[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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The collusion spin

rosemarynelsonflat.jpg The British government have been condemned for attempting to protect the PSNI from the fallout of the Rosemary Nelson inquiry.

Published May 24, 2011

Queen of propaganda

queendublincastle.jpg The state visit of Elizabeth Windsor to the 26-County state came to an absurd anti-climax on Wednesday night when the British monarch admitted England’s relations with Ireland have “not been entirely benign”.

Published May 20, 2011

Royal stupidity

queenflat.jpg An unprecedented security lockdown has been put in place in several locations across Dublin, in Cork and in other sites across Ireland in preparation for the first visit to the 26-County state by the 'Queen of England', Elizabeth Windsor.

Published May 17, 2011

Prisoners confront criminalisation

prisonerposter.jpg Republican prisoners were attacked at Maghaberry prison and dragged from their cells at the weekend after a protest action against the failure of the British government and prison authorities to implement an agreement on prisoners’ rights.

Published May 12, 2011

Turnout or turnoff?

stormontfront.jpg Elections are underway in the North today [Thursday], where Sinn Féin is hoping to become the biggest party in the Belfast Assembly.

Published May 5, 2011

Real IRA responds

rirastatement.jpg In a dramatic public address on Easter Monday, the ‘Real IRA’ affirmed its determination to pursue its armed struggle against British rule.

Published April 30, 2011

A new IRA?

iragraffiti.jpg A group of former Provisional IRA members have declared that they will continue the armed struggle until a united Ireland is achieved.

Published April 25, 2011

A stand against the securocrats

sampollock.jpg Policing in the North is once again in crisis after the chief executive at the Police Ombudsman's office suddenly quit, blaming senior government officials for interfering in the office's investigations.

Published April 18, 2011

Adams calls for talks

adamsmedia.jpg Sinn Fein has offered to meet with “the militarist factions” to outline the party’s strategy for advancing republican objectives and in its belief in “the futility of armed actions”.

Published April 13, 2011

A record of hate

gardarapecorrib.jpg A recording of Gardai police laughingly planning to rape two environmental protestors, including a US citizen, has renewed attention on the policing operation to secure the construction of a hugely controversial onshore gas refinery in County Mayo.

Published April 8, 2011

Dublin tugs the forelock

michaelnoonan.jpg The coalition government parties have reneged on promises made during the general election by refusing to share the losses of Ireland’s banks with those who sought to profit from their reckless lending.

Published April 4, 2011

An apology for murder

majellafamily.jpg The British government has apologised for killing a south Armagh girl, who was shot dead by a paratrooper almost 35 years ago.

Published March 29, 2011

‘Job-sharing’ offer rejected

mcguinnessrobinsonchuckle.jpg A suggestion by Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness that he is prepared to consider sharing the role of First Minister if Sinn Fein tops the polls in the North’s Assembly election has drawn a hostile, if predictable, reaction from unionists.

Published March 25, 2011


obamaqueenclowns.jpg One of the largest military operations in the history of the 26-County State is being prepared in advance of the back-to-back state visits of British monarch Elizabeth Windsor and US President Barack Obama.

Published March 21, 2011

A week to betrayal

kennygilmorehandshake.jpg The new Fine Gael-Labour coalition has already backed away from pre-election promises to give the people a say on the EU-IMF bailout deal.

Published March 16, 2011

A fresh start

31stdail.jpg A new government has started work following a day in which a significant change in the political order in the 26 Counties finally became tangible at Leinster House.

Published March 10, 2011

A coalition for cuts

kennygilmore.jpg Fine Gael and Labour have reached an agreement on entering a new coalition government in the 26 Counties.

Published March 6, 2011

All change?

adamselection.jpg Predictions of a political transformation in Ireland came to fruition on Friday, when in the space of fifteen hours of polling, angry voters eviscerated the Fianna Fail and Green parties.

Published March 2, 2011

‘Make a stand’ - SF

adamsjimlarkin.jpg In the last pre-election rally, Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams vowed his party would stand up for Irish citizens against bad government and bad government decisions.

Published February 25, 2011

The return of Tweedledee?

finegael.jpg Fine Gael is likely to be in a position to form a new Dublin government next week as opinion polls show Sinn Fein, Labour and Fianna Fail now in the race for second place in Friday’s 26-County general election.

Published February 21, 2011


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