[Irish Republican News]
[Irish Republican News]


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Derry 1920 - A civil war of independence

derry1920.jpg A century ago this month, conflict erupted in Derry with British state forces openly colluding with UVF gangs to quell the nationalist surge for independence.

Published June 12, 2020

Olaudah Equiano’s Irish friends

olaudahequiano.jpg Olaudah Equiano, a former slave and the author of an influential memoir, visited Dublin and Belfast in the 1790s, mingling among the most progressive voices of the day in Irish society.

Published June 5, 2020

Forty-seven years ago today

michaelleonard2.jpg Even though 47 years have passed, the family of Michael Leonard is still determined to find out the full truth about his murder by the RUC on a lonely country road in Fermanagh near the border with Donegal.

Published May 22, 2020

Irish unification is still inevitable

inevitableireland.jpg Kevin Meaghar looks at the state of the debate on Irish Unity as the idea continues to go mainstream.

Published May 22, 2020

What is the name of this place anyways?

nisigndefaced.jpg This week the name of this place we live in caused a bit of a political stir. The Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar called Belfast members of Fine Gael, “overseas members” and a former Tyrone football player referred to Tyrone as “Up here in the UK”. But the truth is the names used for Ireland do matter and have always been contentious.

Published May 15, 2020

Áine and Eibhlín Nic Giolla Easpaig

nicgiollaeaspaig.jpg A review of the autobiographical book ‘Sisters in Cells’ by Bernadette Hyland.

Published May 8, 2020

The Executions of 1916

risingexecuted.jpg A historical account of this week in 1916, when the executions of the Easter Rising leaders took place.

Published May 8, 2020

Self evident that we need an all-island approach

virusmap.jpg Are we really going to have shops and hairdressers open and journey distances extended at different times north and south for political reasons?

Published May 1, 2020

The Scottish Brigade

joevize.jpg An extract from of the contribution by historian Stephen Coyle at The Year of Revolution: 1920, seminar held by Sinn Féin Poblachtach in Wynn’s Hotel on February 15, 2020.

Published April 24, 2020

The Flying Column

flyingcolumncar.jpg A further extract from the Irish War of Independence and the IRA, 1916-1921, by Colm McInerney

Published April 17, 2020

The IRA becomes an army

flyingcolumn.jpg An extract from the Irish War of Independence and the IRA, 1916-1921, by Colm McInerney.

Published April 3, 2020

North and South must harmonise pandemic response

gabrielscally.jpg In this coronavirus pandemic, Ireland’s geographical advantage is being squandered by the adoption of very different approaches to dealing with the disease.

Published April 3, 2020

Up the Rebels

shirtsrebels.jpg The necessary cancellation of Easter Rising Commemorations does not mean we should not celebrate these events.

Published March 27, 2020

The centenary of an Irish martyr

tomasmaccurtain.jpg A tribute to Tomás Mac Curtain, Cork Lord Mayor, who was born on 20 March 1884 and died on the same date in 1920, shot dead in his home.

Published March 20, 2020

Deliver a government of change

varadkarmartin.jpg A comment on the recent efforts to form a coalition government in Dublin by John Bandon.

Published March 13, 2020

The Clare grain riots

ennisoldboat.jpg A historical account of an incident in which the RIC opened fire on a crowd of hungry Ennis people as local food produce was being exported by landlords.

Published February 28, 2020

We’re in a sad state

drewharris3.jpg A police chief interfering in a country’s electoral process is something we have come to expect – but usually in Third World dictatorships.

Published February 28, 2020

The window of my mind

sandsbed.jpg An essay originally written by Bobby Sands in the H-Blocks of Long Kesh in 1979.

Published February 21, 2020

Sinn Féin’s day is coming

sfenterdail.jpg An analysis of the outcome of the general election and the current political dynamic in the 26 Counties by Ruairi Creaney.

Published February 21, 2020

Unionist jitters after Sinn Féin success

mcdonaldwins2.jpg Regardless of when or whether Sinn Féin ends up in government, as Tony Blair’s former adviser Jonathan Powell says, the outcome of the election will make demands for movement on Irish unity stronger.

Published February 14, 2020


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