[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Duffy trial to go ahead

maghprot.jpg High-profile republican Colin Duffy suffered two beatings en route to and from a court hearing on Thursday at which he was told he would have to attend a trial in the New Year.

Published December 10, 2010

Tories shy away from Ballymurphy inquiry

ballymurpymural.jpg A British minister has indicated that an investigation into the killing of eleven people in west Belfast by the British Army in 1971 is to be refused.

Published December 10, 2010

Adams quits Stormont

adamsmedia.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has ended his Stormont career by praising what he said was the “remarkable” achievement of power-sharing.

Published December 10, 2010

Paterson linked to new Tory/UUP deal

owenpaterson.jpg Sinn Fein MP Pat Doherty has called on the British Secretary of State Owen Paterson to come clean on any involvement he had in brokering the latest political deal between the Tories and the UUP.

Published December 10, 2010

Royal convoy attacked as English students revolt

A vehicle carrying ‘Prince of Wales’ Charles Windsor and his wife, ‘Duchess of Cornwall’ Camilla Parker-Bowles, was attacked by student protesters in London amid heavy rioting in the city.

Published December 9, 2010

Lenihan unveils ‘slash and burn’ budget

Ordinary workers, families and social welfare recipients have borne the brunt of 6 billion euro in cuts and taxes in the 26-County Budget today by Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan.

Published December 7, 2010

Shame on them

healyraelowryharneygormley.jpg A casino in Tipperary and a new road in Kerry are part of two late, shabby back-room deals which have given the green light to a disgraceful political crime.

Published December 7, 2010

Bomb cover-up reached highest level

mcgurksbar2.jpg A classified document that details a meeting between former Six-County prime minister Brian Faulkner and British Home Secretary Reginald Maudling shows that a cover-up around the McGurk’s bar bombing went right to the top of the government.

Published December 7, 2010

UUP disintegration continues

tomelliott.jpg The new leader of the Ulster Unionist Party, Tom Elliott has insisted he is not a “political dinosaur” after another prominent party figure quit.

Published December 7, 2010

SF seeks two seats in Cavan-Monaghan

cavanmonaghan.jpg Sinn Fein is to run two general election candidates in Cavan-Monaghan in a sign of confidence that the party will increase its support at the polls.

Published December 7, 2010

Unionists oppose Ballymurphy exhibition

ballymurpymural.jpg Unionists have sought to prevent the families of those who died in the Ballymurphy massacre from displaying photographs in Belfast City Hall next August on the 40th anniversary of their deaths.

Published December 7, 2010

Adams holds talks on marches

marchbrits.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams met senior loyalists at Stormont on Monday to discuss the ongoing impasse over sectarian parades.

Published December 7, 2010

SF overtakes Dublin govt in poll

sfgraph.jpg Sinn Fein’s support in the 26 counties has surged according to a new opinion poll, which also predicts Fianna Fail is facing a virtual wipeout in the forthcoming general election.

Published December 3, 2010

Doherty enters Dail as IMF/EU rules are revealed

pearsedohertydail.jpg Newly elected TD Pearse Doherty has taken his seat in the Dublin parliament, where he will be Sinn Fein’s new Finance spokesperson.

Published December 3, 2010

Dissident goals ‘not achievable’ - McGuinness

mcguinnessflat.jpg Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness has said republicans still engaged in armed struggle face prison “for an aim that is simply not achievable”.

Published December 3, 2010

Murdered man was innocent - HET

michaelmclarnon.jpg A former British soldier who said he had shot dead a young Catholic man in north Belfast could not have carried out the killing, according to the North’s Historical Enquiries Team (HET).

Published December 3, 2010

US govt annoyed by Shannon policy, judgement - WikiLeaks

wikileaks.jpg A former US ambassador to Ireland said the Dublin government imposed new conditions on the use of Shannon airport by US troops in 2006 in a bid to secure extra votes ahead of a general election the following year, according to a leaked diplomatic cable.

Published December 3, 2010

Concerns over Lundy parade

lundysday.jpg The Apprentice Boys’ Lundy Day parade takes place in Derry tomorrow [Saturday] once again raising fears of sectarian clashes in the second largest city in the North.

Published December 3, 2010

Scottish parliament gets taxation powers

Scotland is to get limited powers to set its own income tax rates and borrow money in a new phase of devolution from London to the Scottish parliament in Edinburgh.

Published December 3, 2010

Sold out

coweneu.jpg The Dublin government triggered a torrent of national anger on Sunday night when it handed over economic sovereignty to European and International Monetary Fund administrators for an 85 billion euro loan.

Published November 29, 2010


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