Republican News · Thursday 1 November 2001

[An Phoblacht]

Poster camphaign launched

The mothers of three West Belfast teenagers who died after inhaling aerosols have launched a poster campaign aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of solvent abuse in Poleglass, West Belfast on Friday 26 October.

Foremost in the minds of the mothers is the need to make people aware that the ordinary, everyday aerosols in your kitchen cupboard are lethal and can kill instantly.

The campaign, "Their Voice Your Choice", is also directed at shopkeepers and calls on them not to sell aerosols to people under the age of 18. The posters for the campaign were designed by pupils from the nearby St Colm's High school in Twinbrook. Local boxer Brian Magee, who attended the launch, endorsed the campaign and promised to help in any way he could.

At the launch in the Lagan Valley Education Project in Poleglass were Jean Young and Liz Lennon, two of the women behind the campaign. Susie Kelly whose 11 year old son Barry was killed by a highly toxic solvent left behind in an abandoned factory could not attend the launch.

Liz Lennon's 15-year-old daughter Lisa was killed. Jean Young's 15-year-old son Michael died after sniffing an aerosol. It was his first time. "This shows how lethal these aerosols are," said Jean. But solvent abuse isn't just confined to West Belfast.

Martin Connolly from Derry travelled up for the launch along with his wife Linda. Martin's 15-year-old son, also Martin, died two years ago from abusing aerosols. Martin said he was concerned that not enough attention was being paid to the dangers of solvent abuse, particularly the abuse of aerosols. "People see these items as everyday items and don't realise they are deadly. We need to change that mindset."

Sinn Féin Assembly member for the area, Sue Ramsey praised the work of the young people who designed the posters, saying: "Too often people concentrate on the negative aspects of young people's behaviour. I want to commend the young people of St Colm's for the time and effort they put in to producing these posters."

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