[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Windsor to visit Croke Park, republican memorial

queencommander.jpg The planned itinerary for a visit next month by the professed ‘Queen of England’ has provoked anger and disbelief.

Published April 8, 2011

Conflict is ‘useless’ - McGuinness

baggottmcguinness.jpg British forces in Ireland are said to be increasingly concerned at the technical capacity of breakaway IRA groups following Saturday’s killing of a PSNI man in a limpet-mine attack in County Tyrone.

Published April 8, 2011

Donaldson family say PSNI, MI5 central to killing

donaldsoncottage.jpg The family of high-ranking Sinn Fein official Denis Donaldson who was murdered for being a spy believe his PSNI Special Branch handler has secret information that could help the Garda murder investigation.

Published April 8, 2011

‘Treasonous’ to oppose bondholders - Lenihan

lenihanbealnamblath.jpg Former Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan has said proposals to share the cost of Ireland’s collapsed banking system with those European banks who had funded their lending practices as “a form of economic treason.”

Published April 8, 2011

Concern over new military parade plan

rirprotest.jpg Belfast City Council has voted to approve a parade for British soldiers through the city.

Published April 8, 2011

Gerry McGeough sentenced to 20 years

Prominent republican Gerry McGeough has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment for an IRA attack on an off-duty British soldier 30 years ago.

Published April 6, 2011

Dublin tugs the forelock

michaelnoonan.jpg The coalition government parties have reneged on promises made during the general election by refusing to share the losses of Ireland’s banks with those who sought to profit from their reckless lending.

Published April 4, 2011

Shock as PSNI man dies in clinical attack

kerrcar.jpg Waves of political and official condemnation have followed the killing of a member of the PSNI in a targeted ‘dissident’ bomb attack in County Tyrone on Saturday.

Published April 4, 2011

Questions continue for MI5 in Derry killing

mi5logo.jpg The family of Derry man Kieran Doherty have called on the PSNI to reveal any information they have on MI5’s involvement with him prior to his death in February last year.

Published April 4, 2011

Relief for Armagh man in Nairac ‘show trial’

kevincrilly.jpg South Armagh man Kevin Crilly has been cleared of any involvement in the execution of British soldier and spy Robert Nairac in May 1977.

Published April 4, 2011

Duffy detention for Supreme Court

colinduffy.jpg Colin Duffy is to go before Britain’s highest court to challenge his period of pre-charge detention.

Published April 4, 2011

Assembly, local election campaigning underway

sflogo.jpg Sinn Fein’s newly elected TDs are to take part in a series of pre-election events as the party presents itself as an effective all-Ireland party, in contrast to the SDLP.

Published April 4, 2011

PSNI man killed in bomb attack

A member of the PSNI police has been killed in an undercar booby-trap type attack in County Tyrone.

Published April 2, 2011

An apology for murder

majellafamily.jpg The British government has apologised for killing a south Armagh girl, who was shot dead by a paratrooper almost 35 years ago.

Published March 29, 2011

Maghaberry stitch-up exposed

brendanmcconville.jpg The personal details of a former Maghaberry governor were planted by a prison warder in a prominent republican’s cell at the County Antrim prison, it has been admitted.

Published March 29, 2011

Bomb defused at Derry courthouse

bombsquad.jpg The armed group known as Oglaigh na hEireann has said it planted a device near Derry’s courthouse which caused a major bomb alert on Sunday evening and Monday morning.

Published March 29, 2011

Kenny denies corruption in Tribunal brush-off

moriartytribunal.jpg The governing Fine Gael party has been accused of corruption over its links with businessman Denis O’Brien in a heated Dail debate.

Published March 29, 2011

Irish census contractor ‘linked to war crimes’

caci.jpg Anti-war organisation ‘Shannonwatch’ has said that the 2011 census, taking place across the 26 Counties on April 10th, is being managed by a company accused of committing torture, war crimes and civil conspiracy in Iraq.

Published March 29, 2011

De Valera’s secret betrayal

eamondevalera.jpg Dublin governments were conspiring with Britain to smear prominent republicans and defeat the IRA as long ago as the 1930’s, according to a new radio documentary.

Published March 29, 2011

‘Job-sharing’ offer rejected

mcguinnessrobinsonchuckle.jpg A suggestion by Sinn Fein’s Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness that he is prepared to consider sharing the role of First Minister if Sinn Fein tops the polls in the North’s Assembly election has drawn a hostile, if predictable, reaction from unionists.

Published March 25, 2011


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