[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Derry name dispute to continue

The High Court in Belfast has ruled that Derry City Council must use the British colonial name ‘Londonderry’ for the city.

Published January 27, 2007

‘Upside-down’ UDR victims’ fund

A proposed fund for families of the Ulster Defence Regiment killed in the conflict has been criticised as offensive and one-sided.

Published January 27, 2007

DUP may veto Dublin’s cross-border projects

DUP deputy leader Peter Robinson has said his party might move to block attempts by the Dublin government to fund projects north of the border.

Published January 27, 2007

Tohill backs kidnappers

A high-profile republican whose kidnapping prompted a crisis in the peace process in 2004 has delivered “a plea for mercy” on behalf of two of his kidnappers who are due to be sentenced next month.

Published January 27, 2007

Sinn Féin united - Adams

Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has said he does not think there will be a serious split in his party ahead of a special conference to debate supporting the PSNI police.

Published January 22, 2007

Debate appeal rejected as PR stunt

A call by Sinn Féin to meet with and “brief” the leaderships of three republican armed groups -- the INLA, Continuity IRA and Real IRA -- about the current situation has received a cool response.

Published January 22, 2007

Reiss leaves envoy post

The US special envoy to the North, Mitchell Reiss, is to step down this month after almost three years in the post.

Published January 22, 2007

Omagh inquiry call by HRC

Ireland’s two Human Rights Commissions have called for the appointment of a top judge to examine the need for a cross-border public inquiry into the Omagh bombing.

Published January 22, 2007

Search for truth goes on

Three County Armagh brothers gunned down by a unionist paramilitary death squad 31 years ago have finally had their names cleared of involvement with the IRA.

Published January 22, 2007

Republicans protest policing move

A second Sinn Féin assembly member has resigned from the party over its moves towards accepting policing.

Published January 17, 2007

RUC men may face charges

Britain’s Attorney General has received prosecution files on seven serving and retired RUC policemen after Nuala O’Loan, the North’s policing ombudsman, conducted an inquiry into accusations of their involvement in a number of political murders in the 1990s.

Published January 17, 2007

Adams attends funeral of David Ervine

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams was among the political leaders who attended the funeral of the former unionist paramilitary and political negotiator, David Ervine.

Published January 17, 2007

Omagh trial draws to a close

It would be a travesty of justice if the man accused of the Omagh bomb atrocity was convicted, his barrister today told the single judge who will decide his fate.

Published January 17, 2007

Scottish Catholics demand action on discrimination

Prominent Scottish Catholics have signed a petition to the Parliament at Holyrood demanding an investigation into new statistics revealing deep discrimination against Catholics in Scotland.

Published January 17, 2007

SF Ard Fheis to go ahead

Sinn Féin’s ruling executive has decided to support a proposal for an Extraordinary Ard Fheis to go ahead on January 28th, despite the refusal of the DUP to commit to a deal on policing or power-sharing.

Published January 13, 2007

Nationalists clash over MI5 change

Sinn Féin and the SDLP have clashed over whether a statement by the British prime minister Tony Blair on the role of British military intelligence in the North of Ireland is positive or negative for future policing plans.

Published January 12, 2007

Plastic bullet victims not guilty - Orde

Sinn Féin has welcomed comments by PSNI chief Hugh Orde expressing a measure of regret for deaths caused by the use of plastic bullets in the North of Ireland.

Published January 12, 2007

Omagh police witnesses under investigation

Police Ombudsman Nuala O’Loan is investigating the conduct of two key PSNI police witnesses in the non-jury Diplock trial of Armagh man Sean Hoey.

Published January 12, 2007

Few answers in meeting over killings

A meeting with a British government minster has been a let-down for the families of the victims of a unionist paramilitary gun attack in a County Down pub in 1994.

Published January 12, 2007

Polish recruits to boost Catholic numbers for PSNI

The PSNI police may be able to meet the Patten requirements for increased numbers of Catholic recruits by drawing from the nearly 1,000 Polish people who have applied to join the force.

Published January 12, 2007


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