Counting the changes

election2022.jpg The increasing confidence of Irish nationalism and the declining power of unionism has become clear in an election campaign marked by signs of incremental but irreversible change.

Published May 5, 2022

Noah’s face slashed from posters

noahposters1.jpg Posters seeking justice for schoolboy Noah Donohoe have been attacked in a predominately unionist area of north Belfast.

Published April 28, 2022

Easter events overshadowed by violent PSNI operation

arrestderryeaster.jpg A PSNI arrest operation at a major Easter commemoration in Derry resulted in scenes of violence and renewed a controversy over the force’s handling of traditional republican parades in the north of Ireland.

Published April 21, 2022

Unionism split by actions of extremists

beattieposter.jpg Hardline unionists have been blamed for a shocking incident that saw a noose placed around the neck of an image of Ulster Unionist Party leader Doug Beattie.

Published April 14, 2022

Minister potentially funding his own assassins

coveneyalert.jpg The 26 County Minister for Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, has been funding organisations linked to unionist paramilitaries who have been threatening to assassinate him, it has emerged.

Published April 7, 2022

Who stands behind ‘Brexit’s bombers’?

antiprotocol.jpg Questions are being raised over the role of unionist politicians and media in motivating a hoax bomb attack at an event in north Belfast on Friday morning, 25 March.

Published March 31, 2022


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