[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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William Shanahan and Michael McNamara

shanahanmcnamara.jpg The story of two IRA men who were tortured and killed by British forces, 96 years ago this week.

Published December 17, 2016

Remember republican prisoners at Christmas

prisonersflagharp.jpg December is the month when thoughts are traditionally with Irish republican prisoners, and vigils have been taking place in their honour. The following is a recent list of those who are supported by the two largest Irish republican prisoner welfare organisations, underneath their addresses.

Published December 10, 2016

Death of a revolutionary hero

adamsfidel.jpg Fidel was a friend to those engaged in the struggle for justice across the world.

Published December 3, 2016

Presidential Address to RSF Ard Fheis

desdalton600.jpg The full text of the address by RSF President Des Dalton to the 2016 Republican Sinn Fein Ard Fheis.

Published December 3, 2016

Fidel Castro

fidel.jpg A look at the life and legacy of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, by French author and historian Salim Lamran

Published November 26, 2016

How the RUC protected the UDA

andytyrie.jpg A big arms find in UDA’s Belfast HQ in 1981 proved embarrassing for a British government resisting calls to outlaw the group but trying to appear even-handed. An extract from ‘A State in Denial: The British Government and Loyalist Paramilitaries’ by Margaret Urwin.

Published November 19, 2016

The Black and Tan War - nine things to know

tanwarbig.jpg A few snippets about the Tan War, or Irish War of Independence, which ran from January 1919 to July 1921, when the IRA first took on the British constabulary and army forces.

Published November 19, 2016

1971-72: The breakout years

crumlinkangaroosescape.jpg On the 45th anniversary of the escape from Crumlin Road Jail by the ‘Crumlin Kangaroos’, an extract from ‘Internment’ by the late John McGuffin on an extraordinary chapter in the republican struggle.

Published November 12, 2016

Maire Drumm remembered

mairedrummmural.jpg The daughter of a prominent republican shot dead in her hospital bed by loyalists 40 years ago has said she wants to know who gave the order to have her killed.

Published October 29, 2016

Thomas Russell, United Irishman

thomasrussell.jpg Thomas Russell spent a year promoting the United Irish cause in Ulster among Presbyterians and Catholics, becoming legendary as “the man from God-knows-where”.

Published October 29, 2016

Standing Rock

indiansstandingrock.jpg The campaign against the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock Sioux reservation is a true symbol of unity and a defiance of corporate interests being put before the people and the planet.

Published October 22, 2016

‘We are the authors of this struggle’

duleekhscommem16.jpg The oration delivered by Francie Mackey, chairman of the Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association, at the Hunger Strike commemoration in Duleek organised by the Duleek Hunger Strike Monument Committee on Saturday, 17th September.

Published October 8, 2016

The murder of Volunteer Diarmuid O’Neill

diarmuidoneill2.jpg On September 23 1996, IRA volunteer Diarmuid O’Neill was shot dead during an arrest operation by armed members of the Metropolitan Police in Hammersmith, London, England.

Published October 1, 2016

The history thieves

historythieves.jpg An extract fro a new book examining Britain’s record of covert government actions and cover-ups.

Published September 24, 2016

The women’s hunger strike, Armagh 1943

armaghprisoninterior.jpg In 1943, the women interned by the northern government in Armagh Prison went on hunger strike over their status and conditions in the jail.

Published September 17, 2016

Jimmy Gralton, Leitrim’s feared radical

jimmygralton.jpg President Michael D Higgins has said that an apology is due to Jimmy Gralton, the only Irish person deported by an Irish government.

Published September 10, 2016

The Battle of Antrim and its relevance today

battleofantrim.jpg A look at the 1798 battle between British troops and Irish rebels led by Henry Joy McCracken, as delivered at his annual commemoration last weekend by RNU Vice-Chairperson Nathan Stuart

Published September 3, 2016

Thatcher’s offer

thatchertroops.jpg Former H3 blanketman Thomas Dixie Elliott gives his view of the exchanges that took place inside Long Kesh as negotiations were taking place to try to end the 1981 hunger strike.

Published September 3, 2016

Bittersweet ceremony unites tragic Ballymurphy family

ballymurphyfuneral.jpg A priest has spoken about God’s “perfect timing” after he officiated at the joint funeral mass of a man murdered by British soldiers and the wife who campaigned in his memory, despite them dying exactly 45 years apart.

Published August 27, 2016

Michael Devine

michaeldevinebig.jpg Michael Devine, known to his friends as Micky, died 35 years ago this week after 60 days on hunger strike in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh. A look back at a life of struggle and a heroic death.

Published August 20, 2016


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