[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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O’Connell’s crypt is opened

danieloconnell.jpg After being closed to the public for more than a decade, Daniel O’Connell’s crypt below the landmark round tower in Dublin’s Glasnevin cemetery is open for visits, more than 160 years after his death.

Published October 22, 2009

Softening up process

cowenlenihan.jpg The people of the 26 Counties are being prepared for an unprecedented series of wage cuts and devastating cutbacks by the corrupt coalition government in Dublin.

Published October 19, 2009

Dissidents claim car device

boobytrap.jpg The IRA breakaway group known as Oglaigh na hEireann has claimed responsibility for an under-car bomb in east Belfast last Thursday

Published October 19, 2009

PSNI raids condemned

raidsdoor.jpg A leading Derry community worker has criticised a PSNI search at the home of his grandchildren, describing it as “disgraceful.”

Published October 19, 2009

US investment hailed by Stormont leaders

nyse.jpg Plans by the New York stock exchange to set up a software facility in Belfast have been held up as a demonstration that the north of Ireland is a normal place for business investment.

Published October 19, 2009

Senators distressed by FG policy shift

seanad.jpg The Seanad [Senate], the low-profile upper house of the Dublin parliament, faces abolition if a plan by the 26 County state’s main opposition party go

Published October 19, 2009

Spanish crackdown on Basque politicians

basquearrest.jpg The Spanish government has ended a new political initiative in the Basque country with the arrest of ten prominent pro-independence left activists.

Published October 19, 2009

PSNI stretched by attack, alerts

vanexplosion.jpg Claims that a republican group abandoned a massive van bomb in a border village this week proved unfounded after a dramatic controlled explosion by the British Army revealed the van to be empty.

Published October 16, 2009

Prisoners back INLA peace move

portlaoisedirty.jpg Prisoners associated with the INLA (Irish National Liberation Army) currently being held at Portlaoise jail in the Irish midlands have endorsed a statement on Sunday in which the INLA’s armed struggle was declared to be at an end.

Published October 16, 2009

Two issues remain in policing and justice talks

talksbrown.jpg There have been further claims of progress by Sinn Fein in its talks with British prime minister Gordon Brown over the policing and justice powers. However, the DUP has said there remain matters which require resolution.

Published October 16, 2009

O’Donoghue plays the victim

johnodonoghue.jpg John O’Donoghue formally resigned as Ceann Comhairle [speaker] of the Dublin parliament yesterday, defiantly blaming others for the scandal over his expense claims.

Published October 16, 2009

Warning over coalition’s plans

cowengormley.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has accused the Green Party of having “signed up for savage cuts in public spending, NAMA and more attacks on working people and disadvantaged citizens” after it agreed a new programme for government with Fianna Fail.

Published October 16, 2009

International fund ‘supports’ UDA, UVF

ifilogo.jpg The International Fund for Ireland (IFI) has been accused of paying a six-figure to a group linked to loyalist paramilitaries, no questions asked.

Published October 16, 2009

Confusion over INLA statement

inlastatement.jpg A decision by the Irish National Liberation Army (INLA) to formally draw its armed campaign to a close has been welcomed by the political parties in the North but has caused considerable surprise to its own supporters.

Published October 13, 2009

Unionist anger at Brady funeral display

bradyfuneral.jpg Unionists have condemned the republican funeral for Volunteer John Brady as “obscene”.

Published October 13, 2009

‘Official IRA’ arms report denied

officialira.jpg The organisation once known as the ‘Official IRA’ has begun decommissioning talks with the IICD arms body, it has been claimed.

Published October 13, 2009

Dismay as Greens vote to stay in power

greenconvention.jpg Green Party members have set the scene for massive political upheaval in the 26 Counties this winter afer they voted to stay in government and support a programme of unprecedented budget cutbacks in tandem with the gigantic NAMA bailout for bank shareholders and developers.

Published October 13, 2009

Clinton lauds political process

hillaryclinton.jpg US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has urged the North’s political leaders to “complete” the process of devolution during a one-day visit to Belfast on Monday.

Published October 13, 2009

Sinn Fein responds to victims plan

bradleyeames.jpg Republicans should cooperate with a commission to establish the truth about the conflict but only if it is independent and organised by an international body, Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams said this week.

Published October 13, 2009

INLA armed struggle declared over

An announcement was made this afternoon that the INLA's armed struggle is over and that its future will be based around politics through exclusively peaceful means.

Published October 11, 2009


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