Republican News ยท Thursday 1 November 2001

[An Phoblacht]

GAA Rule 21 change premature

GAA County Boards in Derry and Armagh have voted overwhelmingly to retain Rule 21, which bars members of the Crown forces from membership of the Association.

The two county boards met on Tuesday 30 October and voted in favour of the rule.

Crossmaglen delegate Eddie Hughes said that asking the GAA to scrap Rule 21 is akin to asking the GAA to endorse the changes to the RUC and that the GAA shouldn't be put in that position.

Pressure has been applied to the GAA to remove Rule 21 since the British government's policing legislation became law last month.

GAA President Sean McCague has called a special conference on 17 November to discuss the issue.

With Derry and Armagh leading the way, it is expected that the other Ulster counties will follow suit. According to a spokesperson for the Clann na Gael club in Lurgan, "the time just isn't right".

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