[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Car bomb explodes in Derry; no injuries reported

courtbombderry.jpg Derry city courthouse has been apparently targeted tonight in a car bomb attack. The shock bombing in Bishop Street is being linked to the ‘new IRA’, its first such attack in years.

Published January 19, 2019

British military reinforcements for Brexit

britreserve.jpg Plans are in train to send British Army Reservists to the north of Ireland to deal with the consequences of a crash Brexit at the end of March.

Published January 19, 2019

New movement aiming for 100 cumainn after SF split

toibinmeeting.jpg A new republican and pro-life political party being set up by former Sinn Fein politician Peadar Toibin is set to become a significant force in Irish politics after founding over 20 cumainn [branches] across Ireland, including six in the north.

Published January 19, 2019

Derry unites for justice despite hate campaign

paraflag3.jpg Flags of the British Army’s infamous Parachute Regiment have once again been erected by loyalists in County Derry in an attempt to inflame tensions ahead of a march for justice on the anniversary of the Paras’ Bloody Sunday massacre.

Published January 19, 2019

Anti-eviction activist ‘is political prisoner’

bengilroy.jpg One of the most prominent anti-eviction activists in Ireland, Ben Gilroy, has been given a three month jail term in Mountjoy prison.

Published January 19, 2019

Symbolic renaming of former RUC stronghold

grovesreilly.jpg The site of the former Andersonstown RUC barracks in west Belfast has been renamed Groves Reilly Corner, in honour of Clara Reilly and her late friend, plastic bullet victim Emma Groves.

Published January 19, 2019

Recruitment bid subject of official complaint

tuohey.jpg A 21-year-old republican man has lodged a complaint with the Police Ombudsman after Special Branch PSNI police tried to recruit him as an informer during a trip to England.

Published January 19, 2019

May clings to power, seeks compromise with opposition

mayvaradkar2.jpg With the continuing support of the DUP, Theresa May has defeated a vote of no confidence in her Tory government at Westminster by 325 votes to 306, less than 24 hours after she failed to win parliamentary approval for her Brexit deal by a historic margin.

Published January 16, 2019

Tories faces no confidence vote after MPs reject Brexit deal

maycorbyn.jpg British Prime Minister Theresa May has tonight lost a motion in the House of Commons on Britain’s deal on withdrawal from the European Union by a large margin of 432 votes to 202.

Published January 15, 2019

British PM admits hard Brexit would accelerate Irish unity

maycommons.jpg Britain’s departure from the European Union without a deal would make a united Ireland and the break-up of the United Kingdom more likely, Theresa May has told MPs.

Published January 14, 2019

Judge ‘protects his paymasters’

roseannmallon600.jpg A coroner has somehow found no evidence of collusion in the notorious murder of a nationalist pensioner who was shot dead by loyalists as her home was being actively surveilled by the British Army.

Published January 12, 2019

Good Friday Agreement may not survive - SF

stormontstatue600.jpg The 1998 Good Friday peace agreement could become unsalvageable, Sinn Fein has said, as Brexit and other unresolved issues continue to shutter the institutions which were set up under the agreement.

Published January 12, 2019

‘Dirty War’ general to face court action over torture

kitson.jpg Former senior British Army General Frank Kitson is one of several high profile British establishment figures facing legal action brought by two members of the group known as the Hooded Men.

Published January 12, 2019

Unease as UDA group expands

udarecruitment.jpg The South East Antrim UDA have been holding families to ransom, it has emerged, as the growing loyalist paramilitary group continues to flex its muscles.

Published January 12, 2019

Council funding of loyalists continues despite scandal

cityhallloyalists.jpg Belfast City Council has agreed to set aside half a million pounds for a controversial bonfire scheme which will see funds again directed to groups with links to loyalist paramilitaries.

Published January 12, 2019

Race hate attacks on asylum centres

rooskeyasylum.jpg A suspected arson attack at a centre for asylum seekers is the second in six weeks and has provoked fears of a violent campaign by the extreme right in the 26 Counties.

Published January 12, 2019

MI5 ‘tampered with Enniskillen bomb’ - STATE PAPERS

MI5letter.jpg British intelligence knew in advance about the Enniskillen bombing of 1987 and altered the timing to kill civilians and create a “massive backlash” against the IRA, according to an anonymous letter by an MI5 agent, written 30 years ago and declassified this week in Dublin.

Published January 5, 2019

Shoot-to-kill cover-up had tacit support of Dublin

gibraltar3.jpg The Dublin government secretly reassured the British in 1988 it would not take a case to the European Court of Human Rights over the SAS ambush and summary execution of three unarmed IRA Volunteers in Gibraltar.

Published January 5, 2019

PSNI prepare for a hard Brexit

englishpolice.jpg A thousand additional police from England and Scotland are to be trained for conflict in Ireland as part of preparations for the remilitarisation of the border, it has emerged.

Published January 5, 2019

Varadkar defends vulture funds

strokestownprotest.jpg The 26 County Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has backed vulture funds who have bought distressed mortgages and are pursuing evictions despite protests against the violent eviction of a Roscommon County family last month.

Published January 5, 2019


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