[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Joy for deaf community as signing gets official status

newstead.jpg There were scenes of jubilation at the Dublin parliament this week when members of the deaf community celebrated the passage of a bill that officially recognises Irish Sign Language (ISL) as a language of the 26 County State.

Published December 16, 2017

Smokescreen hides Brexit border chasm

brexitdeal.jpg A tsunami of spin in regards to the Irish border has scraped the British government into a second round of negotiations with the European Union over its departure, but at the expense of any confidence in the negotiations process.

Published December 9, 2017

Fennell defeats charges over Easter speech

fennellfam.jpg North Belfast republican Damien ‘Dee’ Fennell has finally beaten an attempt to jail him over a speech he gave at an Easter Rising commemoration in County Armagh in 2015.

Published December 9, 2017

‘Vindictive’ decision to intern released prisoner

neilhegartyface.jpg Less than 36 hours after he was released at the end of his sentence, Derry republican Neil Hegarty has been seized by PSNI at his home in the Creggan area and returned to the high-security Maghaberry prison in County Antrim.

Published December 9, 2017

Homeless death toll mounts as Minister bemoans phone calls

ffs.jpg Three homeless people have already died and more deaths are expected as an icy winter spell grips Ireland.

Published December 9, 2017

Hamill case against alleged RUC conspirator gets go ahead

roberthamillflat.jpg A decision to halt the prosecution of a former RUC man and two other on charges linked to the loyalist mob killing of Catholic man Robert Hamill is to be quashed, High Court judges has ruled.

Published December 9, 2017

Irish constitution violated by EU military move

pesco.jpg The Dublin government has rushed legislation through parliament to join an EU militarisation project, with the complicity of Fianna Fail, in an apparent quid-pro-quo for the EU supporting its stance on Brexit.

Published December 9, 2017

Pro-union Brexit deal set to inflame border concerns

bordersignbullets.jpg As a draft deal on Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union was being parsed today, unionists appeared to have won dramatic changes, heavily eroding a previous commitment to no regulatory divergence along the Irish border and adding clear guarantees of no regulatory barriers between the north of Ireland and Britain.

Published December 8, 2017

Brexit deal reached between EU and London

mayjuncker.jpg The full text of a draft agreement released this morning (in reference to Ireland) in negotiations on Britain’s withdrawal from the EU.

Published December 8, 2017

Brexit deal collapses as DUP say no to soft border

brusselsbrexit.jpg Plans to seal a critical deal to advance negotiations on Britain’s departure from the EU ended in farce this afternoon when a last minute phone call from the DUP caused the British Prime Minister Theresa May to pull out at the last minute.

Published December 4, 2017


brexidiots.jpg The failure of the British body politic to understand the implications of reinforcing the border through Ireland has dominated news coverage at a critical juncture in the negotiations over Britain’s departure from the EU.

Published December 2, 2017

Senator resigns from Sinn Fein

clochartaigh.jpg Sinn Fein Senator Trevor O Clochartaigh has sensationally quit the party in the most serious fallout yet from an ongoing crisis within the organisation over internal management and controls.

Published December 2, 2017

MI5 linked to violent police raids in Belfast

psniraid2.jpg Saoradh has accused MI5 of using a false flag ‘suspect device’ to justify raids on homes of republican families in north Belfast.

Published December 2, 2017

Stormont talks ruled out as policing concerns mount

talksoneill.jpg The possibility that negotiations aimed at restoring government in the North would resume this week has faded after Sinn Fein said there was no basis for the talks process to start up again.

Published December 2, 2017

Questions asked over apparent impunity of killers

jimloughrey.jpg The family of Jim Loughrey, murdered by the Ulster Defence Association (UDA) in November 1976, have said they want to know how someone can be a suspect in four murders, but never be arrested or questioned by the police.

Published December 2, 2017

Tanaiste Coveney looms closer to weakened Varadkar

coveneyvaradkar.jpg A near-death experience for the 26 County government has led to the appointment of the Foreign Affairs Minister, Simon Coveney, as as the new Tanaiste [Deputy Prime Minister], replacing the disgraced Frances Fitzgerald following her resignation this week.

Published December 2, 2017

Snap election averted as Minister resigns

francesfitzgerald2.jpg The disgraced Irish Deputy Prime Minister, Tanaiste Frances Fitzgerald, has resigned, preventing a 26 County general election before Christmas.

Published November 28, 2017

Election likely as Varadkar defends disgraced Minister

varadkarfitzgerald.jpg The 26 County minority government could collapse on Tuesday after Fine Gael leader Leo Varadkar refused to back down over a motion of no confidence in the deputy prime minister, Tanaiste Frances Fitzgerald.

Published November 25, 2017

A new generation taking over at Sinn Fein

oneilladamsmcdonald.jpg A historic Sinn Fein Ard Fheis has paved the way for a smooth transition of power after two senior Sinn Fein members ruled themselves out of a potential party leadership contest.

Published November 25, 2017

Relatives dying before seeing justice for victims

josephparker.jpg A coroner’s court has found the British Army had no justification for shooting dead 25-year-old Joseph Parker at a Christmas dance in north Belfast in 1971. His wife, who was pregnant with their second child at the time, died before she could hear his shooting declared “not justified”.

Published November 25, 2017


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