[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Cearta Gael á n-éileamh [Irish speakers demand their rights]

peterhain.jpg Ba bheag an t-iontas a bhí ar phobal Gaeilge nuair a rinneadh tagairt d’Acht na Gaeilge i gcuimhní cinn Peter Hain. [There was little surprise in the Irish language community when the Irish Language Act was referenced in Peter Hain’s memoirs.]

Published February 17, 2012

‘Inform or we’ll have you executed’

declanmcnally.jpg A well-known County Derry pub-owner has had a gun held to his head by a member ofthe British Crown forces who threatened to have him killed if he did not become an informer.

Published February 10, 2012

SF’s appeal for Paisley infuriates nationalists

paisleyold.jpg A call by Sinn Fein’s Martin McGuinness for people to “give prayerful support” for an unwell Ian Paisley has led to a backlash against the party by some of its own supporters.

Published February 10, 2012

Militants claim intelligence success

psnithrones.jpg Breakaway IRA group Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH) has said it has recovered intelligence on the PSNI and British Army in the North from a mobile phone dropped by a member of the PSNI during an arrest operation.

Published February 10, 2012

Loyalist murders ‘could have been stopped’

shankillbutchers2.jpg The family of a victim of the Shankill Butchers is taking a case against the PSNI chief constable, arguing that the murder could have been prevented.

Published February 10, 2012

Groups work together to oppose fracking

frackingprotest.jpg Hundreds of environmental activists took part in the first national meeting in Ireland against efforts by multinational energy companies to extract gas by using high-powered jets of water to fracture the earth’s crust, a process known as ‘fracking’.

Published February 10, 2012

Oil grab at Las Malvinas

falklands.jpg A war of words has erupted between the British government and Argentina over the icy and remote British colony known in English as the Falkland Islands, which lie 290 miles off the coast of Argentina.

Published February 10, 2012


kennysarkozypatted.jpg Amid outrage over the government’s intensive efforts to avoid a referendum, the leader of the main opposition groups in the 26 Counties have issued separate calls for the people to have a say on Europe’s draconian new finance plan.

Published February 3, 2012

Marching through adversity

bloodysunday2012.jpg Thousands marched through heavy rain showers in Derry on Sunday to mark the 40th anniversary of the Bloody Sunday massacre and to appeal for justice for the victims.

Published February 3, 2012

Deception around the Ormeau Road massacre

ormeauroadreport.jpg The families of five men killed in a unionist paramilitary gun attack 20 years ago have uncovered new evidence which shows that the killers had been pre-armed by the RUC police -- and there was no genuine attempt to bring those responsible to justice afterwards.

Published February 3, 2012

Criminalisation policy hasn’t changed - Duffy

colinduffybeard.jpg State harassment victim Colin Duffy says current conditions on Maghaberry prisons Roe House wing “could be equated to the harshness of what took place in the late 70s and early 80s” in the notorious H-Blocks.

Published February 3, 2012

PSNI ‘picking man’s life apart’

paulward.jpg A Derry man has said the PSNI attempted to recruit him as an informer against dissident republicans or “ruin his life” if he refused.

Published February 3, 2012

Indo stirs race-hate controversy

irishindependent.jpg A Polish woman who was the subject of a ‘mistranslated’ article suggesting she was a ‘welfare tourist’ has said she was shocked to learn of it and that the allegation was “completely not true”.

Published February 3, 2012

Kenny’s blame game

endakennydavos.jpg Taoiseach Enda Kenny is the focus of mounting anger in the 26 Counties after criticising the Irish people for their “greed” and “mad” borrowing-- just days after he paid one and a quarter billion euros of public funds to international bond speculators.

Published January 27, 2012

Duffy ‘will not change’ despite ordeal

duffyreleased.jpg Colin Duffy has spoken out after he was dramatically cleared last week of involvement in the 2009 Real IRA attack on the Massareene British Army base.

Published January 27, 2012

North’s politicians at odds over Scotland vote

salmondreferendum.jpg The Scottish government has this week unveiled the question that could lead to the end of the union between Scotland and England.

Published January 27, 2012

March showdown over Boston College subpoenas

moloneymcintyre.jpg Researchers employed by Boston College to conduct interviews with former IRA members -- the subject of a British government subpoena -- have said they are not surprised at the latest court ruling against their efforts to prevent the interview transcripts falling into the hands of the PSNI.

Published January 27, 2012

Sinn Fein hold talks on Maghaberry

raymondmccartney.jpg A Sinn Fein delegation of Stormont Assembly members -- Raymond McCartney, Sean Lynch and Jennifer McCann -- met with the Six-County Justice Minister David Ford on Wednesday to discuss the ongoing crisis at Maghaberry prison.

Published January 27, 2012

Compensation award over ‘appalling’ harassment

laurenakane.jpg An award-winning social worker has won “significant” damages following a campaign of sectarian harassment by her ‘colleagues’ at a care centre.

Published January 27, 2012

Duffy freed but Shivers jailed over Massereene attack

duffyshivers.jpg Prominent republican Colin Duffy has today been found not guilty of the Real IRA attack on Massereene British Army base in 2009, although there was disbelief at the court when his co-accused, Brian Shivers from Magherafelt, was found guilty.

Published January 20, 2012


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