Previously confidential files released this week in Dublin, Belfast and
London under the 30 year ruled provide evidence of the increasing role
of the ‘Dirty War’ -- the use of covert intelligence and the SAS
shoot-to-kill strategy by the British government.
Published January 2, 2009

Concern in mounting in Ireland this Christmas that a set of rapidly
deteriorating market conditions and government mis-steps are
threatening to pitch the entire island into an unprecedented economic
Published December 19, 2008

A second referendum to ratify the Lisbon Treaty will be held in the 26
Counties before October 31st of next year, according to the conclusions
of a European Union summit this week.
Published December 12, 2008

The British government has extended a deadline for unionist
paramilitary groups to decommission their weapons by another twelve
Published December 5, 2008

The funeral has taken place of UDA ‘brigadier’ Ihab Shoukri, who died
this week after taking a fit brought on by a night of heavy drug use
in Newtonabbey, outside Belfast.
Published November 28, 2008

The Stormont Executive met on Thursday for the first time in over five
Published November 21, 2008

The UDA has warned of being ready to “do battle” in a statement read to
several thousand loyalist supporters at a number of venues in the north
of Ireland.
Published November 13, 2008

Hopes are high that the election of a transformative President in the
US could herald an era of progressive change in Ireland.
Published November 7, 2008

A coat-trailing and incendiary march by British troops is set to take
place in the centre of Ireland’s second city on Sunday despite
widespread fears over the potential for serious violence.
Published October 31, 2008

The Dublin government is under further pressure over the October
Budget, days after thirty thousand pensioners and students besieged
parliament over cutbacks.
Published October 24, 2008

Hundreds of thousands of Irish taxpayers were the subject of a
sweeping and savage range of cuts and taxes this week in order to pay
for the gross mismanagement of the 26-County economy by the Dublin
Published October 17, 2008

There have been calls for a completely new system of policing and
justice in the north of Ireland following the dramatic collapse of the
trial of bank official Chris Ward, the only individual accused of
the 2004 Northern Bank robbery.
Published October 10, 2008

The North-South Ministerial Council (NSMC) meeting scheduled for today
[Friday] was cancelled in the escalating dispute within the North’s
power-sharing administration.
Published October 3, 2008

Irish-American voters have become the focus of intense campaigning in
the US Presidential election as the race for the White House hots up.
Published September 26, 2008

The North’s strained stalemate exploded in rancour on Thursday when
the Stormont’s cabinet-style administration visibly broke into rival
Published September 19, 2008

SDLP leader Mark Durkan has stunned the political parties in the north
by calling for power-sharing between nationalists and unionists, a key
safeguard of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, to be scrapped.
Published September 12, 2008

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has stated “categorically and
definitively” that the Provisional IRA has left the stage as the DUP
continued to demand a statement by the organisation’s Army Council on
its status.
Published September 5, 2008

Serious rioting broke out this week in Belfast and in County Armagh,
where clashes between republican youths and the PSNI police saw a blast
bomb thrown and shots fired.
Published August 29, 2008

The use of a rocket-propelled grenade by the Continuity IRA against a
PSNI patrol marks a further escalation in their ongoing armed campaign.
Published August 22, 2008

Two men were treated in hospital for serious head injuries after a
loyalist mob, including armed paramilitaries, attacked a republican
commemoration in Coleraine last weekend - with the assistance of the
Published August 15, 2008
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