Republican News · Thursday 1 November 2001

[An Phoblacht]

McCUSKER, Volunteer Séamus (died 31 October 1975); MEENAN, Volunteer Michael (died 30 October). "To carry on, no matter what odds are against you, to carry on nom matter what torments are inflicted on you. The road to freedom is paved with suffering, hardships and torture, carry on my gallant and brave comrades until that certain day." - Tom Williams. Remembered with love and pride always by their many comrades in the Republican Movement.

CASEY, Tommy (11th Ann). In loving memory of my father Tommy RIP, murdered by loyalists on 26 October 1990. Also remembering my mother Kathleen RIP, who died on 18 November 1995. A day to remember, sad to recall without a good bye you left us all. Padre Pio pray for them. Always loved and sadly missed by your son Kevin, daughter-in-law Kathleen and grandsons Ryan and Ruairí, Carrickmore.


BYRNE. Sincere sympathies are extended to the Byrne family on the death of Molly. From Nicky and Marie Kehoe.

BYRNE. Sincere sympathies are extended to the Byrne family on the death of Molly. From Tony and Ita O'Flaherty.

GALLAGHER, Willie (6th Ann). In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Bill (Willie), who died on 27 October 1995. Your hopes and dreams of a united Ireland are forever in our hearts. Sadly missed by your wife Evelina, sons Edward and Seamus, daughters Maura, Rachel, Sarah and Mairéad.

MURRAY. Deepest sympathy is extended to the Murray family on the death of Alice. From Cabra SF, Nicky Kehoe and Tony O'Flaherty.

Nic GHIOLLA CHUDA. Le Niamh Nic Ghiolla Chuda agus Mark Fetherstonhaugh ar bhás a iníon Ríona Aoife, agus lena gaolta uile, ó Cumann Ó Réagáin/McElwee, Sinn Féin An Rinn agus Cumann Joe McDonnell Dúngarbháin. I measc nAingeal na bhFlaithis go dtugtar sin.

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