[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Uncertainty shrouds health services after HSE board quits

hse.jpg The new 26-County Health Minister Dr James Reilly has cleared out the board of the Health Service Executive (HSE), claiming the dramatic shake-up will improve services and accountability.

Published April 30, 2011

A new IRA?

iragraffiti.jpg A group of former Provisional IRA members have declared that they will continue the armed struggle until a united Ireland is achieved.

Published April 25, 2011

Golden circles continue to rob 26-County state

colmdoherty.jpg A number of elite public servants continue to be paid up to one million euro ($1.46m) in annual salary and associated benefits, despite the economic demise of the 26 Counties and the arrival of the IMF.

Published April 25, 2011

UVF boss, Celtic manager targeted for assassination

neillennonthreat.jpg A senior UVF unionist paramilitary was left in critical condition after being stabbed outside a busy north Belfast supermarket, apparently by a feuding rival.

Published April 25, 2011

Child clubbed by PSNI in stop-and-search

psniraids.jpg A County Armagh schoolboy was assaulted by a member of the PSNI who batoned the 12-year-old just over a week ago, it has emerged.

Published April 25, 2011

Unity referendum subject to GFA - Sinn Fein

ballotbox.jpg With all of the mainstream political parties unanimous on three key issues -- the need to defeat dissident republicanism, safeguard the Six-County political institutions and oppose cuts to the British subvention -- only the call for an all-island referendum has caused a stir in the Assembly election campaign.

Published April 25, 2011

‘Fun’ menu for Irish treaty signatories sold at auction

1921menu.jpg A “humorous” menu prepared for an Irish delegation dinner during the Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations in London in 1921 has been sold in Dublin for a four-figure sum.

Published April 25, 2011

A stand against the securocrats

sampollock.jpg Policing in the North is once again in crisis after the chief executive at the Police Ombudsman's office suddenly quit, blaming senior government officials for interfering in the office's investigations.

Published April 18, 2011

Concerns over new human rights violations

psnibadge.jpg Sinn Fein has criticised the PSNI's continued detention and interrogation of a number of people in connection with dissident republican activity.

Published April 18, 2011

HET draws a blank

jimdoherty.jpg The mother of a six-year-old boy shot in the head during the conflict has expressed her frustration after the police Historical Enquiries Team (HET) dismissed evidence of loyalist involvement in the death.

Published April 18, 2011

IMF, EU join in Dublin fudge exercise

imfman.jpg The Fine Gael/Labour government in Dublin declared last week it had "passed" a review of its economic progress by its International Monetary Fund and European Union creditors without any penalty.

Published April 18, 2011

Kenny meets Cameron

cameronkennythatcher.jpg The 26-County Taoiseach Enda Kenny held his first bilateral meeting with British Prime Minister David Cameron in London this afternoon.

Published April 18, 2011

McGuinness to represent SF in leaders debates

mcguinnessflat.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams will almost certainly not be representing the party in televised leaders' battles ahead of the North's election.

Published April 18, 2011

Adams calls for talks

adamsmedia.jpg Sinn Fein has offered to meet with “the militarist factions” to outline the party’s strategy for advancing republican objectives and in its belief in “the futility of armed actions”.

Published April 13, 2011

Assembly election candidates named

stormontfront.jpg There are 218 candidates in total for the 108 Six-County Assembly seats up for grabs in the election on May 5, spread over the traditional 18 six-seater constituencies.

Published April 13, 2011

Govt seeks gullible property investors

namaprotest.jpg The state-operated bank NAMA is to provide mortgages for home-buyers in the 26 Counties -- despite acknowledging that house prices are likely to fall further.

Published April 13, 2011

PSNI in bomb alert controversy

vanbombunderpass.jpg A furore has arisen after the PSNI allowed motorists to drive past a van containing what was described as a 500 pound bomb on Thursday evening last week.

Published April 13, 2011

Sinn Fein rules out royal visit demo

maryloumcdonaldflat.jpg Any activity that Sinn Fein organises to mark the British royal visit next month will not involve picketing of events and no “confrontation for the sake of it”, the party’s deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald has said.

Published April 13, 2011

Double-agent’s ex-wife can sue Scappaticci

scappaticci.jpg A woman who became embroiled in Britain’s ‘Dirty War’ has received High Court permission to bring anunprecedented legal actionagainst Freddie Scappaticci, the reputed British double-agent known in the media as ‘Stakeknife’.

Published April 13, 2011

A record of hate

gardarapecorrib.jpg A recording of Gardai police laughingly planning to rape two environmental protestors, including a US citizen, has renewed attention on the policing operation to secure the construction of a hugely controversial onshore gas refinery in County Mayo.

Published April 8, 2011


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