[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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PSNI seeks funds for choppers, jeeps, informers

hughorde.jpg PSNI Chief Hugh Orde is in talks with the British government to secure up to 76 million pounds extra over the next two years to bolster the force’s efforts against republican armed groups in the Six Counties.

Published March 27, 2009

Adams rejects legacy report

adamsflag.jpg Sinn Féin president Gerry Adams has said the recommendations of a British “legacy” panel are incapable of addressing issues of truth and reconciliation in the past conflict.

Published March 27, 2009

New talks to deal with economic crisis

impact.jpg Widespread strikes threatened for Monday in the 26 Counties have been called off after an invitation to the country’s largest unions to resume talks on a new national agreement on economic recovery was accepted.

Published March 27, 2009

Death of Marie Moore

mariemoore.jpg A veteran republican who was the first female Sinn Féin deputy mayor of Belfast died last Saturday at the age of 72.

Published March 27, 2009

Duffy still held despite court ruling

A Belfast judge ordered today that those being interrogated by the PSNI over attacks by breakaway IRA groups early this month be released or charged.

Published March 25, 2009

Two detainees released amid human rights protests

Two men who were arrested last week in connection with dissident in which two British soldiers and a member of the PSNI were killed earlier this month have been released without charge.

Published March 23, 2009

Detained man hospitalised in hunger protest

One of the seven people arrested for questioning in connection with the recent IRA attacks was taken to hospital last [Saturday] night for medical treatment

Published March 22, 2009

Ireland claim historic rugby victory

Celebrations burst out across Ireland tonight after the national team clinched its first Grand Slam in 61 years.

Published March 21, 2009

Riots in Lurgan and Belfast

lurganriot.jpg Nationalist youths threw petrol bombs and other missiles at the PSNI on Saturday following an aggressive raid and arrest operation in Lurgan and Craigavon in north Armagh.

Published March 19, 2009

McGuinness at centre of storm

obradaighmcguinness.jpg Republican Sinn Fein President Ruairi O’Bradaigh has derided Martin McGuinness’s condemnation of the breakaway IRA groups as “traitors”.

Published March 19, 2009

Challenge to deployment of killer regiment

recon.jpg The Relatives For Justice group is to mount a legal challenge to PSNI Chief Hugh Orde’s decision to deploy special British armed forces in the North.

Published March 19, 2009

‘Is feidir linn’ - Obama

shamrock09.jpg The Irish political establishment was broadly enthusiastic following the annual St Patrick’s Day ‘bowl of shamrock’ ceremony and celebrations in Washington DC with the new US President, Barack Obama.

Published March 19, 2009

Release of ‘death list’ loyalists appealed

aaronhill.jpg The British government has been asked to investigate the leniency of sentences handed down to two loyalists who used a PSNI database to gather information in preparation for attacks on nationalists.

Published March 19, 2009

Colin Duffy arrested

Prominent Lurgan republican Colin Duffy has been arrested by the PSNI police following a series of early morning raids across the North of Ireland.

Published March 14, 2009

Loyalist response praised

udalogo.jpg A meeting between Sinn Fein’s Mayor of Belfast and representatives of the unionist paramilitary UDA took place on Wednesday in a bid to ease nationalist fears following the recent violence.

Published March 13, 2009

Wall of silence at Hamill Inquiry

roberthamill.jpg A collective “loss of memory” has descended among witnesses at the public inquiry into the murder Robert Hamill.

Published March 13, 2009

Omagh bomb car ‘was bugged’

omaghbomb.jpg A listening bug may have been placed inside the Vauxhall car that carried the Omagh bomb, according to a High Court document.

Published March 13, 2009

Extradition hearing for Basque activist

inaki.jpg A Belfast judge has approved the extradition of Jose Ignacio de Juana Chaos to Spain on the charge of “glorifying terrorism”, even though no homologous offence exists under British law

Published March 13, 2009

Tara campaign for St Patrick’s Day

tara.jpg The campaign group TaraWatch says that it plans to “mobilise 50,000 supporters worldwide” to demonstrate against individual 26-County Ministers as they attend St Patrick’s Day functions around the world.

Published March 13, 2009

Continuity IRA claims Craigavon attack

The Continuity IRA has claimed responsibility for shooting dead a member of the PSNI in Craigavon, County Armagh, last nigh

Published March 10, 2009


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