[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Britain launches ‘Border Force’

customs.jpg A new ‘Border Force’ recruitment drive is being seen as the latest sign that the British government is planning to impose a hard border across Ireland after Brexit, and the manner of its implementation is in line with the extreme right-wing policies of the British government’s Home Office.

Published April 21, 2018

IRSP HQ raided

irspraid.jpg The headquarters of the Irish Republican Socialist Party were raided by the PSNI police on Friday in the latest show of strength by the Crown forces against republicans in Belfast and Derry.

Published April 14, 2018

PSNI oppression fails to halt Rising commemorations

saoradheasterderry18.jpg A 76-year-old woman injured during a Crown Force operation to disrupt an Easter 1916 commemoration in Lurgan has come to symbolise the defiance of republicans against a new effort to disrupt republican Easter parade colour parties.

Published April 7, 2018

Easter commemoration attacked by PSNI

commem2.jpg The PSNI have this afternoon attacked an Easter commemoration in Lurgan, County Armagh, injuring a woman and dramatically raising tensions ahead of a weekend of commemorative events.

Published March 31, 2018

Hand over inquest funds, court orders

timefortruthscales.jpg In an emphatic ruling, a High Court judge has issued a “mandatory order” to civil servants in Belfast and London to provide long-denied funds for legacy inquests in the North of Ireland.

Published March 24, 2018

Taoiseach plays the gombeen for Trump

varadkargombeen.jpg The 26 County Taoiseach Leo Varadkar is facing calls to resign after he bragged about how he subverted the state’s planning process on behalf of Donald Trump’s business interests during the traditional St Patrick’s Day lunch in Washington DC.

Published March 17, 2018

DUP looks to London

fosterbcc2.jpg Sinn Fein has warned that the DUP has “checked out” of any attempt to restore the powersharing institutions in Belfast as the Tory government in London introduced an effective Direct Rule budget for the North of Ireland.

Published March 10, 2018

‘Action needed’ from British as DUP dump process

mcdonaldoneillno10.jpg Details of a draft talks agreement on the restoration of powersharing between Sinn Fein and the DUP have exposed the opposition of powerful unionist hardliners to even the most moderate accommodation with nationalism.

Published February 24, 2018

DUP can’t tolerate Irish

fostergaelicsign.jpg There is mounting concern that unionists in the north of Ireland are incapable of treating nationalists with respect after the DUP suddenly backed away from a deal which would have legislated for the rights for Irish language speakers.

Published February 17, 2018

Adams: ‘I did my best’

adamsflag600.jpg As he hands over the reins to Mary Lou McDonald, Sinn Fein president Gerry Adams has been giving interviews and facing a welter of last-minute criticism from his political opponents.

Published February 10, 2018

Haggarty to go free in brazen cover-up

haggartyout.jpg There was widespread shock this week after it was confirmed that loyalist Special Branch double agent Gary Haggarty could be freed within weeks despite pleading guilty to five murders, five attempted murders and hundreds of other crimes.

Published February 3, 2018

ONH ceasefire welcomed

onhmural3.jpg Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH) have confirmed no immediate plans to decommission their weapons following the breakaway IRA group’s announcement that it is to “suspend all armed actions against the British State”.

Published January 27, 2018

McDonald confirmed as next leader of Sinn Fein

maryloupreselect.jpg Mary Lou McDonald will succeed Gerry Adams as Sinn Fein leader, the party has confirmed, and will formally ascend to the leadership at a special Ard Fheis [conference] next month.

Published January 20, 2018

‘Thanks for eternity’

rosaleensands.jpg Tributes have been paid to Rosaleen Sands, the mother of hunger striker and MP Bobby Sands, who passed away on Friday.

Published January 13, 2018

DUP ‘in denial’

fosterflag.jpg The DUP has been accused of not facing reality after the hardline unionist party called for a return of full Direct Rule of the north of Ireland from London, and condemned comments by the 26 County Taoiseach that he supports a united Ireland.

Published January 6, 2018

Adams seen ready to end conflict in 1987

adams1987.jpg The Dublin government’s first intelligence on Sinn Fein’s peace initiative of 1987 claimed that Gerry Adams disapproved of some IRA actions and that the Sinn Fein leader saw the armed struggle as a “political liability”.

Published December 30, 2017

Britain’s Brexit lies

daviddavis.jpg There was outrage in Ireland this week as British negotiators backed away from commitments on the Irish border reached in a deal with the European Union on the terms of its departure.

Published December 16, 2017

Smokescreen hides Brexit border chasm

brexitdeal.jpg A tsunami of spin in regards to the Irish border has scraped the British government into a second round of negotiations with the European Union over its departure, but at the expense of any confidence in the negotiations process.

Published December 9, 2017


brexidiots.jpg The failure of the British body politic to understand the implications of reinforcing the border through Ireland has dominated news coverage at a critical juncture in the negotiations over Britain’s departure from the EU.

Published December 2, 2017

Election likely as Varadkar defends disgraced Minister

varadkarfitzgerald.jpg The 26 County minority government could collapse on Tuesday after Fine Gael leader Leo Varadkar refused to back down over a motion of no confidence in the deputy prime minister, Tanaiste Frances Fitzgerald.

Published November 25, 2017


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