
[An Phoblacht]


Savagely beaten by loyalists

Margaret Hale was beaten so viciously on Sunday that she was barely recognisable to her family and friends. She suffered severe bruising to her head and face, received stitches to a wound on her forehead, had staples inserted in a wound on the top of her head and was treated for a number of broken ribs. more

Special Dáil debate on peace process

A special debate was held in the Dáil last week in the wake of the IRA initiative on arms last week.

British soldier kills Catholic man

The killing of 27-year-old Colin Foy by a member of the British Army's notoriously sectarian RIR, formerly the UDR, has renewed calls for the RIR to be disbanded.

Solidarity for Holy Cross children and parents

Community activists from around Belfast have stood with the people of Ardoyne in the face of loyalist aggression.

Long challenges UDA over Finaghy attacks

Sinn Féin has called on the UDA to end its campaign of sectarian violence against Catholics living near Finaghy Crossroads.

No prosecution for Meehan assault

The North's Director of Public Prosecutions has told republican Martin Meehan that a number of prison officers involved in an assault on him in 1988 will not face prosecution.

Ógra Shinn Féin weekend in South Armagh

On Saturday 27 October over 100 members of Ógra Shinn Féin travelled from every part of Ireland to attend a full day of workshops in Slieve Gullion Courtyard, South Armagh.

Taking the Michael

Disgraced former Fine Gael minister, fundraiser and tax evader Michael Lowry made his second appearance at the Moriarty Tribunal this week.

Ahern's assertion on Sinn Féin in government rejected

Sinn Féin TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin criticised remarks by Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, who ruled out Sinn Féin participation in government in Dublin.

PD proposals ensure health inequality

A proposal that patients on public health waiting lists be treated in private hospitals is to be discussed by the coalition government this week.

AMAI congratulates Sinn Féin

Two Sinn Féin representatives were congratulated at an executive meeting of the Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland (AMAI).

Support for Colombia Three

A very successful evening to raise money for the Colombia Three - Bring Them Home campaign was held at the Boora Inn, at Boora, County Offaly on Thursday.

£15 a day or £150?

£104 a week is the average gross income of the poorest groups in Irish society today, according to a household budget survey.

Irish language - "gross discourtesy"

Sinn Féin's Aengus Ó Snodaigh has been attacked for addressing the Forum on Europe in Irish.

Ó Caoláin urges support for Family Resource Centres

Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has welcomed the establishment of the new Family Support Agency.

GAA Rule 21 change premature

GAA County Boards in Derry and Armagh have voted overwhelmingly to retain a bar members of the Crown forces from membership.

Poster camphaign launched

The mothers of three West Belfast teenagers who died after inhaling aerosols have launched a poster campaign.

Republicans take Queens

Unionist domination of Belfast's Queens University Student Council dramatically ended last week with the election of five republicans in the college.

Cross-party unity against Sellafield urged

Sinn Féin Cavan/Monaghan TD Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin has written to the leaders of all parties and to the Independent members in Leinster House seeking a consensus for united action against the Sellafield nuclear plant.

The witchhunt goes on

JOHN O'LEARY replies to Eoghan Harris in the Sunday Independent following An Phoblacht's publicaton of a "carefully crafted attack" on that newspaper.

Terrorism Act breaches human rights

A Sinn Féin spokesman has said Britain's Terrorism Act 2000 violates both international and European human rights standards.

Waterford Sinn Féin is serious about waste

Sinn Féin in Waterford City and County recently launched a waste management policy document for the region.

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War on Afghanistan violates international law

Basque prison support activists arrested

14 Deireadh Fómhair

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Chopper escape from Mountjoy

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Blanket Protest ends


I nDil Chuimhne
