[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Remember Irish political prisoners this Christmas

prisonerschristmas.jpg December is the traditional month for remembering those still in jail in Ireland for their republican beliefs.

Published December 16, 2011

McGurk’s Bar, forty years on

mcgurksbar2.jpg Patrick McGurk lost his mother and sister in the bomb that ripped through his father’s bar in Belfast’s North Queen Street. On the 40th anniversary of the bombing he spoke about his memories of December 4 1971 and how victims’ families are still continuing to fight for the truth.

Published December 9, 2011

The Anglo-Irish Treaty

angloirishtreaty.jpg An introduction by Joseph Gannon to the history behind the Anglo-Irish Treaty, signed 90 years ago this week and which sowed the seeds of a conflict which continues to this day.

Published December 2, 2011

A day in the life of a Maghaberry prisoner

prisonerbars.jpg An open letter by DD McLaughlin, an Irish republican prisoner on protest against strip-searching and other abuses at Maghberry.

Published November 25, 2011

The Ballymurphy campaign - a landmark judgement

ballymurphymarch.jpg The decision of the north’s Attorney General to reopen 10 of the 11 Ballymurphy cases is a landmark judgement which gives hope back to those families that their long journey toward truth and justice may now succeed.

Published November 17, 2011

The INLA hunger strikers

patsyoharakevinlynchmickeydevine.jpg A profile of the three members of the Irish National Liberation Army who died alongside seven IRA Volunteers, on hunger strike for political status, thirty years ago this year.

Published November 10, 2011

Europe's economic ideology has failed

sarkozymerkel.jpg The bailouts are for only the banks and they are deepening the crisis of democracy at the heart of the European Union, writes Seamus Milne. For the Guardian.

Published November 3, 2011

Francis Hughes and Raymond McCreesh

francishughersraymondmccreesh.jpg A look at the lives and deaths of two of those who died on hunger strike in the struggle for Irish freedom on the anniversary of their deaths.

Published October 26, 2011

Seizing the moment in the Basque Country

basqueprotest.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams spoke at the International Conference to promote the resolution of the conflict in the Basque Country, in San Sebastian on Monday.

Published October 20, 2011

Writing the next chapter

mcguinnesselection.jpgg The text of the speech delivered by Presidential election candidate Martin McGuinness at the Mansion House event in Dublin on Thursday night.

Published October 14, 2011

The pensioner who stood up to the ESB

teresatracey.jpg On Thursday Teresa Treacy was released from jail, still vowing to protect what is left of her carefully nurtured wooded estate from the pylon men and their diggers.

Published October 7, 2011

‘They will not break us’

marianpricesquare.jpg An anti-internment/Free Marian Price march takes place this Saturday, 1st October at 2pm, Dublin, from the Garden of Remembrance to the GPO. Martin Rafferty, of the 32CSM, discusses the Marian Price campaign, internment, and the prospects for a united Ireland.

Published September 30, 2011

Palestine seeks recognition

mahmoudabbas.jpg An abridged version of the address by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the United Nations, in which he requested full membership and recognition for the State of Palestine.

Published September 24, 2011

Ugly scenes at Liam Lynch commemoration

liamlynchcomm.jpg A controversial newspaper columnist was shouted and spat at by angry Fianna Fail supporters after a commemoration organised by the party last week went disastrously wrong.

Published September 18, 2011

Holy Cross - Children on the front line

holycross2.jpg Ten years ago this week, schoolgirls and their families making their way to and from the Holy Cross school in north Belfast came under attack on a daily basis.

Published September 6, 2011

Defend Sean Garland

seangarland.jpg An account of the strange predicament facing the 76-year-old IRA Veteran and former Workers’ Party leader, Sean Garland.

Published August 30, 2011

Micky Devine - a typical Derry lad

mickydevine.jpg INLA Volunteer Micky Devine was the last to die in the H-Block hunger strike of 1981, thirty years ago this week.

Published August 24, 2011

The rising of the moon

camloughhunger2.jpg If they aren't able to destroy the desire for freedom, they won't break you.

Published August 19, 2011

The Ballymurphy Massacre

ballymurphy1970.jpg This Tuesday marked exactly 40 years since the beginning of one of the most horrifying periods in the history of West Belfast.

Published August 13, 2011

Thomas McElwee

thomasmcelwee.jpg IRA Volunteer Thomas McElwee died on hunger strike at Long Kesh prison, thirty years ago today. A brief biography of Thomas, who was known for being sincere, easy-going and full of fun.

Published August 8, 2011


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