[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Parties agree new date for power-sharing

Sinn Féin and the DUP have agreed a new deal to start sharing power on May 8 following historic face-to-face talks between DUP leader Ian Paisley and Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams at Stormont today.

Published March 26, 2007

Adams and Paisley to meet

Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams and DUP leader Ian Paisley will hold their first ever face-to-face talks today as parties are faced with a deadline for the restoration of the Six-County political institutions, or, more likely, an agreement to suspend the process for a number of weeks at the request of the DUP.

Published March 26, 2007

Devolution restored pending agreement

British Direct Ruler Peter Hain has signed the restoration order to devolve governmental powers from London to Belfast, requiring the Belfast Assembly to meet tomorrow [Monday] to nominate a new locally elected administration of unionists and nationalists.

Published March 25, 2007

Adams calls for 'Plan B'

Responding to the news that Ian Paisley’s DUP is seeking a further delay in Monday’s planned restoration of the political institutions in the Six Counties, Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams has said the Dublin and London governments must now proceed to put in place their all-Ireland partnership arrangements for the governance of the North.

Published March 25, 2007

DUP refuse to commit to power-sharing

Nominations to the Belfast Assembly executive will not take place by Monday’s ‘deadline’ following a resolution of the DUP’s ruling council, reports have indicated.

Published March 24, 2007

‘Yes but No’ - DUP mulls options

A long-awaited commitment to power-sharing by Ian Paisley is in doubt this weekend amid reports that the DUP may go through the motions of appointing a Six-County Executive but will block meetings of the Executive taking place for an undefined “testing period” of at least two months.

Published March 24, 2007

Brit chopper crashes in border town

Villagers in Crossmaglen, South Armagh are outraged after a British Army helicopter crashed, narrowly missing a nearby estate.

Published March 24, 2007

Sinn Féin set to join Policing Board

Sinn Féin will participate fully in the Policing Board and other structures once the power-sharing institutions in Belfast are restored, party president Gerry Adams has said.

Published March 24, 2007

McGeough still being held

A bail application for republican political leader Gerry McGeough has been postponed after lawyers for the British Crown claimed that either Germany or the USA might seek to have him extradited.

Published March 24, 2007

RSF warned of ‘threats’

Two members of Republican Sinn Féin in Belfast were visited in their homes by the PSNI police and informed that their lives are under threat from a previously unknown group, the party has said.

Published March 24, 2007

Bush backs deadline at shamrock ceremony

At the annual St Patrick’s Day White House reception, US President George Bush threw his weight behind efforts to hold all sides to the March 26th deadline for the return of a local Six-County power-sharing administration.

Published March 18, 2007

Double murder mystery

Allegations and rumours have multiplied in Belfast following the murder of two nationalist taxi-drivers on Monday.

Published March 18, 2007

False dawn for Irish speakers

The British government has reneged on new Irish language legislation at the insistence of the DUP.

Published March 18, 2007

MacEntee report on bombings completed

The injured and bereaved of the Dublin and Monaghan bombings reached a potentially crucial milestone yesterday with the completion of an long-awaited report into the attacks.

Published March 18, 2007

St Patrick’s Day shame for Dublin government

Part of the ancient Irish capital of Tara dating from the seventh century has been dismantled this week to make way for the controversial M3 motorway.

Published March 18, 2007

Plan ‘A’ for Sinn Fein after gains

Further electoral gains for Sinn Fein has effectively turned the Six Counties into a two party statelet and created a situation unimaginable a decade ago.

Published March 13, 2007

McGeough arrest ‘highlights lack of change’

The arrest at an election centre of an independent republican candidate has been described as an abuse of the democratic process and a return to the dark ages of political policing.

Published March 13, 2007

RSF blames censorship for low vote

Republican Sinn Fein president Ruairi O Bradaigh has said RSF’s failure to make an impact in last week’s Assembly election was “as expected” after an “almost total media blackout” of his party.

Published March 13, 2007

Ombudsman to investigate ‘Dirty War’ killings

Allegations that British military intelligence and Special Branch police sanctioned their informers and agents within the IRA to carry out certain killings are being investigated by the North’s Police Ombudsman.

Published March 13, 2007

SF backs Irish ‘illegals’ campaign

Sinn Fein has backed a campaign on behalf of undocumented Irish immigrants in the United States.

Published March 13, 2007


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