KEVIN BARRY COMMEMORATION: Assemble 7.30pm Thursday 1 November, SF Office, Moyderwell, TRALEE, County Kerry and will proceed to Kevin Barry Monument at Kevin Barry Villas. Followed by Ballad session in the Shoemaker Bar, Castleisland
NATIONAL HUNGER STRIKE Exhibition: 8pm Monday 28 October, Tourist Info Office, Market Street, OMAGH, County Tyrone. Runs to Friday 2 November; Table Quiz: 9pm Wednesday 31 October, Molly Sweeney's; True Stories from the Blocks. 9pm Friday 2 November, Molly Sweeney's. Workshops facilitated by former Blanket men; Unveiling of Hunger Strike Wall Murals. Assemble 2pm Saturday 3 November, Strathroy and Strule 3pm. Local former POWs vs SF Select. Football match at Drumragh pitch. Throw in 4.30pm (NOTE CHANGE OF TIME FROM 5pm); Commemorative Function: Molly Sweeney's. Music by the Borderbusters. Táille £5; Hunger Strike Rally. Assemble 2pm Sunday 4 November Coach Inn Car Park and march to Omagh Court House. Bands and prominent speakers
SF FUNCTION: Featuring the Irish Brigade. Doors open 8.30pm Friday 2 November, County Bar, Decies Road, Ballyfermot, DUBLIN
IRISH NIGHT: Featuring Celtic Swing. Friday 2 November, Lizzie Buggies, BALLYCONNELL, County Cavan
SF FUNDRAISER: Featuring Shenanigans. 9pm Friday 2 November, The Ferry Bar, WATERFORD City. Táille £3
PUBLIC MEETING: 8pm Friday 2 November, Pearse Family Home, 27 Pearse Street, DUBLIN. History Revisited: Ireland's Black '47 and the Contemporary Context, Power, Politics and PovertySpeaker: Dermot McGarthy (DIT/DCU). Chair: Brendan Ó Cathaoir (Historian and writer). The Ireland Institute, Phone: (01) 6704606 e-mail:
REPUBLICAN FUNDRAISER: Featuring the Irish Brigade. 8pm Saturday 3 November, Widow Scallan's, Pearse Street, DUBLIN. Organised by the Jackie Griffith/Mairéad Farrell Cumann Dublin South East. For tickets or information ring 086-8534666
SF FUNCTION: 9pm Saturday 3 November, Lawlor's RATHVILLY, County Carlow. Details from John Dwyer, 087-2969065
STOP THE WAR PROTEST: National Demo. Assemble 3pm Saturday 3 November, Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square, DUBLIN
ÓGRA MEETING. An Ógra Shinn Féin Corcaigh meeting will be held at the Sinn Féin office at 136 Barrack Street, CORK CITY, on Saturday 3 November at 2pm and is open to all republicans interested in joining Ógra
PROTEST: RUC/PSNI, different name same bigotry. Assemble 1pm Saturday 3 November, Andersonstown Barracks, BELFAST, County Antrim. Organised by OSF
SPONSORED WALK: For the Columbia Three Campaign. Sunday 4 November, GLENDALOUGH, County Wicklow. Bus will going from Dublin City Centre, buses from elsewhere may be organised as needed. For Sponsorship Sheets, suggested equipment list and further information contact Kieran at 086/3424027. All levels of walkers (age 14 yrs and over) welcome
REPUBLICAN COMMEMORATION: In memory of Kevin Barry. Assemble 2.30pm Sunday 4 November, Rathvilly Village, County Carlow. Speaker: John Dwyer (SF councillor). Organised by the O'Hanrahan/Barry SF Cumann
SF FUNDRAISER: Featuring the Irish Brigade. Sunday 4 November, Penthouse pub, Ballymun, DUBLIN. Táille £5. Organised by Dublin Northwest SF
ANNUAL GEOFFREY PALMER TOUR: 12 noon Sunday 4 November. Meet at main gates at 11.45am. Price £2.50. Pay at Kilmainham, adjoining to Patriots Inn, Kilmainham, DUBLIN
IRISH Republican Bands Federation meeting in Beckett's Bar, Stewartstown Road, BELFAST on Sunday November 4 at 5pm. Representatives of all bands must attend as a new committee is to be elected Ring Peter for details on 07779572656
PRE-HISTORICAL TOUR: Visit to Shliabh na gCaillí, Loughcrew, County Meath. Assemble 12 noon Sunday 4 November, Hugh Lane Municipal Gallery, Parnell Square, DUBLIN. Bring rain gear and walking shoes
REPUBLICAN FUNCTION: Music by Foggy Dew. Saturday 10 November, Sliabh Beagh Tourism Centre, KNOCKATALLON, County Monaghan. Táille £5
IRISH NATIONAL CONGRESS AGM: 11.30am Saturday 10 November, The Teacher's Club, Parnell Square, DUBLIN
REPUBLICAN COMMEMORATION: Annual Edentubber Martyrs commemoration. Assemble 2.30pm Sunday 11 November, Ravensdale house Car Park, CARRICKARON, County Louth. Prominent speaker
SF FUNDRAISER: Featuring Shennanagins, followed by disco. 9.30pm Saturday 11 November, The Warehouse, KILLARNEY, County Kerry. Speaker: Martin Ferris. Táille £5
EIRE NUA FLUTE BAND 20th anniversary reunion, Friday 16 November, Trinity Lodge, Monagh Road, Belfast. Music by Justice. Táille £3. Anniversary Parade, Sunday 18 November, 2pm. Assemble Monagh Road.
MICHAEL McVERRY Anniversary Weekend, 17/18 November. Saturday 17 November, Memorial Function and Lecture in Silverbridge GFC Clubrooms - Prominent speaker. Sunday 18 November, Assemble at Cullyhanna Square, 11am, to proceed for mass and anniversary commemoration afterwards - Prominent speaker. Also: Memorial Mass, 8pm, Monday 12 November, St Patrick's Church, Culyhanna.
WOMEN'S FORUM 3RD ANNUAL CONFERENCE: Theme: Equality, Freedom and Justice. Saturday 17 November, Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, DUBLIN. Address by Michelle Gildernew MP
REPUBLICAN COMMEMORATION: For the Manchester Martyrs. Assmeble 3pm Sunday 24 November, National Monement, Allen Square, BANDON, County Cork and march to Graveyard, Kilbrogan. Speaker: John J Hassett (Ireland Institute)
SF FUNDRAISER: Featuring Oisín. Saturday 24 November, The Lantern, Harold's X, DUBLIN. Táille £5
CONFERENCE: Partition and Memory: Ireland, India, Palestine. An international, interdisciplinary conference The Keough Institute for Irish Studies, University of Notre Dame 6-9 December. For further information and registration details, please contact Harriet Baldwin, Conference Co-ordinator, Centre for Continuing Education, 123 McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA. Tel (+1) 219 631 7864. Email 0r. Mary Burgess, Conference Director, Keogh Institute for Irish Studies, Flanner Hall, University of Notre Dame. Tel (+1) 219 631 3419. Email:
PUBLIC MEETING: 20 Years Since The Hungerstrike, A one day conference on the current situation in the North of Ireland. 10am-5.30pm Saturday 1 December, County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, CARDIFF, Wales. Topics for Discussion. The Labour Government & the Peace Process; The RUC and the Future of Policing; The Bloody Sunday Tribunal (+Slides & Video Show); Speakers: Mitchell McLaughlin, Sinn Fein Assembly Member; Breandan MacCionnaith, Garvaghy Road Residents Coalition; Gerry McLaughlin, Derry City Councillor; John Kelly, Brother of Mickey Kelly shot dead on Bloody Sunday; Invited Jeremy Corbyn MP & Arthur Scargill, Soc Lab. Evening Social featuring Glasgow Irish Band Claymore. The Conference is also a tribute to Mary Crofton who died on 4th May this year. Organised by the South Wales Hungerstrike Commemoration Committee and supported by the Troops Out Movement. Admission £5 waged £3 unwaged Donations welcome. Info: PO Box 5 Greenleaf Bookshop 82 Colstan Street Bristol BS1. Tel: 0797 017 4167
WOLFE TONE Republican Flute Band welcome new members, anyone wishing to join Contact Shug 028-90351543
SF SHOPS: SIOPA NA HÉALAINNE BELFAST: The Art Shop, 53 Falls Road for Arts, Crafts and books, now stocking a wide range of children's books; DERRY: SF Centre, Main St, Dungiven. Tel 028-77742488,; DUBLIN: Sinn Féin Shop in 44 Parnell Square. Open six days a week 11am-4pm, Monday-Friday, and 10am-5pm on Saturdays. Website:; NORTH STRAND: open 10am-4,30pm weekdays and 12 noon-3.3opm Saturdays. Nicky Kehoe Advice Centre also available; MAYO: Shop and Constituency Office, Unit 6, SMA Mall, O Rahilly Street, Ballina. Tel: 096 76821/087 9190680, email: Open 9.30-5.30pm Monday-Saturday. MONAGHAN: Sinn Féin Siopa Monaghan Town, tel 82917/Fax 71849; KERRY: Kerry Sinn Fein's new premises, including shop and constituency office, are now open. Republican arts and crafts, t-shirts, books, badges, etc. Visitors welcome. Contact Kerry Sinn Féin, 2, Moyderwell, Tralee. Tel/Fax :066-7129545. E-Mail:; New SF shop and constituency office, Market Street, Listowel. opening times, Tues -Sat, 11am-4pm, tel 068-24949; CORK: 136 Barrack Street, tel (021)4311 389, and our new e mail address is Prices available on badges to cumainn. Open Monday-Saturday 11-5pm; LOUTH: SF Dundalk shop open from Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, tel 042-9328859; SF Drogheda: Tues, 2-5pm, Thurs, 7-9pm, Sat, 10am-1pm. Tel 041-9873823; NEWRY: 1 Kilmorey Terrace, Patrick Street. Open 10am - 4pm Mon-Fri, 10am - 12pm Sat. Tel (028) 302 68538. e-mail Website; WICKLOW: SF Shop, Wicklow Town, 086-8576409; SCOTLAND: Connolly Bookshop, 101 St Leonard Street, Edinburgh EH 8 9QY
Blanchardstown SF lotto
25 October. No winner. Jackpot £300. Nos 4,6,14. 5 x £10 consolation prizes. John O'Connor, Ann McMullan, Tina Casey, Tina Casey, Yvonne Nugent. Next week's jackpot £350
Sth Derry SF Lotto
22 October. Winning nos 1,11,13,15. No jackpot winners. 1 x £50. M McCrory, c/o Ballinascreen. Next week's jackpot £2,450.
Fundraising Events for the Colombia Three
Public meeting organised by Coiste
Gasyard Trust Centre
Mrs. Connolly, Raymond McCartney, Johnny Connolly, Caitríona Ruane
Tuesday 6 November 2001 (To be confirmed tomorrow)
North Belfast
A Feast of Folk with Durkin Folk and the Freemen
Táille £4
Friday 9 November 2001
Speakers: Caitríona Ruane and Dan Connolly
Type of Event: Folk Night
Táille £5
Contact: Paddy O'Dowd at (048) 383 1672
Date: Saturday 10 November 2001
Solidarity Function
Ravensdale House, County Louth
Táille £7
Organised by Cumann na Meirleach, South Armagh (048) 308 60017