[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Decline and Fianna Fáil

cowenlenihan2.jpg Pressure is weighing on the 26-County government to leave the stage this week as a team of economists from the International Monetary Fund arrived in Dublin to begin planning massive cutbacks in government spending.

Published November 19, 2010

Adams steps up

adamsmedia.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has called for others to join with him in providing leadership to help bring Ireland out of the current crisis.

Published November 16, 2010

Sovereignty slipping away

sarkozymerkel.jpg The 26-County government has been almost completely sidelined in the battle over Ireland’s economic destiny as the larger European Union governments and ‘bond vigilante’ investment funds fought over plans to deal with Dublin’s soaraway budget deficit.

Published November 12, 2010

Grenade attack stuns PSNI

grenade.jpg The use of a military fragmentation grenade in an attack on a PSNI patrol in west Belfast marks a new departure for the armed campaign of Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH) and the breakaway IRA groups.

Published November 8, 2010

Blood on the streets

studentgardaattack.jpg A brutal Garda attack on a student protest in Dublin which injured and traumatised protesters as young as 16 and 17 years of age has been strongly condemned.

Published November 5, 2010

The IMF man cometh

imf.jpg A bailout of the 26 County state by the European Union and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is increasingly likely as confidence in the coalition government’s ability to manage the state’s economy ebbs away.

Published November 1, 2010

UVF’s collusion riots

rathcooleriots.jpg The UVF ‘ceasefire’ is increasingly being viewed as a sham after the unionist paramilitary groups organised two nights of heavy rioting in the Rathcoole area of Belfast in response to an ongoing collusion inquiry.

Published October 28, 2010

British subvention slashed

georgeosborne.jpg Thirty thousand public service jobs in the Six Counties are to be eliminated after the British government slashed its promised contribution to maintaining society in the Six Counties.

Published October 24, 2010

26-County democracy in the dock

fourcourts.jpg Five hundred days after the seat was vacated, the Dublin government has incredibly told the High Court that there has been no unreasonable delay in holding a by-election in Donegal South West.

Published October 19, 2010

A national stitch-up?

kennycowengilmore.jpg The Dublin government is to hold talks with the leaders of two of the main opposition parties -- pointedly excluding Sinn Fein -- as it struggles to cope with the consequences of its own ineptitude and corruption.

Published October 14, 2010

Catholic-only internment

internkeshcages.jpg Unionist paramilitaries who killed more than 100 people during the first 18 months of internment escaped detention because the British government believed there was “no serious Protestant threat” to the state, newly discovered papers reveal.

Published October 12, 2010

Shock at 'dissident' support

dissidentgraffiti.jpg Public support for so-called ‘dissident’ republican groups has been significantly underestimated by the Irish political and media establishment, according to academic research published on Thursday.

Published October 8, 2010

Dublin's fight for survival

cowenlenihanbanks.jpg The Taoiseach Brian Cowen has denied the sovereignty of the 26-County state has been jeopardised by the banking and budget crises, even as European officials began dictating Irish economic policy.

Published October 4, 2010

The fifty billion Euro robbery

anglotruckprotest.jpg A massively increased price-tag for the bank bailout by the Fianna Fail/Green Party government has left the 26-County state braced for deeper cuts and rising taxes and blighted the state’s finances for a generation.

Published October 1, 2010

Parades agreement collapses

paradeprotest.jpg The Protestant Orange Order has refused to back new laws to deal with sectarian marches in the North of Ireland, ensuring the controversial Parades Commission will remain in place for at least another marching season.

Published September 27, 2010

Political transformation underway

eamongilmore.jpg A socialist is likely to become the next 26-County Taoiseach according to a new poll, which shows a further decline in support for the Fianna Fail-Green Party coalition.

Published September 24, 2010

‘Dissidents underestimated’ - MI5

mi5logo.jpg The chief of British military intelligence has accepted his organisation has underestimated the capacity of the breakaway IRA groups.

Published September 20, 2010

Cowen shamed

cowendrinking.jpg The 26 County Taoiseach Brian Cowen has been forced to apologise for a Tuesday morning radio interview that embarrassed his Fianna Fail party and generated widespread negative international commentary.

Published September 16, 2010

Dail fiddles as economy burns

dailchamber.jpg Sinn Fein President Gerry Adams has called for the Dublin parliament to be reconvened immediately to discuss the banking crisis and soaring unemployment.

Published September 14, 2010

Calling the PSNI to account

harassoharemeeting.jpg A Derry priest has said he is shocked by accusations of harassment against the PSNI police made by republican families in the city.

Published September 9, 2010


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