Messages from Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness precede a list of the main points from Sinn Fein's manifesto for the 2011 Assembly election in the North.
Four years ago Sinn Fein offered you a choice. We asked you to vote for real change, to vote for positive leadership and to vote for the party that delivers, to vote for Sinn Fein.
Sinn Fein promised to promote equality, to deliver stable and inclusive power-sharing government in the north and to advance towards Irish unity and national reconciliation.
To continue to be bold and decisive, to stand up for ourselves by standing up to the governments and to those opposed to change.
We said we would deliver for all citizens in a continuous process of change.
Sinn Fein delivered.
We asked for your vote as an endorsement of our peace strategy.
We asked for your vote to build a dynamic for change throughout Ireland.
We asked for your vote to help us shape the future in the way that you want, in the way that benefits all and in a way that builds the Ireland of Equals to which we aspire.
In May 2010 we presented you with the same choice.
With your vote, in that election, we faced down a combined Unionist and Orange Order attempt to reverse the political and democratic process in Fermanagh South Tyrone. Five Sinn Fein MPs were elected in the North of Ireland.
In February this year, on the same platform of republican values of citizenship and equality, we presented the electorate in the 26 Counties with an opportunity for them to make a stand.
Fourteen Sinn Fein TDs were elected to Leinster House, the largest number since partition 90 years ago.
Sinn Fein is an all-Ireland party. We are the only all-Ireland party. We are now in a position to effect significant change north and south and we are committed to doing so.
We have much work to do. Our country faces enormous challenges.
But we can guarantee that there will be no going back and that there will only be movement forward.
Sinn Fein have a strategy to bring about the end of partition and to build a new Ireland - one which you can help shape.
Vote for change across Ireland, vote for leadership across Ireland, vote for Sinn Fein.
Much has changed in the last four years. We have now completed the first ever, full term of inclusive, power sharing, institutions in the history of this state. The locally elected Executive, Assembly and All Ireland bodies are working for the benefit of the people across this island.
Our goal of Irish Unity is closer now than ever. Republicans and Sinn Fein have made this possible.
For the first 50 years of this state we had single party rule. We had 30 years of direct rule. These were fundamentally undemocratic and ultimately failed all in our society.
Our democratic, inclusive, institutions represent a new politics. It represents the interdependent strands of the Executive, Assembly and All Ireland bodies working together.
Over the past four years we have sought to operate them on the basis of partnership, equality, and inclusion.
Together we have demonstrated that we can make agreements and that we can work together and deliver for all sections of our society. We have demonstrated that politics can and does work for all in our society.
Reaching agreements does not undermine our core beliefs but does strengthen our relationships.
As a society we cannot allow those within and those outside the political process attempt to drag us back. They cannot and will not be allowed to succeed. Those days are gone and will not return.
While we all retain our differences, we can all be proud of the role we have played in promoting the peace process, by stabilising these institutions and demonstrating the primacy of politics. I am proud to be a leader of an Executive that prioritises growing the economy and promoting equality across our community.
In our May 2007 manifesto, we promised to block household water charges. That's exactly what Regional Development Minister, Conor Murphy, did.
Sinn Fein promised to end academic selection and replace it with a new post-primary transfer system grounded in equality. That's exactly what Education Minister, Caitriona Ruane, did.
Sinn Fein promised to start redressing decades of under-investment and inequalities faced by rural dwellers. That's exactly what Agriculture Minister, Michelle Gildernew, did.
Sinn Fein promised to prioritise equality to tackle the structural inequalities faced by many groups across this society. That's exactly what Gerry Kelly and I have done in the Office of First and deputy First Minister (OFMdFM). And that's why we've ensured #100 million over the next four years will be targeted at the most vulnerable in our society.
And we promised to deliver the transfer of policing and justice powers away from England. And that is what we did.
So don't let the naysayers tell you that a locally accountable Assembly hasn't made a difference. It has. And it will continue to.
In the coming Assembly term we need to build on this work. We need to have greater control over our economy and seek additional powers to deliver increased economic growth. The All Ireland economy is a reality and we need to plan an economic recovery on an all Ireland basis.
With our growing mandate across Ireland, Sinn Fein will continue to show leadership in the pursuit of an Ireland that is equal and prosperous, that delivers for all citizens.
The next term of the assembly should be about delivery and bringing about the changes that will be needed to best serve all our people.
Sinn Fein will deliver for all our people and bring about that change.
Sinn Fein is proposing:
* An all-Ireland economic recovery plan as the basis for growing a sustainable, long-term economy alongside sustained improvements in equality
* An All-Ireland job creation plan under the auspices of the North South Ministerial Council, chaired by both Enterprise Ministers, focused on areas of high unemployment across the island
* A #400m Economic Development bond funded by the four main banks.
* The replacement of Invest NI and IDA with an all-Ireland job creation body
* An agreement with the Credit Union Movement to create a #100 million Social Fund
* The introduction of a strong and comprehensive local Single Equality Bill
* The reinstatement of the 50/50 recruitment policy within the PSNI to ensure that Patten target of 40% nationalist/republican personnel is attained
* Implementation of the "RPA" 11-council structure
* Establishment of the Educational Skills Authority
* An Acht na Ghaeilge to promote and protect the rights of Irish Language speakers
* All Ireland suicide prevention strategy
* A new satellite and radiotherapy unit at Altnagelvin
* No water charges
* No increase in student fees