[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Anger at stealth move to harden Border

borderforce.jpg A plan by the British government to restrict movements of non-Irish citizens of the European Union on the island of Ireland has come under renewed criticism following a vote in the Westminster parliament.

Published March 24, 2022

Donaldson’s role in ‘dirty peace’ no clearer

denisdonaldsonbig2.jpg An official report into the murder of Denis Donaldson, an MI5 informer operating at the highest ranks of Sinn Fein, has not quelled speculation over his killing.

Published March 17, 2022

Irish neutrality ‘under siege’

kingnorkaiser.jpg Efforts to exploit the invasion of Ukraine to push for an end to Ireland’s military neutrality have been condemned.

Published March 10, 2022

End the Occupations

russianoccupation.jpg In full support of peace and freedom for the people of Ukraine, Irish nationalists and republicans have been leading calls for a reassertion of Ukraine’s national sovereignty and for an end to military expansions across the world.

Published March 3, 2022

Russian invasion condemned

kyivbombed.jpg Irish political leaders have been joining international condemnation of a Russian invasion of neighbouring Ukraine.

Published February 24, 2022

US call for end to amnesty plan

lantos.jpg With evidence piling up of systematic collusion by the British Crown Forces in the murders of more than a thousand innocent Irish civilians, US political leaders have vowed to help stop London passing a blanket amnesty.

Published February 17, 2022

Systematic collusion now undeniable

ormeauroad30.jpg The publication of a detailed report on the extensive collusion between RUC police and loyalist death squads in south Belfast in the 1990s could mark a turning point in the campaign for truth and justice in the north of Ireland.

Published February 10, 2022

‘We will see them in the dock’

mcaliskeysunday.jpg Several thousand people marched behind the slogan, ‘There is no British Justice’ as the campaign for those killed and injured by the British Parachute Regiment in Derry on Bloody Sunday marked its 50th year.

Published February 3, 2022

A wound that isn’t healed

bernardmcguigan.jpg The Irish President, Micheal D Higgins, Taoiseach Michael Martin, and former British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn are among those set to take part in events this weekend to mark the 50th anniversary of Bloody Sunday.

Published January 27, 2022

Vindication, but what next?

greenwichvictims.jpg A self-censored report by the Police Ombudsman has played down what it described only as ‘collusive behaviour’ and ‘collusive activity’ by the Crown Forces in the murders of 19 civilians by the North West UDA between 1988 and 1994.

Published January 20, 2022

Tory upheaval complicates Brexit talks

johnsonapology22.jpg Deepening chaos at the top of the Conservative government in London has increased uncertainty ahead of key talks on the north of Ireland.

Published January 13, 2022

A sign of broken promises

irishsignblasted.jpg There were celebrations for Irish speakers on New Year’s Day as the Irish language became an official language of the European Union, but it has piled on pressure for the implementation of rights for speakers in the north of Ireland.

Published January 6, 2022

MI5’s border campaign

mi5spain.jpg British military intelligence escalated its efforts to target Irish political activists in border areas over the Christmas period.

Published December 30, 2021

PSNI lies exposed at the highest level

hoodedsupreme.jpg A historic legal victory has been achieved with a ruling at the Supreme Court in London against the PSNI police for its refusal to investigate the torture of a group of civilians known as the ‘Hooded Men’.

Published December 18, 2021

Break the electronic border

electronicborder.jpg A British government plan for ‘electronic visas’ could be one of the most significant attempts to enforce its control on the north of Ireland since the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.

Published December 11, 2021

US tariffs for pariah British state

uksteelexports.jpg The US government is to use tariffs on British steel as part of an international push to force the British government to honour its treaty obligations towards Ireland, it has been reported.

Published December 3, 2021

Demanding truth for Noah

noahdonohoeprotest.jpg Hundreds gathered in North Belfast this week to mark to call on the PSNI to come clean about Noah Donohoe’s death on what would have been his 16th birthday.

Published November 26, 2021

Fresh border protests against British threats

bcabposter.jpg The group Border Communities Against Brexit will protest at five locations on the border on Saturday, November 20, in support of the Irish Protocol and to stop the London government from moving to collapse the Brexit accords.

Published November 20, 2021

Support for Ireland against perfidious Britain

article16.jpg An international effort is coming together to try to stop the British government from collapsing the Irish Protocol of Brexit and causing potentially catastrophic damage to the peace process.

Published November 13, 2021

Triggering trouble

lanarktrouble.jpg Children in loyalist areas are again being manipulated by unionists and Tories to provide the illusion of ‘street chaos’ for their own selfish political agenda.

Published November 6, 2021


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